Bible Encyclopedias
Schulmann, Ludwig

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

German philologist and writer; born at Hildesheim 1814; died at Hanover July 24, 1870. He studied philology at the University of G�ttingen, and then taught for a time in his native city. In 1842 he began to advocate the systematic training of Jewish public-school teachers in the kingdom of Hanover; and in consequence of his efforts a seminary for Jewish teachers was opened in the city of Hanover on Nov. 7, 1848. This institution is still in existence. Schulmann was for a time editor of the "Allgemeine Zeitung und Anzeigen" (Hildesheim), and in 1863 he became editor of the "Neue Hannoversche Anzeigen" (Hanover). When the latter paper was combined with the "Hannoverscher Courier," he retained the editorship, which he continued to hold until his death.

Schulmann was the author of the following works: "Talmudische Kl�nge" (Hildesheim, 1856), poems dedicated to District Rabbi M. Landsberg of Hildesheim; "Nordd�tsche Stippst�rken un Legendchem" (ib. 1856; 2d ed. 1900); "Das B�deker-Lied" (ib. 1864); "Das Waterloo-Lied" (Hanover, 1865); and "Michael," a ballad cycle (in L. Stein's "Israelitischer Volkslehrer," 1856, pp. 315-322). He was a contributor to the "Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums" and, under the pen-name "Justus," to other periodicals.

A. Lew.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Schulmann, Ludwig'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​s/schulmann-ludwig.html. 1901.