Bible Encyclopedias
Schur, William

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

American author; born at Outian, near Vilkomir, Russia, Oct. 27, 1844. He studied Talmud at his native town and at the Yeshibah, Kovno, and theology at the Lehranstalt f�r die Wissenschaft des Judenthums at Berlin (1868-70). During the following two years he taught Hebrew in Constantinople, and in 1873 in Port Said and Cairo. He then spent five years (1874-1879) in travel, visiting Africa, India, China, the Philippine Islands, and the islands of the China Sea. Returning to Europe, he settled in Vienna, and became a contributor to Smolenskin's "Ha-Sha?ar," as well as to "Ha-Meli?," and "Ha-Yom." In 1887 he went to America, and lived successively in the cities of New York, Baltimore, Boston, St. Louis, and Chicago, in which last-named city he has resided since 1897.

Schur is the author of "Ma?azot ha-?ayyim" (Vienna, 1884) and "Mas'ot Shelomoh" (ib. 1885), both containing descriptions of his journeys; of the following novels: "Masse'at Nafshah"; "Afi?omen ha-Ganub"; "Ha-Nebi'ah Nilel Hilton"; "Ha-Halikah el ha-?eder"; "Kapparat 'Awon"; "Wa-Yippol ba-Sha?at"; "A?arha-Meridahha-Gedolah"; and of a historico-religious work, "Ne?a? Yisrael."

F. T. H.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Schur, William'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​s/schur-william.html. 1901.