Bible Encyclopedias
Shemana (Semana)

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Scholarly and prominent family of Tunis.

Samuel b. Joseph Shemana:

Rabbi of Tunis, whose family subsequently settled at Susa. He wrote "?eren ?ebi" (Leghorn, 1835), a commentary on the "Sefer ?arnayim" of Aaron of Cardena.

Solomon Shemana:

Father of the alcaide Nissim Shemana; died at Tunis in the beginning of the nineteenth century. He wrote "Shoresh Yishai," consisting of a commentary on the treatises Bekorot and ?iddushin, and notes to various treatises of the Talmud, to the Yad ha-?aza?ah, and to the "MorehNebukim," as well as a discussion of the treatise 'Erubin, written in collaboration with Moses Berda. The book was printed posthumously at the expense of Solomon's brother Isaac Hai Shemana (2 parts, Leghorn, 1809).

Solomon Shemana:

Son of Samuel Shemana, and father of Joseph Shemana. He was the author of "Bigde Shesh," which treated of the first three ritual codices, especially Yoreh De'ah and Eben ha-'Ezer, published by his grandson at Leghorn in 1866. His other works�"'Ammude Shesh," on treatises of the Talmud; "Bet ha-Melek," on the Yad ha-?aza?ah; and "Ketonet Shesh," notes to the Talmud�still remain in manuscript.

Solomon Shemana:

Patron of Jewish learning; died at Tunis in 1882; cousin of the above-mentioned Nissim Shemana, and, like him, alcaide and tax-collector. He published: "Sefer Shoresh Yishai" (Leghorn, 1809), notes to passages of the Bible and the Talmud, together with some Hebrew poems; and "Mo'ade Adonai" (ib. 1878), relating to the calendar and the festivals.

M. K.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Shemana (Semana)'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​s/shemana-semana.html. 1901.