Bible Encyclopedias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Italian family from Sinigaglia; later settled in Scandiano, where Solomon Jedidiah Sinigaglia ("Bet Talmud," 3:205) was rabbi and "mohel" in 1639. Later he went to Modena. The principal members of the family and their genealogical tree are as follows:

1. Abraham Vita Sinigaglia:

Rabbi of Modena in the first half of the eighteenth century; died at an early age. He was a pupil of Menahem of Cracow and of Ephraim Cohen. He wrote: (1) "Dibre ha-Yamim," a diary, the first volume of which comprised the years 1722-31, and the second 1732-33; (2) novell� on the Mishnah (Berakot, 1719-1721; Shabbat and ?ullin, 1726; Makkot and Baba ?amma, 1729; 'Abodah Zarah, 1730; Pesa?im and Sukkah, 1732).

2. Abraham Vita Sinigaglia:

Rabbi; born at Modena in the eighteenth century; died there in the following century; grandson of the preceding. He pursued his studies under his father, Solomon Jedidiah (No. 5), and Ishmael Cohen. He left numerous unpublished novell�.

3. Jacob Samson Shabbethai Sinigaglia:

Rabbinical author; born in Ancona; died in Sinigaglia 1840; son of Raphael Issachar Sinigaglia. He was a pupil of Abraham Israel, rabbi of Ancona, and was the author of: preface to the sermons ("Se'uddat Mi?wah") of Daniel Terni, rabbi at Florence (Venice, 1791); "Shabbat shel Mi" (Leghorn, 1807), Talmudic novell�; "Ya'a?ob Le-?o?," commentary on the "?o? le-Yisrael" by Jacob Baruk (ib. 1807); "Abir Ya'a?ob" (Pisa, 1811), Talmudic novell�; "Nezir Shimshon" (ib. 1813); "Mattat Elohim" (ib. 1821); "Mattan ba-Seter" (Leghorn, 1843); "Meged Shamayim" (ib. 1844), responsa. He left, besides, the following manuscript works: "?ashya Sefa," responsa; "Leshon Limmudim"; "Shomer Shabbat"; and "Midbar ?in."

4. Moses Elijah Sinigaglia:

Rabbi of Modena; born in that city 1763; died there 1849; a pupil of his father, Solomon Jedidiah Sinigaglia (No. 5), and of Ishmael Cohen. He taught for fifty years in Modena, and toward the end of his life was appointed rabbi of that place. He left in manuscript forty-two sermons and novell�, besides responsa, some of which were included in the responsa collection of Elishama Me�r Padovani.

5. Solomon Jedidiah Sinigaglia:

Rabbi of Modena in the eighteenth century; born and died in that city. He was the teacher of Elishama Me�r Padovani, and was also the author of a number of Hebrew poems, some published and others unpublished, several of which are contained in the "Ti??un ?a?ot" (Leghorn, 1800). He left in manuscript also a grammatical treatise, sermons, and responsa.

U. C.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Sinigaglia'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​s/sinigaglia.html. 1901.