Bible Encyclopedias
Slouschz, David Solomon

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Russian rabbi and preacher; born at Odessa Sept. 11, 1852. Having received an elementary education in his native town, Slouschz at the age of fourteen went to Minsk, and studied in the yeshibah there for two years. Then he perfected himself in rabbinics in the well-known yeshibah of Volozhin, and at the age of nineteen was ordained rabbi by Naphtali Hirsch Berlin, head of the yeshibah of Volozhin. After staying for some time at Kherson, where he occupied himself with the study of Hebrew grammar, he was (1879) appointed preacher in one of the synagogues of Odessa, and two years later was made rabbi of the congregation in that part of Odessa known as Moldovanka. Slouschz is also a political Zionist, and for nine years he was a member of the central committee of the CHOVEVEI ZION.

Slouschz is the author of "Reshit Dawid" (Warsaw, 1881), responsa and sermons. Many of his sermons have been published separately, in pamphlet form. He is a contributor to various Hebrew periodicals.

M. Sel.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Slouschz, David Solomon'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​s/slouschz-david-solomon.html. 1901.