Bible Encyclopedias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

�Biblical Data:

An Egyptian locality in the neighborhood of the Red Sea. In spite of all attempted combinations (Dillmann-Ryssell on Exodus 14:2) its situation is still unknown. An Egyptian god, B'irati Dapuna�that is, Ba'alat ?aphon�is mentioned by the Egyptians themselves (W. Max M�ller, "Asien und Europa," p. 315). The name calls to mind the Phenician , which designates both a god and a place. It particularly signifies a city on Mount Lebanon, which, in the opinion of H. Winckler, occurs also in the Old Testament; for he interprets Jeremiah 15:12, ("Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen," p. 179), as "iron of Baalzephon." However, it is not certain whether the Egyptian city and the Egyptian god Ba'alat ?aphon are directly connected with the Phenician name of a god.

J. Jr.
F. Bu.

�In Rabbinical Literature:

The idol at Baalzephon was the only one that remained unharmed when God sent the tenth plague upon Egypt, which not only brought death to men and animals, but also destroyed the idols. When Pharaoh overtook Israel at the sea, near Baal-zephon (Exodus 14:9), he said, "This idol is indeed mighty, and the God of Israel is powerless over him." But God intentionally spared Baal-zephon in order to strengthen the infatuation of the wicked Pharaoh (Mek., Beshalla?, 2; Bo, 13).

J. Sr.
L. G.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Baal-Zephon'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/baal-zephon.html. 1901.