Bible Encyclopedias

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

English equivalent in A. V. for the Hebrew "?argol" (Leviticus 11:22; R. V. "cricket"). It is here mentioned as a kind of locust, together with "'arbeh," "sal'am," and "?agab." According to the Talmud the ?argol has a tail, and a hump on its head. In Shab. 6:10 it is stated that a ?argol's egg is hung on the ear as a cure for earache. It is impossible to say now with which of the known species of Beetle the ?argol is to be identified; but it has nothing in common with the ordinary Beetle (compare Dillmann on Leviticus 11:22). See Locusts.

J. Jr.
I. Be.
Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Beetle'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​b/beetle.html. 1901.