Bible Encyclopedias
Zucker, Alfred

The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia

Chemist and manufacturer of Dresden, Germany; born Aug. 17, 1871, in Uffenheim, Bavaria. He studied pharmacy and chemistry at the universities of W�rzburg and Erlangen; and while he was still a student the W�rttemberg government, at the suggestion of the W�rzburg professor of botany, Geheimrat Sachs, placed him on a commission for fighting a destructive vine-bug, the efforts of which body he directed to a successful conclusion. He was later appointed military apothecary of the Bavarian Home for Pensioned Soldiers ("Invalidenhaus"), and while holding that position he published several short pharmaceutical treatises which attracted the attention of specialists. His larger publications are "Beitrag zur Direkten Beeinflussung der Pflanzen Durch die Kupfervitriolkalkbr�he," Stuttgart, 1896, and "Repertorium der Photochemie," Vienna, Leipsic, and Budapest, 1901; and he contributed to "Hager's Pharmaceutisch-Technisches Manuale. Encyclop�dische Vorschriftensammlung f�r Aerzte, Apotheker, etc.," 7th ed., Leipsic and Berlin, 1902.

Bibliography Information
Singer, Isidore, Ph.D, Projector and Managing Editor. Entry for 'Zucker, Alfred'. 1901 The Jewish Encyclopedia.​encyclopedias/​eng/​tje/​z/zucker-alfred.html. 1901.