Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Quotations regarding 'Americans'

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Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans soon may have to choose between civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection.
William S. Cohen, American Politician (1940-  )
For instance, I was a little surprised that the Shiites didn't rise up against Saddam and the Baath party across most of the country when the Americans moved in March and April of 2003.
Juan Cole, American Educator
Let me be clear, the discussions about Social Security are not about the retirement security of those Americans who are 55 or older - the Social Security system for those folks 55 and over will not change in any way shape of form - no ifs, ands, or buts.
Norm Coleman, American Politician (1949-  )
I requested the gentlemen to put on their hats, and the ladies their shawls, to avoid catching cold, and then had the windows widely opened. This proceeding caused some astonishment and alarm at first; for the Americans generally have a dread of cold air.
George Combe, American Educator (1788-1858)
I'd cap the total amount of income taxes paid by Americans to no more than 25 percent and tax all income only once.
Cesar Conda, -
The Republicans have chosen to neglect young Americans who need assistance with the costs of higher education.
John Conyers, American Politician (1929-  )
Too many of my constituents, like many other hard working Americans across the country, are suffering unnecessarily due to our flawed health care system.
John Conyers, American Politician (1929-  )
It is distressing to me that we live in an age in which we still must fight to protect our civil rights as Americans, in which a hate crime perpetrated against someone based their sexual orientation can go unpunished, and in which discrimination is being written into our laws.
John Conyers, American Politician (1929-  )
A whole generation of Americans will retire in poverty instead of prosperity, because they simply are not preparing for retirement now.
Scott Cook, American Businessman
While tax refunds amount to substantial income for many Americans, current IRS rules do not allow taxpayers to directly deposit their refund into more than one account.
Jim Cooper, American Politician (1954-  )
This is a simple change that will provide a huge financial boost for many Americans, particularly low- to moderate-income families. It is an important step in making sure we do everything we can to encourage all Americans to save and plan for the future.
Jim Cooper, American Politician (1954-  )
But I do think it's unwise, and it - to build a mosque at the site where 3,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of a terrorist attack. And I think to me it demonstrates that the - that Washington, the White House, the administration, the President himself seems to be disconnected from the mainstream of America.
John Cornyn, American Politician (1952-  )
The ability of Americans to toss off oppressive characters is the most rewarding aspect, to me, of U.S. history.
Norman Corwin, -
The President has once again failed us. Millions of Americans are at risk of going without the flu vaccine this year because the administration failed to act proactively to ensure an adequate supply. There is simply no excuse for this.
Jon Corzine, American Politician (1947-  )
If the Bush Administration cannot ensure Americans that they will be safe from the flu, how will they protect our country against a possible bio-terror or chemical attack? The American people deserve better.
Jon Corzine, American Politician (1947-  )
It does not matter what party you are a member of in this great Nation of ours. Accountability and competence are characteristics that Americans value throughout our great land.
Jim Costa, American Politician (1952-  )
Every day more Americans watch their jobs being shipped overseas.
Jerry Costello, American Politician (1949-  )
Liberals become indignant when you question their patriotism, but simultaneously work overtime to give terrorists a cushion for the next attack and laugh at dumb Americans who love their country and hate the enemy.
Ann Coulter, American Journalist (1961-  )
Americans are a quarter of a billion people who have almost nothing in common except for the fact they've been told they have lots in common.
Doug Coupland, Canadian Author (1961-  )
People have been killing because of racial differences since the time of Adam and Eve, but in this country racism has been primarily aimed at African Americans.
Bob Cousy, American Athlete (1928-  )
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