Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Environment'

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Initially with The Butcher Boy, there was this kid growing up in this strange, weird environment that I remember from when I was a kid. And Patrick's vision was so complete there.
Neil Jordan, Irish Director (1950-  )
People say that to me and I think what unites all my characters is that they are hurt; it's most accurate to say I play characters that are hurt but are responding to their environment.
Ashley Judd, American Actress (1968-  )
I think some of the things I deal with Hopper probably has dealt with also, since it's somewhat the same environment and I have pretty strong reactions to what this country looks like. It looks pretty dull and spare, and you like this and dislike it and it's very complicated.
Donald Judd, American Artist (1928-1994)
But I think you have to - whatever the environment looks like, it does enter into people's art work one way or another; it's very remote or it isn't. It's remote in my work but it has to have a certain degree of ordinariness.
Donald Judd, American Artist (1928-1994)
I even smoke in bed. Imagine smoking a cigar in bed, reading a book. Next to your bed, there's a cigar table with a special cigar ashtray, and your wife is reading a book on how to save the environment.
Raul Julia, Actor (1940-1994)
Military police know what to do, they know the Geneva Conventions, and their objective is to provide a safe, secure, fair environment for prisoners under their control.
Janis Karpinski, American Soldier (1953-  )
If we intend to provide a better life, and a better world, for future generations, we can't ignore the quality of the environment we leave them.
John Kasich, American Politician (1952-  )
The sterile, arid environment created by truly jarring and discordant signage and gargantuan billboards is a turnoff.
Jonathan Katz, American Comedian (1946-  )
The current understanding was that it was impossible to predict how something would evolve because it was a very turbulent environment full of things interacting with each other.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
The most certain thing you can say about the environment tomorrow is that it probably is going to be just like today, for the most part.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
When a system is in turbulence, the turbulence is not just out there in the environment, but is a part of the organization or organism that you are looking at.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
The most interesting thing about change in the environment is that for the most part the environment isn't changing.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
An organization's reason for being, like that of any organism, is to help the parts that are in relationship to each other, to be able to deal with change in the environment.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
Basins of attraction, of self organization, show up as well in our complex social environment, in human organizations. Here again, while we cannot predict the result of any given input, we can say that it will likely fall within one of several areas.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
Each organism's environment, for the most part, consists of other organisms.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
Each system is trying to anticipate change in the environment.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
In a broad systems sense, an organism's environment is indistinguishable from the organism itself.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
But in a turbulent environment the change is so widespread that it just routes around any kind of central authority. So it is best to manage the bottom-up change rather than try to institute it from the top down.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
My efforts in Congress are guided by the belief that environmental preservation and restoration are a critical part of the legacy we leave to future generations.
Sue Kelly, American Politician (1936-  )
The organization and the environment are in concert.
Kevin Kelly, American Editor
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