Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Leader'

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Arizona is a national leader in school choice with both charter schools and tuition tax credits giving parents and their children more school choices than ever before.
Jane D. Hull, -
I never thought in terms of being a leader. I thought very simply in terms of helping people.
John Hume, Irish Politician (1937-  )
Every time you have to speak, you are auditioning for leadership.
James Humes, American Lawyer
One secret of leadership is that the mind of a leader never turns off. Leaders even when they are sightseers or spectators, are active; not passive observers.
James Humes, American Lawyer
The art of communication is the language of leadership.
James Humes, American Lawyer
Leadership in today's world requires far more than a large stock of gunboats and a hard fist at the conference table.
Hubert H. Humphrey, American Politician (1911-1978)
The rest of the world cares about how we conduct our affairs because they then take that lead. We're the only leader in the world today. Some are wishing us well, others think that we're down and are not going to get back up again, but they are all watching with great interest to see how we conduct our business over the next couple of years.
Jon Huntsman, Jr., American Politician (1960-  )
This is a time when the United States should be standing tall. There is no other leader in the world today. We shouldn't be approaching conflicts as a team sport. We either get in an we lead and we do a good job, or you don't get in at all.
Jon Huntsman, Jr., American Politician (1960-  )
The important thing is that we recognize our President's leadership, that he is not saying: I am going to walk away from this. He is saying: I am going to do the right thing.
Kay Bailey Hutchison, American Politician (1943-  )
I am proud of the President's leadership. I am proud to support him in saying: Yes, we are going to do what is necessary now when it is less painful and less expensive.
Kay Bailey Hutchison, American Politician (1943-  )
Our country also hungers for leadership to ensure the long-term survival of our Social Security system. With 70 million baby boomers in this country on the verge of retirement, we need to take action to shore up the system.
Kay Bailey Hutchison, American Politician (1943-  )
I look at tens of thousands of church leaders who still do need a bit of an awakening.
Bill Hybels, American Clergyman
I forgot to shake hands and be friendly. It was an important lesson about leadership.
Lee Iacocca, American Businessman (1924-  )
A person, who no matter how desperate the situation, gives others hope, is a true leader.
Daisaku Ikeda, Japanese Writer (1928-  )
Leadership does not depend on being right.
Ivan Illich, American Sociologist (1926-2002)
As we continue to make great progress in the war on terror, now more than ever, it is important that members of the international community stand-by and bolster the efforts of the emerging diplomatic leaders in Iraq and Afghanistan.
James Inhofe, American Politician (1934-  )
Myself, I don't think you will ever get security in the Mideast until you have what on the surface appears to be fair to both sides. You have to have leaders committed to peace, on both sides. One side can't impose a solution.
Bobby R. Inman, -
The President's speech suggested to me that were we to follow his leadership, we will be in Iraq not for months, but for years. I also hope I am wrong on this.
Daniel Inouye, American Politician (1924-  )
I lead no party; I follow no leader. I have given the best part of my life to careful study of Islam, its law and polity, its culture, its history and its literature.
Muhammad Iqbal, Pakistani Poet (1877-1938)
I want to organize so that women see ourselves as people who are entitled to power, entitled to leadership.
Patricia Ireland, American Activist (1945-  )
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