Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Question'

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I like the big questions.
Christy Turlington, American Model (1969-  )
One day, someone said to me, 'Do you want to go jump out of an airplane?' I felt like I had nothing to lose anymore, so I said, 'Why not?' And every day since then, I ask myself that question.
Shania Twain, Canadian Musician (1965-  )
There is no question that we must do more to secure our borders - but how we go about securing them is also important.
Mark Udall, American Politician (1950-  )
I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, especially when people start questioning me.
Skeet Ulrich, American Actor (1970-  )
There have been many different artists that have been inspirational. I suppose the question is directed to what was the reason why I went into fantasy illustration.
Boris Vallejo, Peruvian Artist (1941-  )
The marvelous thing is that for thousands of years people have continued questioning and searching and ultimately concluding that reasons for certain occurrences are not given to man to know.
Robert Vaughn, American Actor (1932-  )
The outcome of any serious research can only be to make two questions grow where only one grew before.
Thorstein Veblen, American Economist (1857-1929)
An ordinary kitten will ask more questions than any five-year-old.
Carl Van Vechten, American Writer (1880-1964)
It is easy for me to love myself, but for ladies to do it is another question altogether.
Johnny Vegas, British Comedian (1971-  )
Well, changes have been made. The question is whether we've done enough by way of change.
Richard Ben Veniste, American Lawyer (1943-  )
It was not easy to get all my questions answered, frankly.
Richard Ben Veniste, American Lawyer (1943-  )
The real question was, here we had this information, Bin Laden intends to strike in the United States. We knew they had struck before in 1993 at the World Trade Center in the first bombing of the trade center.
Richard Ben Veniste, American Lawyer (1943-  )
But as I said to Dr. Rice following her testimony, and I think she appreciated it, we had our job to do and we did it best we could, trying to get answers to the important questions that the 9/11 Commission must answer.
Richard Ben Veniste, American Lawyer (1943-  )
There's no question that we need tougher drunk-driving laws for repeat offenders. We need to take a lesson from European countries where driving isn't a right but a privilege.
Jesse Ventura, American Politician (1952-  )
I asked Dalai Lama the most important question that I think you could ask - if he had ever seen Caddyshack.
Jesse Ventura, American Politician (1952-  )
I don't think I would want the responsibility for enforcing the death penalties. There's always the inevitable question of whether someone you gave the order to execute might truly have been innocent.
Jesse Ventura, American Politician (1952-  )
Often and often must he have thought, that, to be or not to be forever, was a question, which must be settled; as it is the foundation, and the only foundation upon which we feel that there can rest one thought, one feeling, or one purpose worthy of a human soul.
Jones Very, American Poet
There is no question that we are in a period in which we are going to have to use those sources to fund about 35 million dollars a year that used to be paid for by the federal government.
Charles Vest, American Educator (1941-  )
The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return.
Gore Vidal, American Novelist (1925-  )
What is in question is a kind of book reviewing which seems to be more and more popular: the loose putting down of opinions as though they were facts, and the treating of facts as though they were opinions.
Gore Vidal, American Novelist (1925-  )
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