Lectionary Calendar
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
the Week of Proper 21 / Ordinary 26
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Quotations regarding 'Son'

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Dreamland is a book, but it's my song in book form. It's translated itself into a different medium.
Mary Chapin Carpenter, American Musician (1958-  )
You know, that single girl life and that sense of isolation - that doesn't leave you just like that. And that's what that song is about. I remember that, and that is imprinted on me, that sense.
Mary Chapin Carpenter, American Musician (1958-  )
The songs certainly have not made my fortune, but I am still grateful for the royalties when they come in.
Sydney Carter, English Poet (1915-2004)
The songs come from a vulnerable place, but expressing that part of yourself can also make you feel fearless.
Deana Carter, American Musician (1966-  )
I'm sure every song has some kind of undertone of what I was going through with Chris. It was my life.
Deana Carter, American Musician (1966-  )
I think the themes in my songs are very similar from the first album to the newest one. It's all about the human condition and how we are all trying to learn to live with each other and survive love and life.
Deana Carter, American Musician (1966-  )
When your opponent is drowning, throw the son of a bitch an anvil.
James Carville, American Lawyer (1944-  )
When I record somebody else's song, I have to make it my own or it doesn't feel right. I'll say to myself, I wrote this and he doesn't know it!
Johnny Cash, American Musician (1932-2003)
I start a lot more songs than I finish, because I realize when I get into them, they're no good. I don't throw them away, I just put them away, store them, get them out of sight.
Johnny Cash, American Musician (1932-2003)
This is the bunch of songs I did first, and it's just the type of thing I do. I am a Carter Family girl, so the record is book-ended with Carter Family songs.
June Carter Cash, American Musician (1929-2003)
I had all the material for a long time, but I was just too busy. Sometimes we'd sit around at home and sing some of these songs at family things, and everyone always said I should record them.
June Carter Cash, American Musician (1929-2003)
I found it was really impossible for me to write songs when I couldn't sing.
Rosanne Cash, American Musician (1955-  )
When my dad died a lot of songs came, and they're still coming.
Rosanne Cash, American Musician (1955-  )
I became the unnatural son of a few score of beaten men.
Neal Cassady, American Writer (1926-1968)
There are no rules to writing a song.
Randy Castillo, American Musician (1950-2002)
I write a lot, and very often I write a couple of lines that are particularly revealing in some kind of way. And then as a few more lines get added and a piece gets added, eventually the song pretty much takes over and you can't really find a way to change those things.
Nick Cave, Australian Musician (1957-  )
Good actions ennoble us, and we are the sons of our deeds.
Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish Novelist (1547-1616)
Every man is the son of his own works.
Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish Novelist (1547-1616)
There are no bridges in folk songs because the peasants died building them.
Eugene Chadbourne, American Composer (1951-  )
The thing I try to do the most is to play in terms of the song and play in terms of what I'm hearing.
Jimmy Chamberlin, American Musician (1964-  )
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