Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Space'

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Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to space.
Douglas Adams, English Writer (1952-2001)
Yosemite Valley, to me, is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.
Ansel Adams, American Photographer (1902-1984)
I am in the process of starting a nonprofit organization that gives rescued animals a home in a simulated wild environment and, for those who have been tested on, who are disabled, aggressive, etc., their own space to live out their days.
Casey Affleck, American Actor (1975-  )
To try to write a grand cosmical drama leads necessarily to myth. To try to let knowledge substitute ignorance in increasingly larger regions of space and time is science.
Hannes Alfven, Swedish Scientist (1908-1995)
My place in Chicago is a 105 year old house, but I really like contemporary spaces too, so it's refreshing and fun to be in a space where you can do contemporary things.
Ted Allen, Entertainer (1965-  )
The advertising world had space men in it before spacemen existed.
Fred Allen, American Comedian (1894-1956)
Of course you don't make any noise in space, because there's no air.
Kevin J. Anderson, American Writer (1962-  )
I think that somebody with the resources and innovation and the idea is going to come out of nowhere and come up with a successful space travel program.
Kevin J. Anderson, American Writer (1962-  )
When I design buildings, I think of the overall composition, much as the parts of a body would fit together. On top of that, I think about how people will approach the building and experience that space.
Tadao Ando, Japanese Architect (1941-  )
Between the fear that something would happen and the hope that still it wouldn't, there is much more space than one thinks. On that narrow, hard, bare and dark space a lot of us spend their lives.
Ivo Andric, Writer (1892-1975)
Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.
Maya Angelou, American Poet (1928-  )
You know what I would like to do: make a film with actors standing in empty space so that the spectator would have to imagine the background of the characters.
Michelangelo Antonioni, Italian Director (1912-2007)
When man becomes reconciled to nature, when space becomes his true background, these words and concepts will have lost their meaning, and we will no longer have to use them.
Michelangelo Antonioni, Italian Director (1912-2007)
I mean simply to say that I want my characters to suggest the background in themselves, even when it is not visible. I want them to be so powerfully realized that we cannot imagine them apart from their physical and social context even when we see them in empty space.
Michelangelo Antonioni, Italian Director (1912-2007)
People are transported to that space that Poe wanted to make available to us.
John Astin, American Actor (1930-  )
At this point we've answered about every question you could possibly imagine about Deep Space Nine, so we do this thing called Theatrical Jazz, where we do a show of bits and pieces of things from plays and literature, poetry... stuff that we like. It's fun.
Rene Auberjonois, American Actor (1940-  )
Science Fiction is not just about the future of space ships travelling to other planets, it is fiction based on science and I am using science as my basis for my fiction, but it's the science of prehistory - palaeontology and archaeology - rather than astronomy or physics.
Jean M. Auel, American Writer (1936-  )
In this movie they took them up in space. They're floating around and doing zero gravity stuff. Well, they had to do it all on wires. All the wires had to be painted black against this black background. If you didn't light it properly you could see the wires. Drove them crazy!
John Badham, British Director (1939-  )
I am very much against weapons in space. And I wish we could be spearheading that program to come to some kind of international agreement so that doesn't happen. That is my only - fear - in further space exploration like always, we hope it doesn't get abused.
Scott Bakula, American Actor (1954-  )
Women should try to increase their size rather than decrease it, because I believe the bigger we are, the more space we'll take up, and the more we'll have to be reckoned with.
Roseanne Barr, American Actress (1952-  )
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