Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'Stars'

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It is that range of biodiversity that we must care for - the whole thing - rather than just one or two stars.
David Attenborough, British Journalist (1926-  )
Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering.
Saint Augustine, Saint (354-430)
Look out into the universe and contemplate the glory of God. Observe the stars, millions of them, twinkling in the night sky, all with a message of unity, part of the very nature of God.
Sai Baba, Indian Leader
The way of fortune is like the milkyway in the sky; which is a number of small stars, not seen asunder, but giving light together: so it is a number of little and scarce discerned virtues, or rather faculties and customs, that make men fortunate.
Francis Bacon, English Philosopher (1561-1626)
It is my hope that during my brief passage through this universe, that I may share with you the joy of hearing the music of the stars... knowing that the composer was from a distant place and the songs were written eons ago, which now fall gently on this place for all to hear.
Richard H. Baker, American Politician (1948-  )
I'm trying to build a strong business. I want to create new stars, new shows and new products for my audience and create a legacy that outlives me. There are so many other ways I want to reach women besides doing a talk show.
Tyra Banks, American Model (1973-  )
The Sun, Moon and Stars are there to guide us.
Dennis Banks, American Educator (1932-  )
Study the public behavior of top stars and you can detect a keen attentiveness to brand value.
Peter Bart, American Editor (1932-  )
Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation's founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America's storied history, the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation.
Joe Barton, American Politician (1949-  )
All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
Charles A. Beard, American Historian (1874-1948)
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
Charles A. Beard, American Historian (1874-1948)
Two men look out the same prison bars; one sees mud and the other stars.
Beck, American Musician (1970-  )
The only difference from one $100 million budget film to another is which of the 12 box stars are getting $20 million to be in it.
Dirk Benedict, American Actor (1945-  )
It is all about marketing; that is where the real craft comes in. The best actors do not necessarily become the biggest stars. And vice versa.
Dirk Benedict, American Actor (1945-  )
Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet.
Jeremy Bentham, English Philosopher (1748-1832)
I would say that one of the things that we are proud of is that we are attracting very interesting guest stars. One is Tyne Daly, who has done a wonderful job.
Michael Biehn, American Actor (1956-  )
A lot of country pubs will receive Michelin stars.
Heston Blumenthal, English Celebrity (1966-  )
But Hale's warning the President about going to Dallas was that there was great infighting among the members of the Democratic party and the Democratic stars in the state and he didn't want the President to become involved in a factional disagreement.
Lindy Boggs, American Politician (1916-  )
I feel there is a curse on rock stars.
Marc Bolan, Musician (1947-1977)
The human heart is as a frail craft on which we wish to reach the stars.
Giotto di Bondone, Italian Artist
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