Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Quotations regarding 'United'

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A certain number of Americans are already in Peking and most of us here feel that it would be very useful for the United States and especially for the Left-wing progressive movement in the United States if groups of students such as you mention could make a tour of China.
Anna Louise Strong, American Journalist (1885-1970)
Long before the thousand millions are here, the mighty centrifugal tendency, inherent in this stock and strengthened in the United States, will assert itself.
Josiah Strong, American Clergyman
It may be easily shown, and is of no small significance, that the two great ideas of which the Anglo-Saxon is the exponent are having a fuller development in the United States than in Great Britain.
Josiah Strong, American Clergyman
New York has more hermits than will be found in all the forests, mountains and deserts of the United States.
Simeon Strunsky, American Writer (1879-1948)
The United States can tell you all about what's wrong with the British, to say nothing of the Russians.
Arthur Hays Sulzberger, American Publisher (1891-1968)
The United States basically accepted protection abroad as the price of post-war recovery. Now, that these countries have caught up to our level of prosperity, it is time for them to catch up to our level of openness.
Larry Summers, American Economist (1954-  )
Furthermore, the unearned increment from land appears in the United States as a gain to the first comers, who have here laid the foundations of a new State.
William Graham Sumner, American Businessman
If you wait until those weapons pose a direct, clear, present danger to the United States, you've probably waited too long.
John Sununu, American Politician (1964-  )
This is technology that will not go away. And to risk it moving into the hands of a terrorist group like al Qaeda or to other focused enemies of the United States, would have tragic consequences.
John Sununu, American Politician (1964-  )
I heard that in the United States the level of baseball was the highest in the world. So it was only natural that I would want to go there, as a baseball player.
Ichiro Suzuki, Japanese Athlete (1973-  )
In the 'Nike Economy,' there are no standards, no borders and no rules. Clearly, the global economy isn't working for workers in China and Indonesia and Burma any more than it is for workers here in the United States.
John J. Sweeney, American Businessman (1934-  )
Los Angeles is a microcosm of the United States. If L.A. falls, the country falls.
Ice T, American Musician (1958-  )
We seek to create a united Democratic and non-racial society.
Oliver Tambo, South African Politician (1917-1993)
We have to fight radical Islam wherever it exists. It's in Afghanistan, it's in Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle-East in big numbers and it's in the United States.
Tom Tancredo, American Politician (1945-  )
The issue of remittances where we have millions of Mexicans working in the United States sending back dollars. He said they send back 10 billion dollars a year.
Tom Tancredo, American Politician (1945-  )
Because the worst of all worlds is when you pretend like you have an immigration policy, you make coming into the United States without our permission illegal, and then you actually don't enforce it.
Tom Tancredo, American Politician (1945-  )
The U.N. acts as the world's conscience, and over eighty-five percent of the work that is done by the United Nations is in the social, economic, educational and cultural fields.
Shirley Temple, American Actress (1928-  )
But the United States did not keep its word. Is an American's word reliable these days?
Nguyen Van Thieu, Vietnamese Statesman (1923-2001)
The United States did not keep its promise to help us fight for freedom and it was in the same fight that the United States lost 50,000 of its young men.
Nguyen Van Thieu, Vietnamese Statesman (1923-2001)
Freedom is a lonely battle, but if the United States doesn't lead it - sometimes imperfectly, but mostly with honor - who will?
Cal Thomas, American Journalist
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