Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

January 3 - Different Topics


Psalms 1-2

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 1

Psalm 1

The Two Ways

1 How happy is the man
who does not follow[a] the advice of the wicked
or take[b] the path of sinners
or join a group[c] of mockers!(a)
2 Instead, his delight is in the Lord 's instruction,
and he meditates on it day and night.(b)
3 He is like a tree planted beside streams of water[d]
that bears its fruit in season[e](c)
and whose leaf does not wither.(d)
Whatever he does prospers.(e)

4 The wicked are not like this;
instead, they are like chaff that the wind blows away.(f)
5 Therefore the wicked will not survive[f] the judgment,(g)
and sinners will not be in the community of the righteous.

6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,(h)
but the way of the wicked leads to ruin.(i)

Chapter 2

Psalm 2

Coronation of the Son

1 Why(a) do the nations rebel[a](b)
and the peoples plot in vain?(c)
2 The kings of the earth take their stand,(d)
and the rulers conspire together
against the Lord and His Anointed One:[b](e)
3 "Let us tear off their chains
and free ourselves from their restraints."[c](f)

4 The One enthroned[d] in heaven laughs;
the Lord ridicules them.(g)
5 Then He speaks to them in His anger
and terrifies them in His wrath:(h)
6 "I have consecrated My King[e]
on Zion, My holy mountain."(i)

7 I will declare the Lord 's decree:
He said to Me, "You are My Son;[f]
today I have become Your[g] Father.(j)
8 Ask of Me,
and I will make the nations Your[h] inheritance
and the ends of the earth Your[i] possession.(k)
9 You will break[j] them with a rod of iron;
You[k] will shatter them like pottery."[l](l)

10 So now, kings, be wise;
receive instruction, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with reverential awe
and rejoice with trembling.(m)
12 Pay homage to[m] the Son or He[n] will be angry
and you will perish in your rebellion,[o](n)
for His[p] anger may ignite at any moment.(o)
All those who take refuge in Him[q] are happy.(p)

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