Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

May 15 - Old & New Testament


2 Samuel 15

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 15

Absalom's Revolt

1 After this, Absalom got himself a chariot, horses, and 50 men to run before him.(a) 2 He would get up early and stand beside the road leading to the city gate.(b) Whenever anyone had a grievance to bring before the king for settlement, Absalom called out to him and asked, "What city are you from?" If he replied, "Your servant is from one of the tribes of Israel," 3 Absalom said to him, "Look, your claims are good and right, but the king does not have anyone to listen to you." 4 He added, "If only someone would appoint me judge in the land. Then anyone who had a grievance or dispute could come to me, and I would make sure he received justice." 5 When a person approached to bow down to him, Absalom reached out his hand, took hold of him, and kissed him. 6 Absalom did this to all the Israelites who came to the king for a settlement. So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.

7 When four[a] years had passed, Absalom said to the king, "Please let me go to Hebron to fulfill a vow I made to the Lord . 8 For your servant made a vow when I lived in Geshur of Aram,(c) saying: If the Lord really brings me back to Jerusalem, I will worship the Lord in Hebron."[b](d)

9 "Go in peace," the king said to him.(e) So he went to Hebron.

10 Then Absalom sent messengers throughout the tribes of Israel with this message: "When you hear the sound of the ram's horn, you are to say, ‘Absalom has become king in Hebron!'"(f)

11 Two hundred men from Jerusalem went with Absalom. They had been invited and were going innocently, for they knew nothing about the whole matter. 12 While he was offering the sacrifices, Absalom sent for David's adviser Ahithophel the Gilonite,(g) from his city of Giloh. So the conspiracy grew strong, and the people supporting Absalom continued to increase.

13 Then an informer came to David and reported, "The hearts of the men of Israel are with Absalom."

14 David said to all the servants with him in Jerusalem, "Get up. We have to flee, or we will not escape from Absalom!(h) Leave quickly, or he will soon overtake us, heap disaster on us, and strike the city with the edge of the sword."

15 The king's servants said to him, "Whatever my lord the king decides, we are your servants." 16 Then the king set out, and his entire household followed him. But he left behind 10 concubines to take care of the palace. 17 So the king set out, and all the people followed him. They stopped at the last house 18 while all his servants marched past him. Then all the Cherethites, the Pelethites, and the Gittites—600 men who came with him from Gath(i)—marched past the king.

19 The king said to Ittai the Gittite,(j) "Why are you also going with us? Go back and stay with the new king since you're both a foreigner and an exile from your homeland. 20 Besides, you only arrived yesterday; should I make you wander around with us today while I go wherever I can? Go back and take your brothers with you. May the Lord show you kindness and faithfulness."

21 But in response, Ittai vowed to the king, "As the Lord lives and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king is, whether it means life or death, your servant will be there!"

22 "March on," David replied to Ittai. So Ittai the Gittite marched past with all his men and the children who were with him. 23 Everyone in the countryside was weeping loudly while all the people were marching past. As the king was crossing the Kidron Valley, all the people were marching past on the road that leads to the desert.

24 Zadok was also there, and all the Levites with him were carrying the ark of the covenant of God. They set the ark of God down, and Abiathar offered sacrifices[c] until the people had finished marching past.(k) 25 Then the king instructed Zadok, "Return the ark of God to the city.(l) If I find favor in the Lord 's eyes, He will bring me back and allow me to see both it and its dwelling place.(m) 26 However, if He should say, ‘I do not delight in you,' then here I am—He can do with me whatever pleases Him."[d](n)

27 The king also said to Zadok the priest,(o) "Look,[e] return to the city in peace and your two sons with you: your son Ahimaaz and Abiathar's son Jonathan. 28 Remember, I'll wait at the fords of the wilderness until word comes from you to inform me." 29 So Zadok and Abiathar returned the ark of God to Jerusalem and stayed there.

30 David was climbing the slope of the Mount of Olives, weeping as he ascended. His head was covered, and he was walking barefoot.(p) Each of the people with him covered their heads and went up, weeping as they ascended.

31 Then someone reported to David: "Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom."

" Lord ," David pleaded, "please turn the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness!"(q)

32 When David came to the summit where he used to worship God, Hushai the Archite(r) was there to meet him with his robe torn and dust on his head. 33 David said to him, "If you go away with me, you'll be a burden to me, 34 but if you return to the city and tell Absalom, ‘I will be your servant, my king! Previously, I was your father's servant, but now I will be your servant,' then you can counteract Ahithophel's counsel for me. 35 Won't Zadok and Abiathar the priests be there with you? Report everything you hear from the king's palace to Zadok and Abiathar the priests. 36 Take note: their two sons, Zadok's son Ahimaaz and Abiathar's son Jonathan, are there with them. Send me everything you hear through them." 37 So Hushai,(s) David's personal adviser, entered Jerusalem just as Absalom was entering the city.

Psalms 3,69

Resource Toolbox

Psalm 3

Confidence in Troubled Times

A psalm of David when he fled from his son Absalom.(a)

1  Lord , how my foes increase!
There are many who attack me.(b)
2 Many say about me,
"There is no help for him in God."(c) Selah

3 But You, Lord , are a shield around me,(d)
my glory,(e) and the One who lifts up my head.(f)
4 I cry aloud to the Lord ,
and He answers me from His holy mountain.(g) Selah

5 I lie down and sleep;
I wake again because the Lord sustains me.(h)
6 I am not afraid of the thousands of people
who have taken their stand against me on every side.(i)

7 Rise up, Lord !(j)
Save me, my God!
You strike all my enemies on the cheek;(k)
You break the teeth of the wicked.(l)
8 Salvation belongs to the Lord ;(m)
may Your blessing be on Your people.(n) Selah

Psalm 4

A Night Prayer

For the choir director: with stringed instruments.(a) A Davidic psalm.

1 Answer me when I call,
God, who vindicates me.[a](b)
You freed me from affliction;(c)
be gracious to me and hear my prayer.

2 How long, exalted men, will my honor be insulted?(d)
How long will you love what is worthless(e)
and pursue a lie? Selah
3 Know that the Lord has set apart
the faithful for Himself;
the Lord will hear when I call to Him.
4 Be angry[b] and do not sin;(f)
on your bed, reflect in your heart and be still.(g) Selah
5 Offer sacrifices in righteousness[c](h)
and trust in the Lord .(i)

6 Many are saying, "Who can show us anything good?"
Look on us with favor, Lord .(j)

7 You have put more joy in my heart
than they have when their grain and new wine abound.(k)
8 I will both lie down and sleep in peace,(l)
for You alone, Lord , make me live in safety.(m)

Psalm 5

The Refuge of the Righteous

For the choir director: with the flutes. A Davidic psalm.

1 Listen to my words, Lord ;
consider my sighing.(a)
2 Pay attention to the sound of my cry,(b)
my King and my God,(c)
for I pray to You.

3 At daybreak,(d) Lord , You hear my voice;
at daybreak I plead my case to You(e) and watch expectantly.

4 For You are not a God who delights in wickedness;
evil cannot dwell with You.(f)
5 The boastful cannot stand in Your presence;(g)
You hate all evildoers.(h)
6 You destroy those who tell lies;(i)
the Lord abhors a man of bloodshed and treachery.(j)

7 But I enter Your house
by the abundance of Your faithful love;(k)
I bow down toward Your holy temple
in reverential awe of You.(l)
8  Lord , lead me in Your righteousness(m)
because of my adversaries;[a]
make Your way straight before me.(n)

9 For there is nothing reliable in what they say;[b](o)
destruction is within them;
their throat is an open grave;
they flatter with their tongues.(p)
10 Punish them, God;
let them fall by their own schemes.(q)
Drive them out(r) because of their many crimes,
for they rebel against You.(s)

11 But let all who take refuge in You rejoice;(t)
let them shout for joy forever.
May You shelter them,(u)
and may those who love Your name boast about You.(v)
12 For You, Lord , bless the righteous one;
You surround him with favor like a shield.(w)

Psalm 6

A Prayer for Mercy

For the choir director: with stringed instruments, according to Sheminith.(a) A Davidic psalm.

1  Lord , do not rebuke me in Your anger;
do not discipline me in Your wrath.(b)
2 Be gracious to me, Lord , for I am weak;[a](c)
heal me,(d) Lord , for my bones are shaking;(e)
3 my whole being is shaken with terror.(f)
And You, Lord —how long?(g)

4 Turn, Lord ! Rescue me;
save me because of Your faithful love.(h)
5 For there is no remembrance of You in death;
who can thank You in Sheol?(i)

6 I am weary from my groaning;(j)
with my tears I dampen my pillow[b]
and drench my bed every night.(k)
7 My eyes are swollen from grief;(l)
they[c] grow old because of all my enemies.

8 Depart from me, all evildoers,
for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping.(m)
9 The Lord has heard my plea for help;(n)
the Lord accepts my prayer.(o)
10 All my enemies will be ashamed and shake with terror;
they will turn back(p) and suddenly be disgraced.(q)

Psalm 7

Prayer for Justice

A Shiggaion[a] of David, which he sang to the Lord concerning the words of Cush,[b] a Benjaminite.

1 Yahweh my God, I seek refuge in You;(a)
save me from all my pursuers and rescue me(b)
2 or they[c] will tear me like a lion,
ripping me apart with no one to rescue me.[d](c)

3 Yahweh my God, if I have done this,
if there is injustice on my hands,(d)
4 if I have done harm to one at peace with me(e)
or have plundered[e] my adversary without cause,(f)
5 may an enemy pursue and overtake me;
may he trample me to the ground(g)
and leave my honor in the dust.(h) Selah

6 Rise up, Lord , in Your anger;
lift Yourself up against the fury of my adversaries;(i)
awake for me;[f](j)
You have ordained[g] a judgment.(k)
7 Let the assembly of peoples gather around You;(l)
take Your seat[h] on high over it.(m)
8 The Lord judges the peoples;(n)
vindicate me, Lord ,
according to my righteousness and my integrity.[i](o)

9 Let the evil of the wicked come to an end,(p)
but establish the righteous.(q)
The One who examines the thoughts and emotions[j]
is a righteous God.(r)
10 My shield is with[k] God,(s)
who saves the upright in heart.(t)
11 God is a righteous judge
and a God who shows His wrath every day.(u)

12 If anyone does not repent,
God[l] will sharpen His sword;(v)
He has strung[m] His bow and made it ready.(w)
13 He has prepared His deadly weapons;
He tips His arrows with fire.(x)

14 See, the wicked one is pregnant with evil,
conceives trouble, and gives birth to deceit.(y)
15 He dug a pit and hollowed it out
but fell into the hole he had made.(z)
16 His trouble comes back on his own head,
and his violence falls on the top of his head.(aa)

17 I will thank the Lord for His righteousness;
I will sing about the name of Yahweh the Most High.(ab)

Psalm 8

God's Glory, Man's Dignity

For the choir director: on the Gittith.(a) A Davidic psalm.

1 Yahweh, our Lord,
how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth!(b)

You have covered the heavens with Your majesty.[a](c)
2 Because of Your adversaries,
You have established a stronghold[b]
from the mouths of children and nursing infants(d)
to silence the enemy and the avenger.

3 When I observe Your heavens,
the work of Your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which You set in place,(e)
4 what is man that You remember him,
the son of man that You look after him?(f)
5 You made him little less than God[c][d]
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him lord over the works of Your hands;
You put everything under his feet:[e](g)
7 all the sheep and oxen,
as well as the animals in the wild,
8 the birds of the sky,
and the fish of the sea
that pass through the currents of the seas.(h)

9 Yahweh, our Lord,
how magnificent is Your name throughout the earth!

Psalm 9

Celebration of God's Justice

For the choir director: according to Muth-labben.[a] A Davidic psalm.

1 I will thank Yahweh with all my heart;
I will declare all Your wonderful works.(a)
2 I will rejoice and boast about You;(b)
I will sing about Your name, Most High.(c)

3 When my enemies retreat,
they stumble and perish before You.(d)
4 For You have upheld my just cause;[b](e)
You are seated on Your throne as a righteous judge.(f)
5 You have rebuked the nations:(g)
You have destroyed the wicked;(h)
You have erased their name forever and ever.(i)
6 The enemy has come to eternal ruin;
You have uprooted the cities,
and the very memory of them has perished.(j)

7 But the Lord sits enthroned forever;(k)
He has established His throne for judgment.(l)
8 He judges the world with righteousness;
He executes judgment on the nations with fairness.(m)
9 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a refuge in times of trouble.(n)
10 Those who know Your name trust in You
because You have not abandoned
those who seek You, Yahweh.(o)

11 Sing to the Lord , who dwells in Zion;(p)
proclaim His deeds among the nations.(q)
12 For the One who seeks an accounting
for bloodshed remembers them;(r)
He does not forget the cry of the afflicted.(s)

13 Be gracious to me, Lord ;
consider my affliction at the hands of those who hate me.(t)
Lift me up from the gates of death,(u)
14 so that I may declare all Your praises.
I will rejoice in Your salvation(v)
within the gates of Daughter Zion.

15 The nations have fallen into the pit they made;
their foot is caught in the net they have concealed.(w)
16 The Lord has revealed Himself;
He has executed justice,(x)
striking down[c] the wicked[d]
by the work of their hands.(y) Higgaion. Selah

17 The wicked will return to Sheol(z)
all the nations that forget God.(aa)
18 For the oppressed will not always be forgotten;
the hope of the afflicted[e] will not perish forever.(ab)

19 Rise up, Lord ! Do not let man prevail;
let the nations be judged in Your presence.(ac)
20 Put terror in them, Lord ;(ad)
let the nations know they are only men.(ae) Selah

Psalm 10

1  Lord ,[a][b] why do You stand so far away?(a)
Why do You hide in times of trouble?(b)
2 In arrogance the wicked relentlessly pursue the afflicted;
let them be caught in the schemes they have devised.(c)

3 For the wicked one boasts about his own cravings;(d)
the one who is greedy curses[c] and despises the Lord .(e)
4 In all his scheming,
the wicked arrogantly thinks:[d]
"There is no accountability,
since God does not exist."(f)
5 His ways are always secure;[e]
Your lofty judgments are beyond his sight;
he scoffs at all his adversaries.(g)
6 He says to himself, "I will never be moved—
from generation to generation without calamity."(h)
7 Cursing, deceit, and violence fill his mouth;
trouble and malice are under his tongue.(i)
8 He waits in ambush near the villages;(j)
he kills the innocent in secret places.
His eyes are on the lookout for the helpless;(k)
9 he lurks in secret like a lion in a thicket.
He lurks in order to seize the afflicted;
he seizes the afflicted and drags him in his net.
10 So he is oppressed and beaten down;
the helpless fall because of his strength.(l)
11 He says to himself, "God has forgotten;
He hides His face and will never see."(m)

12 Rise up, Lord God! Lift up Your hand.(n)
Do not forget the afflicted.(o)
13 Why has the wicked person despised God?
He says to himself, "You will not demand an account."(p)
14 But You Yourself have seen trouble and grief,
observing it in order to take the matter into Your hands.(q)
The helpless entrusts himself to You;
You are a helper of the fatherless.(r)
15 Break the arm of the wicked and evil person;(s)
call his wickedness into account
until nothing remains of it.[f](t)

16 The Lord is King forever and ever;(u)
the nations will perish from His land.(v)
17  Lord , You have heard the desire of the humble;[g]
You will strengthen their hearts.
You will listen carefully,(w)
18 doing justice for the fatherless and the oppressed
so that men of the earth may terrify them no more.(x)

Psalm 11

Refuge in the Lord

For the choir director. Davidic.

1 I have taken refuge in the Lord .(a)
How can you say to me,
"Escape to the mountain like a bird![a](b)
2 For look, the wicked string the bow;
they put the[b] arrow on the bowstring
to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart.(c)
3 When the foundations are destroyed,
what can the righteous do?"(d)

4 The Lord is in His holy temple;(e)
the Lord 's throne is in heaven.(f)
His eyes watch; He examines[c] everyone.
5 The Lord examines the righteous and the wicked.
He hates the lover of violence.(g)
6 He will rain burning coals[d] and sulfur on the wicked;
a scorching wind will be their portion.[e](h)
7 For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteous deeds.
The upright will see His face.(i)

Psalm 12

Oppression by the Wicked

For the choir director: according to Sheminith.(a) A Davidic psalm.

1 Help, Lord , for no faithful one remains;
the loyal have disappeared from the human race.(b)
2 They lie to one another;
they speak with flattering lips and deceptive hearts.(c)
3 May the Lord cut off all flattering lips
and the tongue that speaks boastfully.(d)
4 They say, "Through our tongues we have power;[a]
our lips are our own—who can be our master?"(e)

5 "Because of the oppression of the afflicted
and the groaning of the poor,
I will now rise up," says the Lord .
"I will put the one who longs for it in a safe place."(f)

6 The words of the Lord are pure words,
like silver refined in an earthen furnace,
purified seven times.(g)

7 You, Lord , will guard us;[b]
You will protect us[c] from this generation forever.(h)
8 The wicked wander[d] everywhere,
and what is worthless is exalted by the human race.(i)

Psalm 13

A Plea for Deliverance

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1  Lord , how long will You forget me?
How long will You hide Your face from me?(a)
2 How long will I store up anxious concerns[a] within me,
agony in my mind every day?
How long will my enemy dominate me?(b)

3 Consider me and answer, Lord my God.
Restore brightness to my eyes;(c)
otherwise, I will sleep in death.
4 My enemy will say, "I have triumphed over him,"
and my foes will rejoice because I am shaken.(d)

5 But I have trusted in Your faithful love;(e)
my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance.(f)
6 I will sing to the Lord
because He has treated me generously.(g)

Psalm 14

A Portrait of Sinners

For the choir director. Davidic.

1 The fool says in his heart, "God does not exist."(a)
They are corrupt; they do vile deeds.
There is no one who does good.
2 The Lord looks down from heaven on the human race(b)
to see if there is one who is wise,
one who seeks God.
3 All have turned away;
all alike have become corrupt.
There is no one who does good,
not even one.[a](c)

4 Will evildoers never understand?
They consume My people as they consume bread;(d)
they do not call on the Lord .(e)

5 Then[b] they will be filled with terror,
for God is with those who are[c] righteous.(f)
6 You sinners frustrate the plans of the afflicted,(g)
but the Lord is his refuge.(h)

7 Oh, that Israel's deliverance would come from Zion!
When the Lord restores the fortunes of His people,[d]
Jacob will rejoice; Israel will be glad.[e](i)

Psalm 15

A Description of the Godly

A Davidic psalm.

1  Lord , who can dwell in Your tent?(a)
Who can live on Your holy mountain?(b)

2 The one who lives honestly, practices righteousness,
and acknowledges the truth in his heart(c)
3 who does not slander with his tongue,(d)
who does not harm his friend
or discredit his neighbor,(e)
4 who despises the one rejected by the Lord [a]
but honors those who fear the Lord ,(f)
who keeps his word whatever the cost,(g)
5 who does not lend his money at interest(h)
or take a bribe against the innocent(i)
the one who does these things will never be moved.(j)

Psalm 16

Confidence in the Lord

A Davidic Miktam.(a)

1 Protect me, God, for I take refuge in You.(b)
2 I[a] said to Yahweh, "You are my Lord;
I have nothing good besides You."[b](c)
3 As for the holy people who are in the land,(d)
they are the noble ones.
All my delight is in them.
4 The sorrows of those who take another god
for themselves will multiply;
I will not pour out their drink offerings of blood,
and I will not speak their names with my lips.(e)

5  Lord , You are my portion[c]
and my cup of blessing;
You hold my future.(f)
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me
in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.(g)

7 I will praise the Lord who counsels me(h)
even at night my conscience instructs me.(i)
8 I keep the Lord in mind[d] always.
Because He is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.(j)

9 Therefore my heart is glad
and my spirit rejoices;
my body also rests securely.(k)
10 For You will not abandon me to Sheol;(l)
You will not allow Your Faithful One to see decay.(m)
11 You reveal the path of life to me;
in Your presence is abundant joy;(n)
in Your right hand are eternal pleasures.(o)

Psalm 17

A Prayer for Protection

A Davidic prayer.

1  Lord , hear a just cause;(a)
pay attention to my cry;
listen to my prayer—
from lips free of deceit.(b)
2 Let my vindication come from You,
for You see what is right.(c)
3 You have tested my heart;(d)
You have examined me at night.
You have tried me and found nothing evil;(e)
I have determined that my mouth will not sin.[a]
4 Concerning what people do:
by the word of Your lips[b]
I have avoided the ways of the violent.(f)
5 My steps are on Your paths;
my feet have not slipped.(g)

6 I call on You, God,
because You will answer me;(h)
listen closely to me; hear what I say.
7 Display the wonders of Your faithful love,(i)
Savior of all who seek refuge(j)
from those who rebel against Your right hand.[c]
8 Protect me as the pupil of Your eye;(k)
hide me in the shadow of Your wings(l)
9 from[d] the wicked who treat me violently,[e]
my deadly enemies who surround me.(m)

10 They have become hardened;[f](n)
their mouths speak arrogantly.(o)
11 They advance against me;[g] now they surround me.(p)
They are determined[h]
to throw me to the ground.(q)
12 They are[i] like a lion eager to tear,
like a young lion lurking in ambush.(r)

13 Rise up, Lord !
Confront him; bring him down.(s)
With Your sword, save me from the wicked.(t)
14 With Your hand, Lord , save me from men,
from men of the world
whose portion is in this life:
You fill their bellies with what You have in store;
their sons are satisfied,
and they leave their surplus to their children.(u)

15 But I will see Your face in righteousness;(v)
when I awake, I will be satisfied with Your presence.[j](w)

Psalm 18

Praise for Deliverance

For the choir director. Of the servant of the Lord , David, who spoke the words of this song to the Lord on the day the Lord rescued him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.(a) He said:

1 I love You, Lord , my strength.
2 The Lord is my rock,
my fortress, and my deliverer,(b)
my God, my mountain where I seek refuge,
my shield(c) and the horn of my salvation,(d)
my stronghold.
3 I called to the Lord , who is worthy of praise,(e)
and I was saved from my enemies.(f)

4 The ropes of death were wrapped around me;
the torrents of destruction terrified me.(g)
5 The ropes of Sheol entangled me;
the snares of death confronted me.(h)
6 I called to the Lord in my distress,
and I cried to my God for help.
From His temple He heard my voice,(i)
and my cry to Him reached His ears.(j)

7 Then the earth shook and quaked;
the foundations of the mountains trembled;(k)
they shook because He burned with anger.
8 Smoke rose from His nostrils,
and consuming fire came from His mouth;
coals were set ablaze by it.[a](l)
9 He parted the heavens and came down,(m)
a dark cloud beneath His feet.
10 He rode on a cherub and flew,
soaring on the wings of the wind.(n)
11 He made darkness His hiding place,
dark storm clouds His canopy around Him.(o)
12 From the radiance of His presence,(p)
His clouds swept onward with hail and blazing coals.
13 The Lord thundered from[b] heaven;
the Most High projected His voice.[c](q)
14 He shot His arrows and scattered them;
He hurled[d] lightning bolts and routed them.(r)
15 The depths of the sea became visible,
the foundations of the world were exposed,
at Your rebuke, Lord ,
at the blast of the breath of Your nostrils.(s)

16 He reached down from heaven
and took hold of me;
He pulled me out of deep waters.(t)
17 He rescued me from my powerful enemy
and from those who hated me,
for they were too strong for me.(u)
18 They confronted me in the day of my distress,
but the Lord was my support.(v)
19 He brought me out to a spacious place;(w)
He rescued me because He delighted in me.(x)

20 The Lord rewarded me
according to my righteousness;(y)
He repaid me
according to the cleanness of my hands.(z)
21 For I have kept the ways of the Lord
and have not turned from my God to wickedness.(aa)
22 Indeed, I have kept all His ordinances in mind[e]
and have not disregarded His statutes.(ab)
23 I was blameless toward Him(ac)
and kept myself from sinning.
24 So the Lord repaid me
according to my righteousness,(ad)
according to the cleanness of my hands in His sight.(ae)

25 With the faithful
You prove Yourself faithful;
with the blameless man
You prove Yourself blameless;
26 with the pure
You prove Yourself pure,
but with the crooked
You prove Yourself shrewd.(af)
27 For You rescue an afflicted people,(ag)
but You humble those with haughty eyes.(ah)
28  Lord , You light my lamp;
my God illuminates my darkness.(ai)
29 With You I can attack a barrier,[f]
and with my God I can leap over a wall.(aj)

30 God—His way is perfect;(ak)
the word of the Lord is pure.(al)
He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.(am)
31 For who is God besides Yahweh?(an)
And who is a rock? Only our God.(ao)
32 God—He clothes me with strength(ap)
and makes my way perfect.
33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer(aq)
and sets me securely on the heights.[g](ar)
34 He trains my hands for war;(as)
my arms can bend a bow of bronze.(at)
35 You have given me the shield of Your salvation;
Your right hand upholds me,(au)
and Your humility exalts me.
36 You widen a place beneath me for my steps,(av)
and my ankles do not give way.(aw)

37 I pursue my enemies and overtake them;
I do not turn back until they are wiped out.(ax)
38 I crush them, and they cannot get up;
they fall beneath my feet.(ay)
39 You have clothed me with strength for battle;(az)
You subdue my adversaries beneath me.(ba)
40 You have made my enemies retreat before me;[h](bb)
I annihilate those who hate me.(bc)
41 They cry for help, but there is no one to save them(bd)
they cry to the Lord , but He does not answer them.(be)
42 I pulverize them like dust before the wind;(bf)
I trample them[i] like mud in the streets.(bg)

43 You have freed me from the feuds among the people;
You have appointed me the head of nations;(bh)
a people I had not known serve me.(bi)
44 Foreigners submit to me grudgingly;
as soon as they hear,[j] they obey me.(bj)
45 Foreigners lose heart
and come trembling from their fortifications.(bk)

46 The Lord lives—may my rock be praised!
The God of my salvation is exalted.(bl)
47 God—He gives me vengeance(bm)
and subdues peoples under me.(bn)
48 He frees me from my enemies.
You exalt me above my adversaries;
You rescue me from violent men.(bo)
49 Therefore I will praise You, Yahweh, among the nations;
I will sing about Your name.(bp)
50 He gives great victories to His king;(bq)
He shows loyalty to His anointed,
to David and his descendants forever.(br)

Psalm 19

The Witness of Creation and Scripture

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1 The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky[a] proclaims the work of His hands.(a)
2 Day after day they pour out speech;
night after night they communicate knowledge.[b]
3 There is no speech; there are no words;
their voice is not heard.
4 Their message[c] has gone out to all the earth,
and their words to the ends of the world.(b)

In the heavens[d] He has pitched a tent for the sun.(c)
5 It is like a groom coming from the[e] bridal chamber;
it rejoices like an athlete running a course.
6 It rises from one end of the heavens
and circles[f] to their other end;(d)
nothing is hidden from its heat.

7 The instruction of the Lord is perfect,
renewing one's life;(e)
the testimony of the Lord is trustworthy,
making the inexperienced wise.(f)
8 The precepts of the Lord are right,
making the heart glad;(g)
the command of the Lord is radiant,
making the eyes light up.(h)
9 The fear of the Lord is pure,
enduring forever;(i)
the ordinances of the Lord are reliable
and altogether righteous.(j)
10 They are more desirable than gold—
than an abundance of pure gold;(k)
and sweeter than honey,
which comes from the honeycomb.(l)
11 In addition, Your servant is warned by them;
there is great reward in keeping them.(m)

12 Who perceives his unintentional sins?
Cleanse me from my hidden faults.(n)
13 Moreover, keep Your servant from willful sins;(o)
do not let them rule over me.(p)
Then I will be innocent
and cleansed from blatant rebellion.(q)
14 May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You,(r)
Lord , my rock and my Redeemer.(s)

Psalm 20

Deliverance in Battle

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1 May Yahweh answer you in a day of trouble;(a)
may the name of Jacob's God protect you.(b)
2 May He send you help from the sanctuary
and sustain you from Zion.(c)
3 May He remember all your offerings
and accept your burnt offering.(d) Selah

4 May He give you what your heart desires(e)
and fulfill your whole purpose.(f)
5 Let us shout for joy at your victory(g)
and lift the banner in the name of our God.(h)
May Yahweh fulfill all your requests.(i)

6 Now I know that the Lord gives victory to His anointed;(j)
He will answer him from His holy heaven
with mighty victories from[a] His right hand.(k)
7 Some take pride in chariots, and others in horses,
but we take pride in the name of Yahweh our God.(l)
8 They collapse and fall,
but we rise and stand firm.(m)
9  Lord , give victory to the king!(n)
May He[b] answer us on the day that we call.

Psalm 21

The King's Victory

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1  Lord , the king finds joy in Your strength.
How greatly he rejoices in Your victory!(a)
2 You have given him his heart's desire(b)
and have not denied the request of his lips.(c) Selah
3 For You meet him with rich blessings;
You place a crown of pure gold on his head.(d)
4 He asked You for life, and You gave it to him—
length of days forever and ever.(e)
5 His glory is great through Your victory;
You confer majesty and splendor on him.(f)
6 You give him blessings forever;(g)
You cheer him with joy in Your presence.(h)
7 For the king relies on the Lord ;
through the faithful love of the Most High
he is not shaken.(i)

8 Your hand will capture all your enemies;
your right hand will seize those who hate you.(j)
9 You will make them burn
like a fiery furnace when you appear;
the Lord will engulf them in His wrath,
and fire will devour them.(k)
10 You will wipe their descendants from the earth
and their offspring from the human race.(l)
11 Though they intend to harm[a] you
and devise a wicked plan, they will not prevail.(m)
12 Instead, you will put them to flight
when you aim your bow[b] at their faces.(n)

13 Be exalted, Lord , in Your strength;
we will sing and praise Your might.(o)

Psalm 22

From Suffering to Praise

For the choir director: according to "The Deer of the Dawn."[a] A Davidic psalm.

1 My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?(a)
Why are You so far from my deliverance(b)
and from my words of groaning?[b](c)
2 My God, I cry by day, but You do not answer,
by night, yet I have no rest.(d)
3 But You are holy,
enthroned on the praises of Israel.(e)
4 Our fathers trusted in You;
they trusted, and You rescued them.(f)
5 They cried to You and were set free;
they trusted in You and were not disgraced.(g)

6 But I am a worm and not a man,(h)
scorned by men and despised by people.(i)
7 Everyone who sees me mocks me;
they sneer[c] and shake their heads:(j)
8 "He relies on[d] the Lord ;
let Him rescue him;
let the Lord [e] deliver him,
since He takes pleasure in him."(k)

9 You took me from the womb,
making me secure while at my mother's breast.(l)
10 I was given over to You at birth;[f]
You have been my God from my mother's womb.(m)

11 Do not be far from me, because distress is near
and there is no one to help.(n)

12 Many bulls surround me;
strong ones of Bashan encircle me.(o)
13 They open their mouths against me—
lions, mauling and roaring.(p)
14 I am poured out like water,(q)
and all my bones are disjointed;(r)
my heart is like wax,
melting within me.(s)
15 My strength is dried up like baked clay;(t)
my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth.(u)
You put me into the dust of death.(v)
16 For dogs have surrounded me;(w)
a gang of evildoers has closed in on me;
they pierced[g] my hands and my feet.(x)
17 I can count all my bones;
people[h] look and stare at me.(y)
18 They divided my garments among themselves,
and they cast lots for my clothing.(z)

19 But You, Lord , don't be far away.(aa)
My strength, come quickly to help me.(ab)
20 Deliver my life from the sword,(ac)
my only life[i] from the power of these dogs.
21 Save me from the mouth of the lion!(ad)
You have rescued[j] me
from the horns of the wild oxen.

22 I will proclaim Your name to my brothers;
I will praise You in the congregation.(ae)
23 You who fear Yahweh, praise Him!(af)
All you descendants of Jacob, honor Him!
All you descendants of Israel, revere Him!(ag)
24 For He has not despised or detested
the torment of the afflicted.(ah)
He did not hide His face from him(ai)
but listened when he cried to Him for help.(aj)

25 I will give praise[k] in the great congregation
because of You;(ak)
I will fulfill my vows
before those who fear You.[l](al)
26 The humble[m] will eat and be satisfied;(am)
those who seek the Lord will praise Him.
May your hearts live forever!(an)

27 All the ends of the earth will remember
and turn to the Lord .
All the families of the nations
will bow down before You,(ao)
28 for kingship belongs to the Lord ;
He rules over the nations.(ap)
29 All who prosper on earth will eat and bow down;
all those who go down to the dust
will kneel before Him—
even the one who cannot preserve his life.(aq)
30 Their descendants will serve Him;
the next generation will be told about the Lord.(ar)
31 They will come and tell a people yet to be born
about His righteousness—
what He has done.(as)

Psalm 23

The Good Shepherd

A Davidic psalm.

1 The Lord is my shepherd;(a)
there is nothing I lack.(b)
2 He lets me lie down in green pastures;(c)
He leads me beside quiet waters.(d)
3 He renews my life;
He leads me along the right paths[a]
for His name's sake.(e)
4 Even when I go through the darkest valley,[b]
I fear no danger,
for You are with me;(f)
Your rod and Your staff[c]—they comfort me.(g)

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;(h)
my cup overflows.(i)
6 Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me
all the days of my life,(j)
and I will dwell in[d] the house of the Lord
as long as I live.[e](k)

Psalm 24

The King of Glory

A Davidic psalm.

1 The earth and everything in it,
the world and its inhabitants,
belong to the Lord ;(a)
2 for He laid its foundation on the seas
and established it on the rivers.(b)

3 Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord ?
Who may stand in His holy place?(c)
4 The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,(d)
who has not set his mind[a] on what is false,(e)
and who has not sworn deceitfully.
5 He will receive blessing from the Lord ,(f)
and righteousness from the God of his salvation.(g)
6 Such is the generation of those who seek Him,
who seek the face of the God of Jacob.[b](h) Selah

7 Lift up your heads, you gates!
Rise up, ancient doors!
Then the King of glory will come in.(i)
8 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord , strong and mighty,
the Lord , mighty in battle.(j)
9 Lift up your heads, you gates!
Rise up, ancient doors!
Then the King of glory will come in.
10 Who is He, this King of glory?
The Lord of Hosts,
He is the King of glory.(k) Selah

Psalm 25

Dependence on the Lord


1  Lord ,[a] I turn to You.[b](a)
2 My God, I trust in You.
Do not let me be disgraced;(b)
do not let my enemies gloat over me.(c)
3 No one who waits for You
will be disgraced;(d)
those who act treacherously without cause
will be disgraced.(e)

4 Make Your ways known to me, Lord ;
teach me Your paths.(f)
5 Guide me in Your truth and teach me,(g)
for You are the God of my salvation;(h)
I wait for You all day long.(i)
6 Remember, Lord , Your compassion
and Your faithful love,
for they have existed from antiquity.[c](j)
7 Do not remember the sins of my youth(k)
or my acts of rebellion;(l)
in keeping with Your faithful love, remember me
because of Your goodness, Lord .(m)

8 The Lord is good and upright;(n)
therefore He shows sinners the way.(o)
9 He leads the humble in what is right(p)
and teaches them His way.(q)
10 All the Lord 's ways show faithful love and truth
to those who keep His covenant and decrees.(r)
11 Because of Your name, Yahweh,
forgive my sin, for it is great.(s)

12 Who is the man who fears the Lord ?(t)
He will show him the way he should choose.(u)
13 He will live a good life,
and his descendants will inherit the land.[d](v)
14 The secret counsel of the Lord
is for those who fear Him,
and He reveals His covenant to them.(w)
15 My eyes are always on the Lord ,
for He will pull my feet out of the net.(x)

16 Turn to me and be gracious to me,
for I am alone and afflicted.(y)
17 The distresses of my heart increase;[e](z)
bring me out of my sufferings.(aa)
18 Consider my affliction and trouble,(ab)
and take away all my sins.(ac)
19 Consider my enemies; they are numerous,(ad)
and they hate me violently.(ae)
20 Guard me and deliver me;(af)
do not let me be put to shame,
for I take refuge in You.(ag)
21 May integrity and what is right
watch over me,
for I wait for You.(ah)

22 God, redeem Israel, from all its distresses.(ai)

Psalm 26

Prayer for Vindication


1 Vindicate me, Lord ,
because I have lived with integrity
and have trusted in the Lord without wavering.(a)
2 Test me, Lord , and try me;
examine my heart and mind.(b)
3 For Your faithful love is before my eyes,
and I live by Your truth.(c)

4 I do not sit with the worthless
or associate with hypocrites.
5 I hate a crowd of evildoers,
and I do not sit with the wicked.(d)
6 I wash my hands[a] in innocence(e)
and go around Your altar, Lord ,(f)
7 raising my voice in thanksgiving(g)
and telling about Your wonderful works.(h)

8  Lord , I love the house where You dwell,
the place where Your glory resides.(i)
9 Do not destroy me along with sinners,
or my life along with men of bloodshed(j)
10 in whose hands are evil schemes
and whose right hands are filled with bribes.(k)

11 But I live with integrity;
redeem me and be gracious to me.(l)
12 My foot stands on level ground;(m)
I will praise the Lord in the assemblies.(n)

Psalm 27

My Stronghold


1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom should I fear?(a)
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom should I be afraid?(b)
2 When evildoers came against me to devour my flesh,(c)
my foes and my enemies stumbled and fell.(d)
3 Though an army deploys against me,
my heart is not afraid;
though a war breaks out against me,
still I am confident.(e)

4 I have asked one thing from the Lord ;
it is what I desire:
to dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,(f)
gazing on the beauty of the Lord (g)
and seeking Him in His temple.(h)
5 For He will conceal me in His shelter
in the day of adversity;
He will hide me under the cover of His tent;
He will set me high on a rock.(i)
6 Then my head will be high
above my enemies around me;(j)
I will offer sacrifices in His tent with shouts of joy.(k)
I will sing and make music to the Lord .(l)

7  Lord , hear my voice when I call;
be gracious to me and answer me.(m)
8 My heart says this about You,
"You[a] are to seek My face."
Lord , I will seek Your face.(n)
9 Do not hide Your face from me;(o)
do not turn Your servant away in anger.(p)
You have been my helper;(q)
do not leave me or abandon me,
God of my salvation.
10 Even if my father and mother abandon me,
the Lord cares for me.(r)

11 Because of my adversaries,
show me Your way, Lord ,
and lead me on a level path.(s)
12 Do not give me over to the will of my foes,
for false witnesses rise up against me,
breathing violence.(t)

13 I am certain that I will see the Lord 's goodness
in the land of the living.(u)
14 Wait for the Lord ;
be strong[b] and courageous.(v)
Wait for the Lord .(w)

Psalm 28

My Strength


1  Lord , I call to You;
my rock, do not be deaf to me.(a)
If You remain silent to me,
I will be like those going down to the Pit.(b)
2 Listen to the sound of my pleading
when I cry to You for help,
when I lift up my hands
toward Your holy sanctuary.(c)

3 Do not drag me away with the wicked,
with the evildoers,
who speak in friendly ways with their neighbors
while malice is in their hearts.(d)
4 Repay them according to what they have done—
according to the evil of their deeds.
Repay them according to the work of their hands;
give them back what they deserve.(e)
5 Because they do not consider
what the Lord has done
or the work of His hands,
He will tear them down and not rebuild them.(f)

6 May the Lord be praised,
for He has heard the sound of my pleading.(g)
7 The Lord is my strength and my shield;
my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.(h)
Therefore my heart rejoices,
and I praise Him with my song.(i)

8 The Lord is the strength of His people;[a]
He is a stronghold of salvation for His anointed.(j)
9 Save Your people, bless Your possession,
shepherd them, and carry them forever.(k)

Psalm 29

The Voice of the Lord

A Davidic psalm.

1 Ascribe to Yahweh, you heavenly beings,[a]
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
2 Ascribe to Yahweh the glory due His name;
worship Yahweh
in the splendor of His holiness.[b](a)

3 The voice of the Lord is above the waters.
The God of glory thunders—
the Lord , above vast waters,(b)
4 the voice of the Lord in power,
the voice of the Lord in splendor.(c)
5 The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars;
the Lord shatters the cedars of Lebanon.(d)
6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,(e)
and Sirion,[c] like a young wild ox.(f)
7 The voice of the Lord flashes flames of fire.(g)
8 The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness;
the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh.(h)
9 The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth[d](i)
and strips the woodlands bare.(j)

In His temple all cry, "Glory!"

10 The Lord sat enthroned at the flood;
the Lord sits enthroned, King forever.(k)
11 The Lord gives His people strength;(l)
the Lord blesses His people with peace.(m)

Psalm 30

Joy in the Morning

A psalm; a dedication song for the house. Davidic.

1 I will exalt You, Lord ,
because You have lifted me up(a)
and have not allowed my enemies
to triumph over me.(b)
2  Lord my God,
I cried to You for help, and You healed me.(c)
3  Lord , You brought me up from Sheol;(d)
You spared me from among those
going down[a] to the Pit.(e)

4 Sing to Yahweh, you His faithful ones,
and praise His holy name.(f)
5 For His anger lasts only a moment,
but His favor, a lifetime.
Weeping may spend the night,
but there is joy in the morning.(g)

6 When I was secure, I said,
"I will never be shaken."(h)
7  Lord , when You showed Your favor,
You made me stand like a strong mountain;(i)
when You hid Your face, I was terrified.(j)
8  Lord , I called to You;
I sought favor from my Lord:(k)
9 "What gain is there in my death,
if I go down to the Pit?
Will the dust praise You?
Will it proclaim Your truth?(l)
10  Lord , listen and be gracious to me;
Lord , be my helper."(m)

11 You turned my lament into dancing;
You removed my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness,(n)
12 so that I can sing to You and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise You forever.(o)

Psalm 31

A Plea for Protection

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1  Lord , I seek refuge in You;
let me never be disgraced.(a)
Save me by Your righteousness.
2 Listen closely to me; rescue me quickly.
Be a rock of refuge for me,
a mountain fortress to save me.(b)
3 For You are my rock and my fortress;(c)
You lead and guide me
because of Your name.(d)
4 You will free me from the net
that is secretly set for me,
for You are my refuge.(e)
5 Into Your hand I entrust my spirit;(f)
You redeem[a] me, Lord , God of truth.(g)

6 I[b] hate those who are devoted to worthless idols,
but I trust in the Lord .(h)
7 I will rejoice and be glad in Your faithful love
because You have seen my affliction.
You have known the troubles of my life(i)
8 and have not handed me over to the enemy.(j)
You have set my feet in a spacious place.(k)

9 Be gracious to me, Lord ,
because I am in distress;(l)
my eyes are worn out from angry sorrow—
my whole being[c] as well.(m)
10 Indeed, my life is consumed with grief
and my years with groaning;(n)
my strength has failed
because of my sinfulness,[d]
and my bones waste away.(o)
11 I am ridiculed by all my adversaries
and even by my neighbors.
I am dreaded by my acquaintances;
those who see me in the street run from me.(p)
12 I am forgotten: gone from memory
like a dead person—like broken pottery.(q)
13 I have heard the gossip of many;
terror is on every side.(r)
When they conspired against me,
they plotted to take my life.(s)

14 But I trust in You, Lord ;
I say, "You are my God."(t)
15 The course of my life is in Your power;(u)
deliver me from the power of my enemies
and from my persecutors.(v)
16 Show Your favor to Your servant;
save me by Your faithful love.(w)
17  Lord , do not let me be disgraced when I call on You.(x)
Let the wicked be disgraced;
let them be silent[e][f] in Sheol.(y)
18 Let lying lips be quieted;(z)
they speak arrogantly against the righteous
with pride and contempt.(aa)

19 How great is Your goodness
that You have stored up for those who fear You
and accomplished in the sight of everyone
for those who take refuge in You.(ab)
20 You hide them in the protection of Your presence;
You conceal them in a shelter[g]
from the schemes of men,
from quarrelsome tongues.(ac)
21 May the Lord be praised,
for He has wonderfully shown His faithful love to me
in a city under siege.[h](ad)
22 In my alarm I had said,
"I am cut off from Your sight."(ae)
But You heard the sound of my pleading
when I cried to You for help.(af)

23 Love the Lord , all His faithful ones.(ag)
The Lord protects the loyal,
but fully repays the arrogant.(ah)
24 Be strong[i] and courageous,
all you who put your hope in the Lord .(ai)

Psalm 32

The Joy of Forgiveness

Davidic. A Maskil.

1 How joyful is the one
whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered!(a)
2 How joyful is the man
the Lord does not charge with sin(b)
and in whose spirit is no deceit!(c)

3 When I kept silent, my bones became brittle
from my groaning all day long.(d)
4 For day and night Your hand was heavy on me;(e)
my strength was drained[a]
as in the summer's heat.(f) Selah
5 Then I acknowledged my sin to You
and did not conceal my iniquity.
I said,
"I will confess my transgressions to the Lord ,"
and You took away the guilt of my sin.(g) Selah

6 Therefore let everyone who is faithful pray to You
at a time that You may be found.[b](h)
When great floodwaters come,
they will not reach him.(i)
7 You are my hiding place;(j)
You protect me from trouble.(k)
You surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance. Selah

8 I will instruct you and show you the way to go;(l)
with My eye on you, I will give counsel.(m)
9 Do not be like a horse or mule,
without understanding,
that must be controlled with bit and bridle
or else it will not come near you.(n)

10 Many pains come to the wicked,(o)
but the one who trusts in the Lord
will have faithful love surrounding him.(p)
11 Be glad in the Lord and rejoice,
you righteous ones;
shout for joy,
all you upright in heart.(q)

Psalm 33

Praise to the Creator

1 Rejoice in the Lord , you righteous ones;
praise from the upright is beautiful.(a)
2 Praise the Lord with the lyre;
make music to Him with a ten-stringed harp.(b)
3 Sing a new song to Him;(c)
play skillfully on the strings, with a joyful shout.(d)

4 For the word of the Lord is right,
and all His work is trustworthy.(e)
5 He loves righteousness and justice;(f)
the earth is full of the Lord 's unfailing love.(g)

6 The heavens were made by the word of the Lord ,(h)
and all the stars, by the breath of His mouth.(i)
7 He gathers the waters of the sea into a heap;[a]
He puts the depths into storehouses.(j)
8 Let the whole earth tremble before the Lord ;
let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him.(k)
9 For He spoke, and it came into being;
He commanded, and it came into existence.(l)

10 The Lord frustrates the counsel of the nations;
He thwarts the plans of the peoples.(m)
11 The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
the plans of His heart from generation to generation.(n)
12 Happy is the nation whose God is Yahweh—
the people He has chosen to be His own possession!(o)

13 The Lord looks down from heaven;
He observes everyone.(p)
14 He gazes on all the inhabitants of the earth
from His dwelling place.(q)
15 He alone shapes their hearts;
He considers all their works.(r)
16 A king is not saved by a large army;
a warrior will not be delivered by great strength.(s)
17 The horse is a false hope for safety;
it provides no escape by its great power.(t)

18 Now the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him—
those who depend on His faithful love(u)
19 to deliver them from death
and to keep them alive in famine.(v)

20 We wait for Yahweh;(w)
He is our help and shield.(x)
21 For our hearts rejoice in Him(y)
because we trust in His holy name.(z)
22 May Your faithful love rest on us, Yahweh,
for we put our hope in You.(aa)

Psalm 34

The Lord Delivers the Righteous

Concerning David, when he pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimelech,[a](a) who drove him out, and he departed.

1 I[b] will praise the Lord at all times;
His praise will always be on my lips.(b)
2 I will boast in the Lord ;(c)
the humble will hear and be glad.(d)
3 Proclaim Yahweh's greatness with me;(e)
let us exalt His name together.(f)

4 I sought the Lord , and He answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.(g)
5 Those who look to Him are[c] radiant with joy;(h)
their faces will never be ashamed.(i)
6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him
and saved him from all his troubles.(j)
7 The Angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear Him, and rescues them.(k)

8 Taste and see that the Lord is good.(l)
How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!(m)
9 You who are His holy ones, fear Yahweh,
for those who fear Him lack nothing.(n)
10 Young lions[d] lack food and go hungry,(o)
but those who seek the Lord
will not lack any good thing.(p)

11 Come, children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord .(q)
12 Who is the man who delights in life,
loving a long life to enjoy what is good?(r)
13 Keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from deceitful speech.(s)
14 Turn away from evil and do what is good;(t)
seek peace and pursue it.(u)

15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous,
and His ears are open to their cry for help.(v)
16 The face of the Lord is set
against those who do what is evil,(w)
to erase[e] all memory of them from the earth.(x)
17 The righteous[f] cry out, and the Lord hears,
and delivers them from all their troubles.(y)
18 The Lord is near the brokenhearted;
He saves those crushed in spirit.(z)

19 Many adversities come to the one who is righteous,
but the Lord delivers him from them all.(aa)
20 He protects all his bones;
not one of them is broken.(ab)
21 Evil brings death to the wicked,
and those who hate the righteous will be punished.(ac)
22 The Lord redeems the life of His servants,
and all who take refuge in Him will not be punished.(ad)

Psalm 35

Prayer for Victory


1 Oppose my opponents, Lord ;
fight those who fight me.(a)
2 Take Your shields—large and small—
and come to my aid.(b)
3 Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers,
and assure me: "I am your deliverance."(c)

4 Let those who seek to kill me
be disgraced and humiliated;
let those who plan to harm me
be turned back and ashamed.(d)
5 Let them be like chaff in the wind,
with the angel of the Lord driving them away.(e)
6 Let their way be dark and slippery,
with the angel of the Lord pursuing them.(f)
7 They hid their net for me without cause;
they dug a pit for me without cause.(g)
8 Let ruin come on him unexpectedly,
and let the net that he hid ensnare him;
let him fall into it—to his ruin.(h)

9 Then I will rejoice in the Lord ;
I will delight in His deliverance.(i)
10 My very bones will say,
" Lord , who is like You,(j)
rescuing the poor from one too strong for him,
the poor or the needy from one who robs him?"(k)

11 Malicious witnesses come forward;
they question me about things I do not know.(l)
12 They repay me evil for good,
making me desolate.(m)
13 Yet when they were sick,
my clothing was sackcloth;
I humbled myself with fasting,
and my prayer was genuine.[a](n)
14 I went about grieving as if for my friend or brother;
I was bowed down with grief,
like one mourning a mother.(o)
15 But when I stumbled, they gathered in glee;
they gathered against me.
Assailants I did not know
tore at me and did not stop.(p)
16 With godless mockery[b]
they gnashed their teeth at me.(q)

17 Lord, how long will You look on?(r)
Rescue my life from their ravages,
my only one from the young lions.(s)
18 I will praise You in the great congregation;
I will exalt You among many people.(t)
19 Do not let my deceitful enemies rejoice over me;
do not let those who hate me without cause(u)
look at me maliciously.(v)
20 For they do not speak in friendly ways,
but contrive deceitful schemes[c]
against those who live peacefully in the land.(w)
21 They open their mouths wide against me and say,
"Aha, aha! We saw it!"[d](x)

22 You saw it, Lord ; do not be silent.
Lord, do not be far from me.(y)
23 Wake up and rise to my defense,
to my cause, my God and my Lord !(z)
24 Vindicate me, Lord my God,
in keeping with Your righteousness,
and do not let them rejoice over me.(aa)
25 Do not let them say in their hearts,
"Aha! Just what we wanted."
Do not let them say,
"We have swallowed him up!"(ab)
26 Let those who rejoice at my misfortune
be disgraced and humiliated;
let those who exalt themselves over me
be clothed with shame and reproach.(ac)

27 Let those who want my vindication
shout for joy and be glad;
let them continually say,
"The Lord be exalted.
He takes pleasure in His servant's well-being."(ad)
28 And my tongue will proclaim Your righteousness,
Your praise all day long.(ae)

Psalm 36

Human Wickedness and God's Love

For the choir director. A psalm of David, the Lord 's servant.

1 An oracle within my heart
concerning the transgression of the wicked person:
There is no dread of God before his eyes,(a)
2 for in his own eyes he flatters himself too much
to discover and hate his sin.(b)
3 The words of his mouth are malicious and deceptive;(c)
he has stopped acting wisely and doing good.(d)
4 Even on his bed he makes malicious plans.(e)
He sets himself on a path that is not good
and does not reject evil.(f)

5  Lord , Your faithful love reaches to heaven,
Your faithfulness to the clouds.(g)
6 Your righteousness is like the highest mountains;
Your judgments, like the deepest sea.(h)
Lord , You preserve man and beast.(i)
7 God, Your faithful love is so valuable
that people take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.(j)
8 They are filled from the abundance of Your house;
You let them drink from Your refreshing stream,(k)
9 for with You is life's fountain.(l)
In Your light we will see light.(m)

10 Spread Your faithful love over those who know You,
and Your righteousness over the upright in heart.(n)
11 Do not let the foot of the arrogant man come near me
or the hand of the wicked one drive me away.(o)
12 There the evildoers fall;
they have been thrown down and cannot rise.(p)

Psalm 37

Instruction in Wisdom


1 Do[a] not be agitated by evildoers;
do not envy those who do wrong.(a)
2 For they wither quickly like grass
and wilt like tender green plants.(b)

3 Trust in the Lord and do what is good;(c)
dwell in the land and live securely.[b](d)
4 Take delight in the Lord ,
and He will give you your heart's desires.(e)

5 Commit your way to the Lord ;
trust in Him, and He will act,(f)
6 making your righteousness shine like the dawn,
your justice like the noonday.(g)

7 Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for Him;(h)
do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way,
by the man who carries out evil plans.(i)

8 Refrain from anger and give up your rage;
do not be agitated—it can only bring harm.(j)
9 For evildoers will be destroyed,
but those who put their hope in the Lord
will inherit the land.[c](k)

10 A little while, and the wicked person will be no more;
though you look for him, he will not be there.(l)
11 But the humble will inherit the land[d](m)
and will enjoy abundant prosperity.(n)

12 The wicked person schemes against the righteous
and gnashes his teeth at him.(o)
13 The Lord laughs at him(p)
because He sees that his day is coming.(q)

14 The wicked have drawn the sword and strung the[e] bow
to bring down the afflicted and needy
and to slaughter those whose way is upright.(r)
15 Their swords will enter their own hearts,
and their bows will be broken.(s)

16 The little that the righteous man has is better
than the abundance of many wicked people.(t)
17 For the arms[f] of the wicked will be broken,(u)
but the Lord supports the righteous.(v)

18 The Lord watches over the blameless all their days,
and their inheritance will last forever.(w)
19 They will not be disgraced in times of adversity;
they will be satisfied in days of hunger.(x)

20 But the wicked will perish;
the Lord 's enemies, like the glory of the pastures,
will fade away—
they will fade away like smoke.(y)

21 The wicked man borrows and does not repay,
but the righteous one is gracious and giving.(z)
22 Those who are blessed by Him will inherit the land,[g]
but those cursed by Him will be destroyed.(aa)

23 A man's steps are established by the Lord ,
and He takes pleasure in his way.(ab)
24 Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed,
because the Lord holds his hand.[h](ac)

25 I have been young and now I am old,
yet I have not seen the righteous abandoned
or his children begging for bread.(ad)
26 He is always generous, always lending,
and his children are a blessing.(ae)

27 Turn away from evil and do what is good,
and dwell there[i] forever.(af)
28 For the Lord loves justice
and will not abandon His faithful ones.(ag)
They are kept safe forever,
but the children of the wicked will be destroyed.(ah)
29 The righteous will inherit the land[j]
and dwell in it permanently.(ai)

30 The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom;
his tongue speaks what is just.(aj)
31 The instruction of his God is in his heart;
his steps do not falter.(ak)

32 The wicked one lies in wait for the righteous
and seeks to kill him;(al)
33 the Lord will not leave him
in the power of the wicked one
or allow him to be condemned when he is judged.(am)

34 Wait for the Lord and keep His way,
and He will exalt you to inherit the land.
You will watch when the wicked are destroyed.(an)

35 I have seen a wicked, violent man
well-rooted[k] like a flourishing native tree.(ao)
36 Then I passed by and[l] noticed he was gone;
I searched for him, but he could not be found.(ap)

37 Watch the blameless and observe the upright,
for the man of peace will have a future.[m](aq)
38 But transgressors will all be eliminated;
the future[n] of the wicked will be destroyed.(ar)

39 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord ,
their refuge in a time of distress.(as)
40 The Lord helps and delivers them;
He will deliver them from the wicked and will save them
because they take refuge in Him.(at)

Psalm 38

Prayer of a Suffering Sinner

A Davidic psalm for remembrance.(a)

1  Lord , do not punish me in Your anger
or discipline me in Your wrath.(b)
2 For Your arrows have sunk into me,
and Your hand has pressed down on me.(c)

3 There is no health in my body
because of Your indignation;
there is no strength[a] in my bones
because of my sin.(d)
4 For my sins have flooded over my head;
they are a burden too heavy for me to bear.(e)
5 My wounds are foul and festering
because of my foolishness.(f)
6 I am bent over and brought low;
all day long I go around in mourning.(g)
7 For my loins are full of burning pain,
and there is no health in my body.(h)
8 I am faint and severely crushed;
I groan because of the anguish of my heart.(i)

9 Lord, my every desire is known to[b] You;
my sighing is not hidden from You.(j)
10 My heart races, my strength leaves me,
and even the light of my eyes has faded.[c](k)
11 My loved ones and friends stand back from my affliction,
and my relatives stand at a distance.(l)
12 Those who seek my life set traps,
and those who want to harm me threaten to destroy me;
they plot treachery all day long.(m)

13 I am like a deaf person; I do not hear.
I am like a speechless person
who does not open his mouth.(n)
14 I am like a man who does not hear
and has no arguments in his mouth.(o)
15 I put my hope in You, Lord ;
You will answer, Lord my God.(p)
16 For I said, "Don't let them rejoice over me—
those who are arrogant toward me when I stumble."(q)
17 For I am about to fall,
and my pain is constantly with me.(r)
18 So I confess my guilt;
I am anxious because of my sin.(s)
19 But my enemies are vigorous and powerful;[d]
many hate me for no reason.(t)
20 Those who repay evil for good
attack me for pursuing good.(u)

21  Lord , do not abandon me;
my God, do not be far from me.(v)
22 Hurry to help me,
Lord, my Savior.(w)

Psalm 39

The Fleeting Nature of Life

For the choir director, for Jeduthun. A Davidic psalm.

1 I said, "I will guard my ways
so that I may not sin with my tongue;
I will guard my mouth with a muzzle
as long as the wicked are in my presence."(a)
2 I was speechless and quiet;
I kept silent, even from speaking good,
and my pain intensified.(b)
3 My heart grew hot within me;
as I mused, a fire burned.(c)
I spoke with my tongue:
4 " Lord , reveal to me the end of my life
and the number of my days.
Let me know how short-lived I am.(d)
5 You, indeed, have made my days short in length,
and my life span as nothing in Your sight.
Yes, every mortal man is only a vapor.(e) Selah

6 "Certainly, man walks about like a mere shadow.
Indeed, they frantically rush around in vain,
gathering possessions
without knowing who will get them.(f)
7 Now, Lord, what do I wait for?
My hope is in You.(g)
8 Deliver me from all my transgressions;
do not make me the taunt of fools.(h)
9 I am speechless; I do not open my mouth
because of what You have done.(i)
10 Remove Your torment from me;
I fade away because of the force of Your hand.(j)
11 You discipline a man with punishment for sin,
consuming like a moth what is precious to him;(k)
every man is only a vapor.(l) Selah

12 "Hear my prayer, Lord ,
and listen to my cry for help;
do not be silent at my tears.(m)
For I am a foreigner residing with You,
a temporary resident like all my fathers.(n)
13 Turn Your angry gaze from me
so that I may be cheered up
before I die and am gone."(o)

Psalm 40

Thanksgiving and a Cry for Help

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1 I waited patiently for the Lord ,
and He turned to me and heard my cry for help.(a)
2 He brought me up from a desolate[a] pit,
out of the muddy clay,(b)
and set my feet on a rock,
making my steps secure.(c)
3 He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.(d)
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the Lord .(e)

4 How happy is the man
who has put his trust in the Lord
and has not turned to the proud
or to those who run after lies!(f)
5  Lord my God, You have done many things—
Your wonderful works and Your plans for us;
none can compare with You.
If I were to report and speak of them,
they are more than can be told.(g)

6 You do not delight in sacrifice and offering;
You open my ears to listen.[b]
You do not ask for a whole burnt offering or a sin offering.(h)
7 Then I said, "See, I have come;
it is written about me in the volume of the scroll.(i)
8 I delight to do Your will, my God;(j)
Your instruction lives within me."[c](k)

9 I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly;
see, I do not keep my mouth closed[d]
as You know, Lord .(l)
10 I did not hide Your righteousness in my heart;
I spoke about Your faithfulness and salvation;
I did not conceal Your constant love and truth
from the great assembly.(m)

11  Lord , do not withhold Your compassion from me;
Your constant love and truth will always guard me.(n)
12 For troubles without number have surrounded me;
my sins have overtaken me; I am unable to see.
They are more than the hairs of my head,
and my courage leaves me.(o)
13  Lord , be pleased to deliver me;
hurry to help me, Lord .(p)

14 Let those who seek to take my life
be disgraced and confounded.
Let those who wish me harm
be driven back and humiliated.(q)
15 Let those who say to me, "Aha, aha!"
be horrified because of their shame.(r)

16 Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;
let those who love Your salvation continually say,
"The Lord is great!"(s)
17 I am afflicted and needy;
the Lord thinks of me.
You are my helper and my deliverer;
my God, do not delay.(t)

Psalm 41

Victory in Spite of Betrayal

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1 Happy is one who cares for the poor;
the Lord will save him in a day of adversity.(a)
2 The Lord will keep him and preserve him;
he will be blessed in the land.(b)
You will not give him over to the desire of his enemies.(c)
3 The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed;
You will heal him on the bed where he lies.(d)

4 I said, " Lord , be gracious to me;
heal me, for I have sinned against You."(e)
5 My enemies speak maliciously about me:
"When will he die and be forgotten?"(f)
6 When one of them comes to visit, he speaks deceitfully;
he stores up evil in his heart;
he goes out and talks.(g)
7 All who hate me whisper together about me;
they plan to harm me.(h)
8 "Lethal poison has been poured into him,
and he won't rise again from where he lies!"(i)
9 Even my friend[a] in whom I trusted,
one who ate my bread,
has raised his heel against me.(j)

10 But You, Lord , be gracious to me and raise me up;
then I will repay them.(k)
11 By this I know that You delight in me:(l)
my enemy does not shout in triumph over me.(m)
12 You supported me because of my integrity(n)
and set me in Your presence forever.(o)

13 May Yahweh, the God of Israel, be praised
from everlasting to everlasting.
Amen and amen.(p)

Psalm 42

Longing for God

For the choir director. A Maskil of the sons of Korah.

1 As a deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for You, God.(a)
2 I thirst for God, the living God.
When can I come and appear before God?(b)
3 My tears have been my food day and night,
while all day long people say to me,
"Where is your God?"(c)
4 I remember this as I pour out my heart:(d)
how I walked with many,
leading the festive procession to the house of God,
with joyful and thankful shouts.(e)

5 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God.(f)
6 I[a] am deeply depressed;
therefore I remember You from the land of Jordan
and the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar.(g)
7 Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls;
all Your breakers and Your billows have swept over me.(h)
8 The Lord will send His faithful love by day;(i)
His song will be with me in the night—
a prayer to the God of my life.

9 I will say to God, my rock,(j)
"Why have You forgotten me?
Why must I go about in sorrow
because of the enemy's oppression?"(k)
10 My adversaries taunt me,
as if crushing my bones,
while all day long they say to me,
"Where is your God?"(l)
11 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God.(m)

Psalm 43[a]

1 Vindicate me, God, and defend my cause
against an ungodly nation;
rescue me from the deceitful and unjust man.(a)
2 For You are the God of my refuge.
Why have You rejected me?
Why must I go about in sorrow
because of the enemy's oppression?(b)

3 Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me.(c)
Let them bring me to Your holy mountain,
to Your dwelling place.(d)
4 Then I will come to the altar of God,
to God, my greatest joy.(e)
I will praise You with the lyre,
God, my God.(f)

5 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God.(g)

Psalm 44

Israel's Complaint

For the choir director. A Maskil of the sons of Korah.

1 God, we have heard with our ears—
our ancestors have told us—
the work You accomplished in their days,
in days long ago:(a)
2 to plant them,
You drove out the nations with Your hand;
to settle them,
You crushed the peoples.(b)
3 For they did not take the land by their sword—
their arm did not bring them victory—
but by Your right hand, Your arm,
and the light of Your face,
for You were pleased with them.(c)

4 You are my King, my God,
who ordains[a] victories for Jacob.(d)
5 Through You we drive back our foes;
through Your name we trample our enemies.(e)
6 For I do not trust in my bow,
and my sword does not bring me victory.(f)
7 But You give us victory over our foes
and let those who hate us be disgraced.(g)
8 We boast in God all day long;
we will praise Your name forever.(h) Selah

9 But You have rejected and humiliated us;
You do not march out with our armies.(i)
10 You make us retreat from the foe,
and those who hate us
have taken plunder for themselves.(j)
11 You hand us over to be eaten like sheep
and scatter us among the nations.(k)
12 You sell Your people for nothing;
You make no profit from selling them.(l)
13 You make us an object of reproach to our neighbors,
a source of mockery and ridicule to those around us.(m)
14 You make us a joke among the nations,
a laughingstock[b] among the peoples.(n)
15 My disgrace is before me all day long,
and shame has covered my face,(o)
16 because of the voice of the scorner and reviler,
because of the enemy and avenger.(p)

17 All this has happened to us,
but we have not forgotten You
or betrayed Your covenant.(q)
18 Our hearts have not turned back;
our steps have not strayed from Your path.(r)
19 But You have crushed us in a haunt of jackals
and have covered us with deepest darkness.(s)
20 If we had forgotten the name of our God
and spread out our hands to a foreign god,(t)
21 wouldn't God have found this out,
since He knows the secrets of the heart?(u)
22 Because of You we are slain all day long;
we are counted as sheep to be slaughtered.(v)

23 Wake up, Lord ! Why are You sleeping?
Get up! Don't reject us forever!(w)
24 Why do You hide Yourself
and forget our affliction and oppression?(x)
25 For we have sunk down to the dust;
our bodies cling to the ground.(y)
26 Rise up! Help us!
Redeem us because of Your faithful love.(z)

Psalm 45

A Royal Wedding Song

For the choir director: according to "The Lilies."[a] A Maskil of the sons of Korah. A love song.

1 My heart is moved by a noble theme
as I recite my verses to the king;
my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.(a)
2 You are the most handsome of men;
grace flows from your lips.(b)
Therefore God has blessed you forever.(c)

3 Mighty warrior, strap your sword at your side.
In your majesty and splendor(d)
4 in your splendor ride triumphantly
in the cause of truth, humility, and justice.
May your right hand show your awe-inspiring acts.(e)
5 Your arrows pierce the hearts of the king's enemies;
the peoples fall under you.(f)

6 Your throne,(g) God, is[b] forever and ever;
the scepter of Your[c] kingdom is a scepter of justice.(h)
7 You love righteousness and hate wickedness;(i)
therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of joy
more than your companions.
8 Myrrh, aloes, and cassia perfume all your garments;
from ivory palaces harps bring you joy.(j)
9 Kings' daughters are among your honored women;(k)
the queen, adorned with gold from Ophir,
stands at your right hand.(l)

10 Listen, daughter, pay attention and consider:
forget your people and your father's house,(m)
11 and the king will desire your beauty.
Bow down to him, for he is your lord.(n)
12 The daughter of Tyre, the wealthy people,
will seek your favor with gifts.(o)

13 In her chamber, the royal daughter is all glorious,
her clothing embroidered with gold.(p)
14 In colorful garments she is led to the king;
after her, the virgins, her companions, are brought to you.(q)
15 They are led in with gladness and rejoicing;
they enter the king's palace.(r)

16 Your sons will succeed your ancestors;
you will make them princes throughout the land.(s)
17 I will cause your name to be remembered for all generations;
therefore the peoples will praise you forever and ever.(t)

Psalm 46

God Our Refuge

For the choir director. A song of the sons of Korah. According to Alamoth.[a](a)

1 God is our refuge and strength,
a helper who is always found
in times of trouble.(b)
2 Therefore we will not be afraid,
though the earth trembles
and the mountains topple
into the depths of the seas,(c)
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with its turmoil.(d) Selah

4 There is a river—
its streams delight the city of God,
the holy dwelling place of the Most High.(e)
5 God is within her; she will not be toppled.
God will help her when the morning dawns.(f)
6 Nations rage, kingdoms topple;
the earth melts when He lifts His voice.(g)
7 The Lord of Hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our stronghold.(h) Selah

8 Come, see the works of the Lord ,
who brings devastation on the earth.(i)
9 He makes wars cease throughout the earth.
He shatters bows and cuts spears to pieces;
He burns up the chariots.[b](j)
10 "Stop your fighting—and know that I am God,
exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth."(k)
11 Yahweh of Hosts is with us;
the God of Jacob is our stronghold.(l) Selah

Psalm 47

God Our King

For the choir director. A psalm of the sons of Korah.

1 Clap your hands, all you peoples;(a)
shout to God with a jubilant cry.(b)
2 For Yahweh, the Most High, is awe-inspiring,
a great King over all the earth.(c)
3 He subdues peoples under us
and nations under our feet.(d)
4 He chooses for us our inheritance—
the pride of Jacob, whom He loves.(e) Selah

5 God ascends among shouts of joy,
the Lord , among the sound of trumpets.(f)
6 Sing praise to God, sing praise;
sing praise to our King, sing praise!(g)
7 Sing a song of wisdom,[a]
for God is King of all the earth.(h)

8 God reigns over the nations;
God is seated on His holy throne.(i)
9 The nobles of the peoples have assembled
with the people of the God of Abraham.(j)
For the leaders[b] of the earth belong to God;
He is greatly exalted.(k)

Psalm 48

Zion Exalted

A song. A psalm of the sons of Korah.

1 The Lord is great and highly praised
in the city of our God.(a)
His holy mountain, rising splendidly,
is the joy of the whole earth.
Mount Zion on the slopes of the north
is the city of the great King.(b)
3 God is known as a stronghold
in its citadels.(c)

4 Look! The kings assembled;
they advanced together.(d)
5 They looked and froze with fear;
they fled in terror.(e)
6 Trembling seized them there,
agony like that of a woman in labor,(f)
7 as You wrecked the ships of Tarshish
with the east wind.(g)

8 Just as we heard, so we have seen
in the city of Yahweh of Hosts,
in the city of our God;
God will establish it forever.(h) Selah

9 God, within Your temple,
we contemplate Your faithful love.(i)
10 Your name, God, like Your praise,
reaches to the ends of the earth;(j)
Your right hand is filled with justice.(k)
11 Mount Zion is glad.
The towns[a] of Judah rejoice
because of Your judgments.(l)

12 Go around Zion, encircle it;
count its towers,
13 note its ramparts; tour its citadels
so that you can tell a future generation:(m)
14 "This God, our God forever and ever—
He will always lead us."[b](n)

Psalm 49

Misplaced Trust in Wealth

For the choir director. A psalm of the sons of Korah.

1 Hear this, all you peoples;
listen, all who inhabit the world,(a)
2 both low and high,[a]
rich and poor together.(b)
3 My mouth speaks wisdom;
my heart's meditation brings understanding.(c)
4 I turn my ear to a proverb;
I explain my riddle with a lyre.(d)

5 Why should I fear in times of trouble?
The iniquity of my foes surrounds me.(e)
6 They trust in their wealth
and boast of their abundant riches.(f)
7 Yet these cannot redeem a person[b]
or pay his ransom to God(g)
8 since the price of redeeming him is too costly,
one should forever stop trying[c](h)
9 so that he may live forever
and not see the Pit.(i)

10 For one can see that wise men die;
foolish and stupid men also pass away.(j)
Then they leave their wealth to others.(k)
11 Their graves are their eternal homes,[d]
their homes from generation to generation,
though they have named estates after themselves.(l)
12 But despite his assets,[e] man will not last;
he is like the animals that perish.(m)

13 This is the way of those who are arrogant,
and of their followers,
who approve of their words.[f](n) Selah
14 Like sheep they are headed for Sheol;
Death will shepherd them.
The upright will rule over them in the morning,(o)
and their form will waste away in Sheol,[g]
far from their lofty abode.(p)
15 But God will redeem my life
from the power of Sheol,
for He will take me.(q) Selah

16 Do not be afraid when a man gets rich,
when the wealth[h] of his house increases.(r)
17 For when he dies, he will take nothing at all;
his wealth[i] will not follow him down.(s)
18 Though he praises himself during his lifetime—
and people praise you when you do well for yourself(t)
19 he will go to the generation of his fathers;
they will never see the light.(u)
20 A man with valuable possessions[j]
but without understanding
is like the animals that perish.(v)

Psalm 50

God as Judge

A psalm of Asaph.(a)

1 Yahweh, the God of gods[a] speaks;
He summons the earth from east to west.[b](b)
2 From Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God appears in radiance.[c](c)
3 Our God is coming; He will not be silent!
Devouring fire precedes Him,
and a storm rages around Him.(d)
4 On high, He summons heaven and earth
in order to judge His people.(e)
5 "Gather My faithful ones to Me,
those who made a covenant with Me by sacrifice."(f)
6 The heavens proclaim His righteousness,(g)
for God is the Judge.(h) Selah

7 "Listen, My people, and I will speak;
I will testify against you, Israel.
I am God, your God.(i)
8 I do not rebuke you for your sacrifices
or for your burnt offerings,
which are continually before Me.(j)
9 I will not accept a bull from your household
or male goats from your pens,(k)
10 for every animal of the forest is Mine,
the cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know every bird of the mountains,[d]
and the creatures of the field are Mine.(l)
12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you,
for the world and everything in it is Mine.(m)
13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls
or drink the blood of goats?(n)
14 Sacrifice a thank offering to God,(o)
and pay your vows to the Most High.(p)
15 Call on Me in a day of trouble;
I will rescue you, and you will honor Me."(q)

16 But God says to the wicked:
"What right do you have to recite My statutes
and to take My covenant on your lips?(r)
17 You hate instruction
and turn your back on My words.[e](s)
18 When you see a thief,
you make friends with him,
and you associate with adulterers.(t)
19 You unleash your mouth for evil
and harness your tongue for deceit.(u)
20 You sit, maligning your brother,
slandering your mother's son.(v)
21 You have done these things, and I kept silent;
you thought I was just like you.(w)
But I will rebuke you
and lay out the case before you.[f](x)

22 "Understand this, you who forget God,
or I will tear you apart,
and there will be no one to rescue you.(y)
23 Whoever sacrifices a thank offering honors Me,
and whoever orders his conduct,
I will show him the salvation of God."(z)

Psalm 51

A Prayer for Restoration

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm, when Nathan the prophet came to him after he had gone to Bathsheba.(a)

1 Be gracious to me, God,
according to Your faithful love;
according to Your abundant compassion,
blot out my rebellion.(b)
2 Wash away my guilt
and cleanse me from my sin.(c)
3 For I am conscious of my rebellion,
and my sin is always before me.(d)
4 Against You—You alone—I have sinned
and done this evil in Your sight.(e)
So You are right when You pass sentence;
You are blameless when You judge.(f)
5 Indeed, I was guilty when I was born;
I was sinful when my mother conceived me.(g)

6 Surely You desire integrity in the inner self,
and You teach me wisdom deep within.(h)
7 Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.(i)
8 Let me hear joy and gladness;
let the bones You have crushed rejoice.(j)
9 Turn Your face away[a] from my sins
and blot out all my guilt.(k)

10 God, create a clean heart for me
and renew a steadfast[b] spirit within me.(l)
11 Do not banish me from Your presence
or take Your Holy Spirit from me.(m)
12 Restore the joy of Your salvation to me,
and give me a willing spirit.[c](n)
13 Then I will teach the rebellious Your ways,
and sinners will return to You.(o)

14 Save me from the guilt of bloodshed, God,(p)
the God of my salvation,
and my tongue will sing of Your righteousness.(q)
15 Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare Your praise.(r)
16 You do not want a sacrifice, or I would give it;
You are not pleased with a burnt offering.(s)
17 The sacrifice pleasing to God is[d] a broken spirit.
God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart.(t)

18 In Your good pleasure, cause Zion to prosper;
build[e] the walls of Jerusalem.(u)
19 Then You will delight in righteous sacrifices,
whole burnt offerings;
then bulls will be offered on Your altar.(v)

Psalm 52

God Judges the Proud

For the choir director. A Davidic Maskil. When Doeg the Edomite went and reported to Saul, telling him, "David went to Ahimelech's house."(a)

1 Why brag about evil, you hero!(b)
God's faithful love is constant.(c)
2 Like a sharpened razor,
your tongue devises destruction,
working treachery.(d)
3 You love evil instead of good,
lying instead of speaking truthfully.(e) Selah
4 You love any words that destroy,
you treacherous tongue!(f)

5 This is why God will bring you down forever.
He will take you, ripping you out of your tent;
He will uproot you from the land of the living.(g) Selah
6 The righteous will look on with awe
and will ridicule him:(h)
7 "Here is the man
who would not make God his refuge,
but trusted in the abundance of his riches,
taking refuge in his destructive behavior."[a](i)

8 But I am like a flourishing olive tree
in the house of God;(j)
I trust in God's faithful love forever and ever.(k)
9 I will praise You forever for what You have done.
In the presence of Your faithful people,
I will put my hope in Your name, for it is good.(l)

Psalm 53

A Portrait of Sinners

For the choir director: on Mahalath.[a](a) A Davidic Maskil.

1 The fool says in his heart, "God does not exist."
They are corrupt, and they do vile deeds.
There is no one who does good.(b)
2 God looks down from heaven on the human race
to see if there is one who is wise,
one who seeks God.(c)
3 All have turned away;
all alike have become corrupt.
There is no one who does good,
not even one.(d)

4 Will evildoers never understand?
They consume My people as they consume bread;(e)
they do not call on God.(f)
5 Then they will be filled with terror—
terror like no other(g)
because God will scatter
the bones of those who besiege you.(h)
You will put them to shame,
for God has rejected them.(i)

6 Oh, that Israel's deliverance would come from Zion!
When God restores the fortunes of His people,[b]
Jacob will rejoice; Israel will be glad.(j)

Psalm 54

Prayer for Deliverance

For the choir director: with stringed instruments. A Davidic Maskil. When the Ziphites went and said to Saul, "Is David not hiding among us?"(a)

1 God, save me by Your name,
and vindicate me by Your might!(b)
2 God, hear my prayer;
listen to the words of my mouth.(c)
3 For strangers rise up against me,
and violent men seek my life.
They have no regard for God.[a](d) Selah

4 God is my helper;
the Lord is the sustainer of my life.[b](e)
5 He will repay my adversaries for their evil.
Because of Your faithfulness, annihilate them.(f)

6 I will sacrifice a freewill offering to You.(g)
I will praise Your name, Yahweh,
because it is good.(h)
7 For He has delivered me from every trouble,
and my eye has looked down on my enemies.(i)

Psalm 55

Betrayal by a Friend

For the choir director: with stringed instruments. A Davidic Maskil.

1 God, listen to my prayer
and do not ignore[a] my plea for help.(a)
2 Pay attention to me and answer me.(b)
I am restless and in turmoil with my complaint,(c)
3 because of the enemy's voice,
because of the pressure[b] of the wicked.
For they bring down disaster on me[c]
and harass me in anger.(d)

4 My heart shudders within me;(e)
terrors of death sweep over me.
5 Fear and trembling grip me;
horror has overwhelmed me.(f)
6 I said, "If only I had[d] wings like a dove!
I would fly away and find rest.(g)
7 How far away I would flee;
I would stay in the wilderness.(h) Selah
8 I would hurry to my shelter
from the raging wind and the storm."(i)

9 Lord, confuse[e] and confound their speech,[f](j)
for I see violence and strife in the city;
10 day and night they make the rounds on its walls.
Crime and trouble are within it;(k)
11 destruction is inside it;
oppression and deceit never leave its marketplace.(l)

12 Now it is not an enemy who insults me—
otherwise I could bear it;
it is not a foe who rises up against me—
otherwise I could hide from him.
13 But it is you, a man who is my peer,
my companion and good friend!(m)
14 We used to have close fellowship;
we walked with the crowd into the house of God.(n)

15 Let death take them by surprise;(o)
let them go down to Sheol alive,
because evil is in their homes and within them.(p)
16 But I call to God,
and the Lord will save me.(q)
17 I complain and groan morning, noon, and night,(r)
and He hears my voice.(s)
18 Though many are against me,
He will redeem me from my battle unharmed.(t)
19 God, the One enthroned from long ago,(u)
will hear and will humiliate them Selah
because they do not change
and do not fear God.(v)

20 My friend(w) acts violently
against those at peace with him;(x)
he violates his covenant.(y)
21 His buttery words are smooth,[g]
but war is in his heart.
His words are softer than oil,
but they are drawn swords.(z)

22 Cast your burden on the Lord ,
and He will sustain you;(aa)
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.(ab)

23 God, You will bring them down
to the Pit of destruction;(ac)
men of bloodshed and treachery
will not live out half their days.(ad)
But I will trust in You.(ae)

Psalm 56

A Call for God's Protection

For the choir director: according to "A Silent Dove Far Away."[a] A Davidic Miktam. When the Philistines seized him in Gath.(a)

1 Be gracious to me, God, for man tramples me;
he fights and oppresses me all day long.
2 My adversaries trample me all day,
for many arrogantly fight against me.[b](b)

3 When I am afraid,
I will trust in You.(c)
4 In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?(d)

5 They twist my words all day long;
all their thoughts against me are evil.(e)
6 They stir up strife,[c] they lurk;
they watch my steps
while they wait to take my life.(f)
7 Will they escape in spite of such sin?
God, bring down the nations in wrath.(g)

8 You Yourself have recorded my wanderings.[d]
Put my tears in Your bottle.
Are they not in Your records?(h)
9 Then my enemies will retreat on the day when I call.(i)
This I know: God is for me.(j)

10 In God, whose word I praise,
in the Lord , whose word I praise,
11 in God I trust; I will not fear.
What can man do to me?(k)

12 I am obligated by vows[e] to You, God;
I will make my thank offerings to You.(l)
13 For You delivered me from death,
even my feet from stumbling,
to walk before God in the light of life.(m)

Psalm 57

Praise for God's Protection

For the choir director: "Do Not Destroy."[a] A Davidic Miktam. When he fled before Saul into the cave.(a)

1 Be gracious to me, God, be gracious to me,
for I take refuge in You.
I will seek refuge in the shadow of Your wings
until danger passes.(b)
2 I call to God Most High,
to God who fulfills His purpose for me.[b](c)
3 He reaches down from heaven and saves me,
challenging the one who tramples me.(d) Selah
God sends His faithful love and truth.(e)
4 I am surrounded by lions;
I lie down with those who devour men.
Their teeth are spears and arrows;
their tongues are sharp swords.(f)
5 God, be exalted above the heavens;
let Your glory be over the whole earth.(g)
6 They prepared a net for my steps;
I was despondent.
They dug a pit ahead of me,
but they fell into it!(h) Selah

7 My heart is confident, God, my heart is confident.
I will sing; I will sing praises.(i)
8 Wake up, my soul![c]
Wake up, harp and lyre!
I will wake up the dawn.(j)
9 I will praise You, Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to You among the nations.(k)
10 For Your faithful love is as high as the heavens;
Your faithfulness reaches the clouds.(l)
11 God, be exalted above the heavens;(m)
let Your glory be over the whole earth.(n)

Psalm 58

A Cry against Injustice

For the choir director: "Do Not Destroy."[a] A Davidic Miktam.

1 Do you really speak righteously, you mighty ones?[b]
Do you judge people fairly?(a)
2 No, you practice injustice in your hearts;
with your hands you weigh out violence in the land.(b)

3 The wicked go astray from the womb;
liars err from birth.(c)
4 They have venom like the venom of a snake,
like the deaf cobra that stops up its ears,(d)
5 that does not listen to the sound of the charmers
who skillfully weave spells.(e)

6 God, knock the teeth out of their mouths;
Lord , tear out the young lions' fangs.(f)
7 They will vanish like water that flows by;
they will aim their useless arrows.[c][d](g)
8 Like a slug that moves along in slime,
like a woman's miscarried child,
they will not see the sun.(h)

9 Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns—
whether green or burning—
He will sweep them away.[e](i)
10 The righteous one will rejoice
when he sees the retribution;(j)
he will wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.(k)
11 Then people will say,
"Yes, there is a reward for the righteous!
There is a God who judges on earth!"(l)

Psalm 59

God Our Stronghold

For the choir director: "Do Not Destroy."[a] A Davidic Miktam. When Saul sent agents to watch the house and kill him.(a)

1 Deliver me from my enemies, my God;(b)
protect me from those who rise up against me.(c)
2 Deliver me from those who practice sin,
and save me from men of bloodshed.(d)
3  Lord , look! They set an ambush for me.(e)
Powerful men attack me,
but not because of any sin or rebellion of mine.(f)
4 For no fault of mine,
they run and take up a position.
Awake to help me, and take notice.(g)
5  Lord God of Hosts, You are the God of Israel,
rise up to punish all the nations;
do not show grace to any wicked traitors.(h) Selah

6 They return at evening, snarling like dogs
and prowling around the city.(i)
7 Look, they spew from their mouths—
sharp words from[b] their lips.(j)
"For who," they say, "will hear?"(k)
8 But You laugh at them, Lord ;
You ridicule all the nations.(l)
9 I will keep watch for You, my[c] strength,
because God is my stronghold.(m)
10 My faithful God[d] will come to meet me;
God will let me look down on my adversaries.(n)

11 Do not kill them; otherwise, my people will forget.
By Your power, make them homeless wanderers(o)
and bring them down,
Lord, our shield.(p)
12 For the sin of their mouths and the words of their lips,
let them be caught in their pride.
They utter curses and lies.(q)
13 Consume them in rage;
consume them until they are gone.(r)
Then people will know throughout[e] the earth
that God rules over Jacob.(s) Selah

14 And they return at evening, snarling like dogs
and prowling around the city.(t)
15 They scavenge for food;
they growl if they are not satisfied.(u)

16 But I will sing of Your strength
and will joyfully proclaim
Your faithful love in the morning.(v)
For You have been a stronghold for me,
a refuge in my day of trouble.(w)
17 To You, my strength, I sing praises,
because God is my stronghold—
my faithful God.(x)

Psalm 60

Prayer in Difficult Times

For the choir director: according to "The Lily of Testimony."[a] A Davidic Miktam for teaching. When he fought with Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah, and Joab returned and struck Edom in the Valley of Salt, killing 12,000.(a)

1 God, You have rejected us;
You have broken out[b] against us;
You have been angry. Restore us![c](b)
2 You have shaken the land and split it open.
Heal its fissures, for it shudders.(c)
3 You have made Your people suffer hardship;
You have given us wine to drink
that made us stagger.(d)
4 You have given a signal flag to those who fear You,
so that they can flee before the archers.[d](e) Selah
5 Save with Your right hand, and answer me,
so that those You love may be rescued.(f)

6 God has spoken in His sanctuary:[e]
"I will triumph! I will divide up Shechem.(g)
I will apportion the Valley of Succoth.(h)
7 Gilead is Mine, Manasseh is Mine,
and Ephraim is My helmet;(i)
Judah is My scepter.(j)
8 Moab is My washbasin.(k)
I throw My sandal on Edom;(l)
I shout in triumph over Philistia."(m)

9 Who will bring me to the fortified city?
Who will lead me to Edom?(n)
10 God, haven't You rejected us?
God, You do not march out with our armies.(o)
11 Give us aid against the foe,
for human help is worthless.(p)
12 With God we will perform valiantly;(q)
He will trample our foes.(r)

Psalm 61

Security in God

For the choir director: on stringed instruments. Davidic.

1 God, hear my cry;
pay attention to my prayer.(a)
2 I call to You from the ends of the earth
when my heart is without strength.(b)
Lead me to a rock that is high above me,(c)
3 for You have been a refuge for me,
a strong tower(d) in the face of the enemy.
4 I will live in Your tent forever
and take refuge under the shelter of Your wings.(e) Selah

5 God, You have heard my vows;(f)
You have given a heritage
to those who fear Your name.(g)
6 Add days to the king's life;
may his years span many generations.(h)
7 May he sit enthroned before God forever;(i)
appoint faithful love and truth to guard him.(j)
8 Then I will continually sing of Your name,(k)
fulfilling my vows day by day.(l)

Psalm 62

Trust in God Alone

For the choir director: according to Jeduthun.(a) A Davidic psalm.

1 I am at rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from Him.(b)
2 He alone is my rock and my salvation,(c)
my stronghold; I will never be shaken.(d)

3 How long will you threaten a man?
Will all of you attack[a]
as if he were a leaning wall
or a tottering stone fence?(e)
4 They only plan to bring him down
from his high position.
They take pleasure in lying;
they bless with their mouths,
but they curse inwardly.(f) Selah

5 Rest in God alone, my soul,
for my hope comes from Him.(g)
6 He alone is my rock and my salvation,(h)
my stronghold; I will not be shaken.(i)
7 My salvation and glory depend on God, my strong rock.
My refuge is in God.(j)
8 Trust in Him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts before Him.
God is our refuge.(k) Selah

9 Men are only a vapor;
exalted men, an illusion.
Weighed in the scales, they go up;
together they are less than a vapor.(l)
10 Place no trust in oppression,
or false hope in robbery.
If wealth increases,
pay no attention to it.[b](m)

11 God has spoken once;
I have heard this twice:
strength belongs to God,(n)
12 and faithful love belongs to You, Lord .
For You repay each according to his works.(o)

Psalm 63

Praise God Who Satisfies

A Davidic psalm. When he was in the Wilderness of Judah.(a)

1 God, You are my God; I eagerly seek You.
I thirst for You;
my body faints for You
in a land that is dry, desolate, and without water.(b)
2 So I gaze on You in the sanctuary
to see Your strength and Your glory.(c)

3 My lips will glorify You
because Your faithful love is better than life.(d)
4 So I will praise You as long as I live;
at Your name, I will lift up my hands.(e)
5 You satisfy me as with rich food;[a](f)
my mouth will praise You with joyful lips.(g)

6 When I think of You as I lie on my bed,
I meditate on You during the night watches(h)
7 because You are my helper;(i)
I will rejoice in the shadow of Your wings.(j)
8 I follow close to You;
Your right hand holds on to me.(k)

9 But those who seek to destroy my life
will go into the depths of the earth.(l)
10 They will be given over to the power of the sword;(m)
they will become the jackals' prey.
11 But the king will rejoice in God;(n)
all who swear by Him[b] will boast,
for the mouths of liars will be shut.(o)

Psalm 64

Protection from Evildoers

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm.

1 God, hear my voice when I complain.(a)
Protect my life from the terror of the enemy.(b)
2 Hide me from the scheming of wicked people,(c)
from the mob of evildoers,(d)
3 who sharpen their tongues like swords
and aim bitter words like arrows,(e)
4 shooting from concealed places at the innocent.
They shoot at him suddenly and are not afraid.(f)
5 They encourage each other in an evil plan;[a][b]
they talk about hiding traps and say,
"Who will see them?"[c](g)
6 They devise crimes and say,
"We have perfected a secret plan."(h)
The inner man and the heart are mysterious.

7 But God will shoot them with arrows;
suddenly, they will be wounded.(i)
8 They will be made to stumble;
their own tongues work against them.
All who see them will shake their heads.(j)
9 Then everyone will fear
and will tell about God's work,
for they will understand what He has done.(k)

10 The righteous one rejoices in the Lord
and takes refuge in Him;
all those who are upright in heart
will offer praise.(l)

Psalm 65

God's Care for the Earth

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm. A song.

1 Praise is rightfully Yours,[a]
God, in Zion;
vows to You will be fulfilled.(a)
2 All humanity will come to You,
the One who hears prayer.(b)
3 Iniquities overwhelm me;
only You can atone for[b] our rebellions.(c)
4 How happy is the one You choose
and bring near to live in Your courts!
We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house,
the holiness of Your temple.[c](d)

5 You answer us in righteousness,
with awe-inspiring works,
God of our salvation,
the hope of all the ends of the earth
and of the distant seas.(e)
6 You establish the mountains by Your[d] power,
robed with strength.(f)
7 You silence the roar of the seas,
the roar of their waves,
and the tumult of the nations.(g)
8 Those who live far away are awed by Your signs;
You make east and west shout for joy.(h)

9 You visit the earth and water it abundantly,
enriching it greatly.
God's stream is filled with water,
for You prepare the earth[e] in this way,
providing people with grain.(i)
10 You soften it with showers and bless its growth,
soaking its furrows and leveling its ridges.(j)
11 You crown the year with Your goodness;
Your ways overflow with plenty.[f](k)
12 The wilderness pastures overflow,
and the hills are robed with joy.(l)
13 The pastures are clothed with flocks
and the valleys covered with grain.(m)
They shout in triumph; indeed, they sing.(n)

Psalm 66

Praise for God's Mighty Acts

For the choir director. A song. A psalm.

1 Shout joyfully to God, all the earth!(a)
2 Sing about the glory of His name;
make His praise glorious.(b)
3 Say to God, "How awe-inspiring are Your works!
Your enemies will cringe before You
because of Your great strength.(c)
4 All the earth will worship You
and sing praise to You.
They will sing praise to Your name."(d) Selah

5 Come and see the wonders of God;(e)
His acts for humanity are awe-inspiring.
6 He turned the sea into dry land,
and they crossed the river on foot.(f)
There we rejoiced in Him.(g)
7 He rules forever by His might;
He keeps His eye on the nations.(h)
The rebellious should not exalt themselves.(i) Selah
8 Praise our God, you peoples;
let the sound of His praise be heard.(j)
9 He keeps us alive[a]
and does not allow our feet to slip.(k)

10 For You, God, tested us;
You refined us as silver is refined.(l)
11 You lured us into a trap;
You placed burdens on our backs.(m)
12 You let men ride over our heads;
we went through fire and water,
but You brought us out to abundance.[b](n)

13 I will enter Your house with burnt offerings;
I will pay You my vows(o)
14 that my lips promised
and my mouth spoke during my distress.(p)
15 I will offer You fattened sheep as burnt offerings,
with the fragrant smoke of rams;
I will sacrifice oxen with goats.(q) Selah

16 Come and listen, all who fear God,
and I will tell what He has done for me.(r)
17 I cried out to Him with my mouth,
and praise was on my tongue.(s)
18 If I had been aware of malice in my heart,
the Lord would not have listened.(t)
19 However, God has listened;
He has paid attention to the sound of my prayer.(u)
20 May God be praised!
He has not turned away my prayer
or turned His faithful love from me.(v)

Psalm 67

All Will Praise God

For the choir director: with stringed instruments. A psalm. A song.

1 May God be gracious to us and bless us;
look on us with favor(a) Selah
2 so that Your way may be known on earth,
Your salvation among all nations.(b)

3 Let the peoples praise You, God;
let all the peoples praise You.(c)
4 Let the nations rejoice and shout for joy,
for You judge the peoples with fairness
and lead the nations on earth.(d) Selah
5 Let the peoples praise You, God,
let all the peoples praise You.(e)

6 The earth has produced its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.(f)
7 God will bless us,
and all the ends of the earth will fear Him.(g)

Psalm 68

God's Majestic Power

For the choir director. A Davidic psalm. A song.

1 God arises. His enemies scatter,
and those who hate Him flee from His presence.(a)
2 As smoke is blown away,
so You blow them away.
As wax melts before the fire,
so the wicked are destroyed before God.(b)
3 But the righteous are glad;
they rejoice before God and celebrate with joy.(c)

4 Sing to God! Sing praises to His name.
Exalt Him who rides on the clouds[a]
His name is Yahweh[b]—and rejoice before Him.(d)
5 God in His holy dwelling is
a father of the fatherless
and a champion of widows.(e)
6 God provides homes for those who are deserted.
He leads out the prisoners to prosperity,[c]
but the rebellious live in a scorched land.(f)

7 God, when You went out before Your people,
when You marched through the desert, Selah
8 the earth trembled and the skies poured down rain
before God, the God of Sinai,[d]
before God, the God of Israel.(g)
9 You, God, showered abundant rain;
You revived Your inheritance when it languished.(h)
10 Your people settled in it;
God, You provided for the poor by Your goodness.(i)

11 The Lord gave the command;
a great company of women brought the good news:(j)
12 "The kings of the armies flee—they flee!"
She who stays at home divides the spoil.(k)
13 While[e] you lie among the sheepfolds,[f]
the wings of a dove are covered with silver,
and its feathers with glistening gold.(l)
14 When the Almighty scattered kings in the land,
it snowed on Zalmon.[g](m)

15 Mount Bashan is God's towering mountain;
Mount Bashan is a mountain of many peaks.(n)
16 Why gaze with envy, you mountain peaks,
at the mountain[h] God desired for His dwelling?
The Lord will live there forever!(o)
17 God's chariots are tens of thousands,
thousands and thousands;(p)
the Lord is among them in the sanctuary[i]
as He was at Sinai.(q)
18 You ascended to the heights, taking away captives;
You received gifts from[j] people,
even from the rebellious,
so that the Lord God might live there.[k](r)

19 May the Lord be praised!
Day after day He bears our burdens;
God is our salvation.(s) Selah
20 Our God is a God of salvation,
and escape from death belongs to the Lord God .(t)
21 Surely God crushes the heads of His enemies,
the hairy head of one who goes on in his guilty acts.(u)
22 The Lord said, "I will bring them back from Bashan;
I will bring them back from the depths of the sea(v)
23 so that your foot may wade[l] in blood
and your dogs' tongues may have their share
from the enemies."(w)
24 People have seen Your procession, God,
the procession of my God,
my King, in the sanctuary.[m](x)
25 Singers[n] lead the way,
with musicians following;
among them are young women
playing tambourines.(y)
26 Praise God in the assemblies;
praise the Lord from the fountain of Israel.(z)
27 There is Benjamin, the youngest, leading them,
the rulers of Judah in their assembly,[o]
the rulers of Zebulun, the rulers of Naphtali.(aa)

28 Your God has decreed your strength.
Show Your strength, God,
You who have acted on our behalf.(ab)
29 Because of Your temple at Jerusalem,
kings will bring tribute to You.(ac)
30 Rebuke the beast[p] in the reeds,
the herd of bulls with the calves of the peoples.(ad)
Trample underfoot those with bars of silver.[q]
Scatter the peoples who take pleasure in war.(ae)
31 Ambassadors will come[r] from Egypt;
Cush will stretch out its hands[s] to God.(af)

32 Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth;
sing praise to the Lord,(ag) Selah
33 to Him who rides in the ancient, highest heavens.(ah)
Look, He thunders with His powerful voice!(ai)
34 Ascribe power to God.
His majesty is over Israel,
His power among the clouds.(aj)
35 God, You are awe-inspiring in Your sanctuaries.
The God of Israel gives power and strength to His people.
May God be praised!(ak)

Psalm 69

A Plea for Rescue

For the choir director: according to "The Lilies."[a] Davidic.

1 Save me, God,
for the water has risen to my neck.(a)
2 I have sunk in deep mud, and there is no footing;
I have come into deep waters,
and a flood sweeps over me.(b)
3 I am weary from my crying;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail, looking for my God.(c)
4 Those who hate me without cause
are more numerous than the hairs of my head;
my deceitful enemies, who would destroy me,
are powerful.(d)
Though I did not steal, I must repay.(e)

5 God, You know my foolishness,
and my guilty acts are not hidden from You.(f)
6 Do not let those who put their hope in You
be disgraced because of me,
Lord God of Hosts;
do not let those who seek You
be humiliated because of me,
God of Israel.(g)
7 For I have endured insults because of You,
and shame has covered my face.(h)
8 I have become a stranger to my brothers
and a foreigner to my mother's sons(i)
9 because zeal for Your house has consumed me,(j)
and the insults of those who insult You
have fallen on me.(k)
10 I mourned and fasted,
but it brought me insults.(l)
11 I wore sackcloth as my clothing,
and I was a joke to them.
12 Those who sit at the city gate talk about me,
and drunkards make up songs about me.(m)

13 But as for me, Lord ,
my prayer to You is for a time of favor.
In Your abundant, faithful love, God,
answer me with Your sure salvation.(n)
14 Rescue me from the miry mud; don't let me sink.
Let me be rescued from those who hate me
and from the deep waters.(o)
15 Don't let the floodwaters sweep over me
or the deep swallow me up;
don't let the Pit close its mouth over me.(p)
16 Answer me, Lord ,
for Your faithful love is good;
in keeping with Your great compassion,
turn to me.(q)
17 Don't hide Your face from Your servant,
for I am in distress.
Answer me quickly!(r)
18 Draw near to me and redeem me;
ransom me because of my enemies.(s)

19 You know the insults I endure—
my shame and disgrace.
You are aware of all my adversaries.(t)
20 Insults have broken my heart,
and I am in despair.
I waited for sympathy,
but there was none;
for comforters, but found no one.(u)
21 Instead, they gave me gall[b] for my food,
and for my thirst
they gave me vinegar to drink.(v)

22 Let their table set before them be a snare,
and let it be a trap for their allies.(w)
23 Let their eyes grow too dim to see,
and let their loins continually shake.(x)
24 Pour out Your rage on them,
and let Your burning anger overtake them.(y)
25 Make their fortification desolate;
may no one live in their tents.(z)
26 For they persecute the one You struck
and talk about the pain of those You wounded.(aa)
27 Add guilt to their guilt;
do not let them share in Your righteousness.(ab)
28 Let them be erased from the book of life
and not be recorded with the righteous.(ac)

29 But as for me—poor and in pain—
let Your salvation protect me, God.(ad)
30 I will praise God's name with song
and exalt Him with thanksgiving.(ae)
31 That will please Yahweh more than an ox,
more than a bull with horns and hooves.(af)
32 The humble will see it and rejoice.
You who seek God, take heart!(ag)
33 For the Lord listens to the needy
and does not despise
His own who are prisoners.(ah)

34 Let heaven and earth praise Him,
the seas and everything that moves in them,(ai)
35 for God will save Zion
and build up[c] the cities of Judah.
They will live there and possess it.(aj)
36 The descendants of His servants will inherit it,
and those who love His name will live in it.(ak)

John 4:27-54

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 4

27 Just then His disciples arrived, and they were amazed that He was talking with a woman. Yet no one said, "What do You want?" or "Why are You talking with her?"

28 Then the woman left her water jar, went into town, and told the men, 29 "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could this be the Messiah?"(ac) 30 They left the town and made their way to Him.(ad)

31 In the meantime the disciples kept urging Him, "Rabbi,(ae) eat something."

32 But He said, "I have food to eat that you don't know about."

33 The disciples said to one another, "Could someone have brought Him something to eat?"

34 "My food is to do the will of Him(af) who sent Me(ag) and to finish His work," (ah) Jesus told them. 35 "Don't you say, ‘There are still four more months, then comes the harvest'? Listen to what I'm telling you: Open[j] your eyes and look at the fields, for they are ready[k] for harvest. 36 The reaper is already receiving pay and gathering fruit for eternal life,(ai) so the sower and reaper can rejoice together. 37 For in this case the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.'(aj) 38 I sent you to reap what you didn't labor for; others have labored, and you have benefited from[l] their labor."

The Savior of the World

39 Now many Samaritans(ak) from that town believed in Him because of what the woman said[m] when she testified,(al) "He told me everything I ever did." 40 Therefore, when the Samaritans came to Him,(am) they asked Him to stay with them, and He stayed there two days. 41 Many more believed because of what He said.[n] 42 And they told the woman, "We no longer believe because of what you said, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this really is the Savior(an) of the world."[o]

A Galilean Welcome

43 After two days He left there for Galilee.(ao) 44 Jesus Himself testified(ap) that a prophet has no honor in his own country.(aq) 45 When(ar) they entered Galilee, the Galileans(as) welcomed Him because they had seen everything He did in Jerusalem(at) during the festival.(au) For they also had gone to the festival.

The Second Sign: Healing an Official's Son

46 Then He went again to Cana(av) of Galilee, where He had turned the water into wine. There was a certain royal official whose son was ill at Capernaum.(aw) 47 When this man heard that Jesus had come from Judea(ax) into Galilee, he went to Him and pleaded with Him to come down and heal his son, for he was about to die.

48 Jesus told him, "Unless you people see signs and wonders,(ay) you will not believe." (az)

49 "Sir,"(ba) the official said to Him, "come down before my boy dies!"

50 "Go," Jesus told him, "your son will live." The man believed what[p] Jesus said to him and departed.

51 While he was still going down, his slaves met him saying that his boy was alive. 52 He asked them at what time he got better. "Yesterday at seven in the morning[q] the fever left him," they answered. 53 The father(bb) realized this was the very hour at which Jesus had told him, "Your son will live." Then he himself believed, along with his whole household.

54 This, therefore, was the second sign(bc) Jesus performed after He came from Judea to Galilee.(bd)

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