Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

June 20 - Different Topics


Psalms 72-74

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 72

Psalm 72

A Prayer for the King


1 God, give Your justice to the king
and Your righteousness to the king's son.(b)
2 He will judge Your people with righteousness
and Your afflicted ones with justice.(c)
3 May the mountains bring prosperity[a] to the people
and the hills, righteousness.(d)
4 May he vindicate the afflicted among the people,
help the poor,
and crush the oppressor.(e)

5 May he continue[b] while the sun endures
and as long as the moon, throughout all generations.(f)
6 May he be like rain that falls on the cut grass,
like spring showers that water the earth.(g)
7 May the righteous[c] flourish in his days
and prosperity[d] abound
until the moon is no more.(h)

8 May he rule from sea to sea
and from the Euphrates
to the ends of the earth.(i)
9 May desert tribes kneel before him
and his enemies lick the dust.(j)
10 May the kings of Tarshish
and the coasts and islands bring tribute,
the kings of Sheba and Seba offer gifts.(k)
11 Let all kings bow down to him,
all nations serve him.(l)

12 For he will rescue the poor who cry out
and the afflicted who have no helper.(m)
13 He will have pity on the poor and helpless
and save the lives of the poor.(n)
14 He will redeem them from oppression and violence,
for their lives are[e] precious[f] in his sight.(o)

15 May he live long!
May gold from Sheba be given to him.
May prayer be offered for him continually,
and may he be blessed all day long.(p)
16 May there be plenty of grain in the land;
may it wave on the tops of the mountains.
May its crops be like Lebanon.
May people flourish in the cities
like the grass of the field.(q)
17 May his name endure forever;
as long as the sun shines,
may his fame increase.
May all nations be blessed by him
and call him blessed.(r)

18 May the Lord God, the God of Israel,
who alone does wonders, be praised.(s)
19 May His glorious name be praised forever;
the whole earth is filled with His glory.(t)
Amen and amen.
20 The prayers of David son of Jesse are concluded.(u)

Chapter 73

Psalm 73

God's Ways Vindicated

A psalm of Asaph.(a)

1 God is indeed good to Israel,
to the pure in heart.(b)
2 But as for me, my feet almost slipped;
my steps nearly went astray.(c)
3 For I envied the arrogant;
I saw the prosperity of the wicked.(d)

4 They have an easy time until they die,[a]
and their bodies are well fed.[b](e)
5 They are not in trouble like others;
they are not afflicted like most people.(f)
6 Therefore, pride is their necklace,
and violence covers them like a garment.(g)
7 Their eyes bulge out from fatness;
the imaginations of their hearts run wild.(h)
8 They mock, and they speak maliciously;
they arrogantly threaten oppression.(i)
9 They set their mouths against heaven,
and their tongues strut across the earth.(j)
10 Therefore His people turn to them[c]
and drink in their overflowing words.[d](k)
11 The wicked say, "How can God know?
Does the Most High know everything?"(l)
12 Look at them—the wicked!
They are always at ease,
and they increase their wealth.(m)

13 Did I purify my heart
and wash my hands in innocence for nothing?(n)
14 For I am afflicted all day long
and punished every morning.(o)
15 If I had decided to say these things aloud,
I would have betrayed Your people.[e](p)
16 When I tried to understand all this,
it seemed hopeless[f](q)
17 until I entered God's sanctuary.
Then I understood their destiny.(r)
18 Indeed, You put them in slippery places;
You make them fall into ruin.(s)
19 How suddenly they become a desolation!
They come to an end, swept away by terrors.(t)
20 Like one waking from a dream,
Lord, when arising, You will despise their image.(u)

21 When I became embittered
and my innermost being[g] was wounded,(v)
22 I was stupid and didn't understand;
I was an unthinking animal toward You.(w)
23 Yet I am always with You;
You hold my right hand.(x)
24 You guide me with Your counsel,
and afterward You will take me up in glory.[h](y)
25 Who do I have in heaven but You?
And I desire nothing on earth but You.(z)
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength[i] of my heart,
my portion forever.(aa)
27 Those far from You will certainly perish;
You destroy all who are unfaithful to You.(ab)
28 But as for me, God's presence is my good.
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
so I can tell about all You do.(ac)

Chapter 74

Psalm 74

Prayer for Israel

A Maskil of Asaph.(a)

1 Why have You rejected us forever, God?
Why does Your anger burn
against the sheep of Your pasture?(b)
2 Remember Your congregation,
which You purchased long ago
and redeemed as the tribe for Your own possession.(c)
Remember Mount Zion where You dwell.(d)
3 Make Your way[a] to the everlasting ruins,
to all that the enemy has destroyed in the sanctuary.(e)
4 Your adversaries roared in the meeting place
where You met with us.[b]
They set up their emblems as signs.(f)
5 It was like men in a thicket of trees,
wielding axes,(g)
6 then smashing all the carvings
with hatchets and picks.(h)
7 They set Your sanctuary on fire;
they utterly[c] desecrated
the dwelling place of Your name.(i)
8 They said in their hearts,
"Let us oppress them relentlessly."
They burned down every place throughout the land
where God met with us.[d](j)
9 There are no signs for us to see.
There is no longer a prophet.
And none of us knows how long this will last.(k)
10 God, how long will the enemy mock?
Will the foe insult Your name forever?(l)
11 Why do You hold back Your hand?
Stretch out[e] Your right hand and destroy them!(m)

12 God my King is from ancient times,
performing saving acts on the earth.(n)
13 You divided the sea with Your strength;
You smashed the heads of the sea monsters in the waters;(o)
14 You crushed the heads of Leviathan;
You fed him to the creatures of the desert.(p)
15 You opened up springs and streams;(q)
You dried up ever-flowing rivers.(r)
16 The day is Yours, also the night;
You established the moon and the sun.(s)
17 You set all the boundaries of the earth;
You made summer and winter.(t)

18 Remember this: the enemy has mocked Yahweh,
and a foolish people has insulted Your name.(u)
19 Do not give the life of Your dove to beasts;[f]
do not forget the lives of Your poor people forever.(v)
20 Consider the covenant,(w)
for the dark places of the land are full of violence.(x)
21 Do not let the oppressed turn away in shame;
let the poor and needy praise Your name.(y)
22 Rise up, God, defend Your cause!(z)
Remember the insults
that fools bring against You all day long.(aa)
23 Do not forget the clamor of Your adversaries,
the tumult of Your opponents that goes up constantly.(ab)

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