Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 7th, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

July 7 - Straight Thru the Bible


Psalms 98:4-102:7

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 98

4 Shout to the Lord , all the earth;
be jubilant, shout for joy, and sing.(e)
5 Sing to the Lord with the lyre,
with the lyre and melodious song.(f)
6 With trumpets and the blast of the ram's horn
shout triumphantly
in the presence of the Lord , our King.(g)

7 Let the sea and all that fills it,
the world and those who live in it, resound.(h)
8 Let the rivers clap their hands;
let the mountains shout together for joy(i)
9 before the Lord ,
for He is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world righteously
and the peoples fairly.(j)

Chapter 99

Psalm 99

The King Is Holy

1 The Lord reigns! Let the peoples tremble.
He is enthroned above the cherubim.(a)
Let the earth quake.(b)
2 Yahweh is great in Zion;
He is exalted above all the peoples.(c)
3 Let them praise Your great
and awe-inspiring name.(d)
He is holy.(e)

4 The mighty King loves justice.
You have established fairness;
You have administered justice
and righteousness in Jacob.(f)
5 Exalt the Lord our God;
bow in worship at His footstool.(g)
He is holy.(h)

6 Moses and Aaron were among His priests;(i)
Samuel also was among those calling on His name.
They called to Yahweh and He answered them.(j)
7 He spoke to them in a pillar of cloud;(k)
they kept His decrees and the statutes He gave them.
8  Lord our God, You answered them.
You were a forgiving God to them,(l)
an avenger of their sinful actions.(m)

9 Exalt the Lord our God;
bow in worship at His holy mountain,
for the Lord our God is holy.(n)

Chapter 100

Psalm 100

Be Thankful

A psalm of thanksgiving.

1 Shout triumphantly to the Lord , all the earth.(a)
2 Serve the Lord with gladness;
come before Him with joyful songs.(b)
3 Acknowledge that Yahweh is God.
He made us, and we are His[a](c)
His people, the sheep of His pasture.(d)
4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving(e)
and His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him and praise His name.(f)
5 For Yahweh is good, and His love is eternal;
His faithfulness endures through all generations.

Chapter 101

Psalm 101

A Vow of Integrity

A Davidic psalm.

1 I will sing of faithful love and justice;
I will sing praise to You, Lord .(a)
2 I will pay attention to the way of integrity.
When will You come to me?
I will live with a heart of integrity in my house.(b)
3 I will not set anything worthless before my eyes.
I hate the practice of transgression;
it will not cling to me.(c)
4 A devious heart will be far from me;
I will not be involved with[a] evil.(d)

5 I will destroy anyone
who secretly slanders his neighbor;(e)
I cannot tolerate anyone
with haughty eyes or an arrogant heart.(f)
6 My eyes favor the faithful of the land
so that they may sit down with me.
The one who follows the way of integrity
may serve me.(g)
7 No one who acts deceitfully
will live in my palace;
no one who tells lies
will remain in my presence.[b](h)
8 Every morning I will destroy
all the wicked of the land,
eliminating all evildoers from the Lord 's city.(i)

Chapter 102

Psalm 102

Affliction in Light of Eternity

A prayer of an afflicted person who is weak and pours out his lament before the Lord .(a)

1  Lord , hear my prayer;
let my cry for help come before You.(b)
2 Do not hide Your face from me in my day of trouble.
Listen closely to me;
answer me quickly when I call.(c)

3 For my days vanish like smoke,
and my bones burn like a furnace.(d)
4 My heart is afflicted, withered like grass;(e)
I even forget to eat my food.(f)
5 Because of the sound of my groaning,
my flesh sticks to my bones.(g)
6 I am like a desert owl,[a]
like an owl among the ruins.(h)
7 I stay awake;(i)
I am like a solitary bird on a roof. <

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