Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 7th, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

July 14 - Straight Thru the Bible


Psalms 114:1-118:9

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 114

Psalm 114

God's Deliverance of Israel

1 When Israel came out of Egypt—
the house of Jacob from a people
who spoke a foreign language(a)
2 Judah became His sanctuary,
Israel, His dominion.(b)

3 The sea looked and fled;(c)
the Jordan turned back.(d)
4 The mountains skipped like rams,
the hills, like lambs.(e)
5 Why was it, sea, that you fled?
Jordan, that you turned back?(f)
6 Mountains, that you skipped like rams?
Hills, like lambs?(g)

7 Tremble, earth, at the presence of the Lord,
at the presence of the God of Jacob,(h)
8 who turned the rock into a pool of water,
the flint into a spring of water.(i)

Chapter 115

Psalm 115

Glory to God Alone

1 Not to us, Yahweh, not to us,
but to Your name give glory
because of Your faithful love, because of Your truth.(a)
2 Why should the nations say,
"Where is their God?"(b)
3 Our God is in heaven
and does whatever He pleases.(c)

4 Their idols are silver and gold,
made by human hands.(d)
5 They have mouths but cannot speak,
eyes, but cannot see.
6 They have ears but cannot hear,
noses, but cannot smell.(e)
7 They have hands but cannot feel,
feet, but cannot walk.(f)
They cannot make a sound with their throats.(g)
8 Those who make them are[a] just like them,
as are all who trust in them.(h)

9 Israel,[b] trust in the Lord !(i)
He is their help and shield.(j)
10 House of Aaron, trust in the Lord !(k)
He is their help and shield.(l)
11 You who fear the Lord , trust in the Lord !(m)
He is their help and shield.
12 The Lord remembers us and will bless us.
He will bless the house of Israel;
He will bless the house of Aaron;(n)
13 He will bless those who fear the Lord
small and great alike.(o)

14 May the Lord add to your numbers,
both yours and your children's.(p)
15 May you be blessed by the Lord ,
the Maker of heaven and earth.(q)
16 The heavens are the Lord 's,[c]
but the earth He has given to the human race.(r)
17 It is not the dead who praise the Lord ,
nor any of those descending into the silence of death.(s)
18 But we will praise the Lord ,
both now and forever.(t)

Chapter 116

Psalm 116

Thanks to God for Deliverance

1 I love the Lord because He has heard
my appeal for mercy.(a)
2 Because He has turned His ear to me,
I will call out to Him as long as I live.(b)

3 The ropes of death were wrapped around me,
and the torments of Sheol overcame me;
I encountered trouble and sorrow.(c)
4 Then I called on the name of Yahweh:
"Yahweh, save me!"(d)

5 The Lord is gracious and righteous;
our God is compassionate.(e)
6 The Lord guards the inexperienced;
I was helpless, and He saved me.(f)
7 Return to your rest, my soul,
for the Lord has been good to you.(g)
8 For You, Lord , rescued me from death,
my eyes from tears,
my feet from stumbling.(h)
9 I will walk before the Lord
in the land of the living.(i)
10 I believed, even when I said,
"I am severely afflicted."(j)
11 In my alarm I said,
"Everyone is a liar."(k)

12 How can I repay the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?(l)
13 I will take the cup of salvation
and call on the name of Yahweh.(m)
14 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all His people.(n)

15 The death of His faithful ones
is valuable in the Lord 's sight.(o)
16  Lord , I am indeed Your servant;
I am Your servant, the son of Your female servant.
You have loosened my bonds.(p)

17 I will offer You a sacrifice of thanksgiving
and call on the name of Yahweh.(q)
18 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord
in the presence of all His people,(r)
19 in the courts of the Lord 's house—
within you, Jerusalem.(s)

Chapter 117

Psalm 117

Universal Call to Praise

1 Praise the Lord , all nations!
Glorify Him, all peoples!(a)
2 For His faithful love to us is great;
the Lord 's faithfulness endures forever.(b)

Chapter 118

Psalm 118

Thanksgiving for Victory

1 Give thanks to the Lord , for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever.(a)
2 Let Israel say,
"His faithful love endures forever."(b)
3 Let the house of Aaron say,
"His faithful love endures forever."(c)
4 Let those who fear the Lord say,
"His faithful love endures forever."(d)

5 I called to the Lord in distress;(e)
the Lord answered me
and put me in a spacious place.[a](f)
6 The Lord is for me; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?(g)
7 The Lord is my helper,
Therefore, I will look in triumph on those who hate me.(h)

8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.(i)
9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in nobles.(j)

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