Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 7th, 2024
the Week of Proper 17 / Ordinary 22
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

July 18 - Different Topics


Psalms 84-86

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 84

Psalm 84

Longing for God's House

For the choir director: on the Gittith.(a) A psalm of the sons of Korah.

1 How lovely is Your dwelling place,
Lord of Hosts.(b)
2 I long and yearn
for the courts of the Lord ;
my heart and flesh cry out for[a] the living God.(c)

3 Even a sparrow finds a home,
and a swallow, a nest for herself
where she places her young—
near Your altars, Lord of Hosts,
my King and my God.(d)
4 How happy are those who reside in Your house,
who praise You continually.(e) Selah

5 Happy are the people whose strength is in You,
whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.(f)
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baca,[b]
they make it a source of springwater;
even the autumn rain will cover it with blessings.[c](g)
7 They go from strength to strength;
each appears before God in Zion.(h)

8  Lord God of Hosts, hear my prayer;
listen, God of Jacob.(i) Selah
9 Consider our shield,[d] God;(j)
look on the face of Your anointed one.(k)

10 Better a day in Your courts
than a thousand anywhere else.
I would rather be at the door of the house of my God
than to live in the tents of wicked people.(l)
11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield.(m)
The Lord gives grace and glory;
He does not withhold the good
from those who live with integrity.(n)
12 Happy is the person who trusts in You,
Lord of Hosts!(o)

Chapter 85

Psalm 85

Restoration of Favor

For the choir director. A psalm of the sons of Korah.

1  Lord , You showed favor to Your land;(a)
You restored Jacob's prosperity.[a](b)
2 You took away Your people's guilt;
You covered all their sin.(c) Selah
3 You withdrew all Your fury;
You turned from Your burning anger.(d)

4 Return to us, God of our salvation,
and abandon Your displeasure with us.(e)
5 Will You be angry with us forever?
Will You prolong Your anger for all generations?(f)
6 Will You not revive us again
so that Your people may rejoice in You?(g)
7 Show us Your faithful love, Lord ,
and give us Your salvation.(h)

8 I will listen to what God will say;
surely the Lord will declare peace
to His people, His godly ones,
and not let them go back to foolish ways.(i)
9 His salvation is very near those who fear Him,
so that glory may dwell in our land.(j)

10 Faithful love and truth will join together;
righteousness and peace will embrace.(k)
11 Truth will spring up from the earth,
and righteousness will look down from heaven.(l)
12 Also, the Lord will provide what is good,
and our land will yield its crops.(m)
13 Righteousness will go before Him
to prepare the way for His steps.(n)

Chapter 86

Psalm 86

Lament and Petition

A Davidic prayer.

1 Listen, Lord , and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.(a)
2 Protect my life, for I am faithful.(b)
You are my God; save Your servant who trusts in You.(c)
3 Be gracious to me, Lord,
for I call to You all day long.(d)
4 Bring joy to Your servant's life,
because I turn to You, Lord.(e)

5 For You, Lord, are kind and ready to forgive,(f)
rich in faithful love to all who call on You.(g)
6  Lord , hear my prayer;
listen to my plea for mercy.(h)
7 I call on You in the day of my distress,
for You will answer me.(i)

8 Lord, there is no one like You among the gods,
and there are no works like Yours.(j)
9 All the nations You have made
will come and bow down before You, Lord,
and will honor Your name.(k)
10 For You are great and perform wonders;
You alone are God.(l)

11 Teach me Your way, Yahweh,
and I will live by Your truth.
Give me an undivided mind to fear Your name.(m)
12 I will praise You with all my heart, Lord my God,
and will honor Your name forever.(n)
13 For Your faithful love for me is great,
and You deliver my life from the depths of Sheol.(o)

14 God, arrogant people have attacked me;
a gang of ruthless men seeks my life.
They have no regard for You.(p)
15 But You, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger and rich in faithful love and truth.(q)
16 Turn to me and be gracious to me.
Give Your strength to Your servant;
save the son of Your female servant.(r)
17 Show me a sign of Your goodness;
my enemies will see and be put to shame
because You, Lord , have helped and comforted me.(s)

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