Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

August 16 - Old & New Testament


1 Chronicles 16

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Chapter 16

1 They(a) brought the ark of God and placed it inside the tent David had pitched for it.(b) Then they offered burnt offerings and fellowship offerings in God's presence. 2 When David had finished offering the burnt offerings and the fellowship offerings, he blessed the people in the name of Yahweh. 3 Then he distributed to each and every Israelite, both men and women, a loaf of bread, a date cake, and a raisin cake.

4 David appointed some of the Levites to be ministers before the ark of the Lord , to celebrate the Lord God of Israel, and to give thanks and praise to Him. 5 Asaph was the chief and Zechariah was second to him. Jeiel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-edom, and Jeiel played the harps and lyres, while Asaph sounded the cymbals 6 and the priests Benaiah and Jahaziel blew the trumpets regularly before the ark of the covenant of God.

David's Psalm of Thanksgiving

7 On that day David decreed for the first time that thanks be given to the Lord by Asaph and his relatives:

8 Give thanks(c) to Yahweh; call on His name;
proclaim His deeds among the peoples.(d)
9 Sing to Him; sing praise to Him;
tell about all His wonderful works!
10 Honor His holy name;
let the hearts of those who seek Yahweh rejoice.
11 Search for the Lord and for His strength;
seek His face always.(e)
12 Remember the wonderful works He has done,(f)
His wonders, and the judgments He has pronounced,[a](g)
13 you offspring of Israel His servant,
Jacob's descendants—His chosen ones.

14 He is the Lord our God;
His judgments govern the whole earth.(h)
15 Remember His covenant forever—
the promise He ordained for a thousand generations,
16 the covenant He made with Abraham,
swore[b] to Isaac,(i)
17 and confirmed to Jacob as a decree,
and to Israel as an everlasting covenant:(j)
18 "I will give the land of Canaan to you
as your inherited portion."(k)

19 When they[c] were few in number,
very few indeed,(l) and temporary residents in Canaan
20 wandering from nation to nation
and from one kingdom to another,
21 He allowed no one to oppress them;
He rebuked kings on their behalf:(m)
22 "Do not touch My anointed ones
or harm My prophets."(n)

23 Sing(o) to the Lord , all the earth.
Proclaim His salvation from day to day.
24 Declare His glory among the nations,
His wonderful works among all peoples.

25 For the Lord is great and highly praised;(p)
He is feared above all gods.(q)
26 For all the gods of the peoples are idols,(r)
but the Lord made the heavens.(s)
27 Splendor and majesty are before Him;
strength and joy are in His place.
28 Ascribe to the Lord , families of the peoples,
ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
29 Ascribe to Yahweh the glory of His name;
bring an offering and come before Him.
Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness;(t)
30 tremble(u) before Him, all the earth.

The world is firmly established;
it cannot be shaken.
31 Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice,(v)
and let them say among the nations, "The Lord is King!"
32 Let the sea and everything in it resound;
let the fields and all that is in them exult.(w)
33 Then the trees of the forest will shout for joy before the Lord ,
for He is coming to judge the earth.

34 Give thanks to the Lord , for He is good;
His faithful love endures forever.(x)
35 And say:(y) "Save us, God of our salvation;
gather us and rescue us from the nations
so that we may give thanks to Your holy name
and rejoice in Your praise.
36 May Yahweh, the God of Israel, be praised(z)
from everlasting to everlasting."

Then all the people said, "Amen" and "Praise the Lord ."

37 So David left Asaph and his relatives there before the ark of the Lord 's covenant to minister regularly(aa) before the ark according to the daily requirements.(ab) 38 He assigned Obed-edom(ac) and his[d] 68 relatives. Obed-edom son of Jeduthun and Hosah(ad) were to be gatekeepers. 39 David left Zadok the priest and his fellow priests before the tabernacle of the Lord at the high place in Gibeon(ae) 40 to offer burnt offerings regularly, morning and evening, to the Lord on the altar of burnt offerings and to do everything that was written in the law of the Lord , which He had commanded Israel to keep.(af) 41 With them were Heman,(ag) Jeduthun, and the rest who were chosen and designated by name(ah) to give thanks to the Lord —for His faithful love endures forever.(ai) 42 Heman and Jeduthun had with them trumpets and cymbals to play and musical instruments of God.(aj) Jeduthun's sons were at the gate.

43 Then all the people left for their homes, and David returned home to bless his household.(ak)

Psalms 42,44

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Psalm 42

Longing for God

For the choir director. A Maskil of the sons of Korah.

1 As a deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for You, God.(a)
2 I thirst for God, the living God.
When can I come and appear before God?(b)
3 My tears have been my food day and night,
while all day long people say to me,
"Where is your God?"(c)
4 I remember this as I pour out my heart:(d)
how I walked with many,
leading the festive procession to the house of God,
with joyful and thankful shouts.(e)

5 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God.(f)
6 I[a] am deeply depressed;
therefore I remember You from the land of Jordan
and the peaks of Hermon, from Mount Mizar.(g)
7 Deep calls to deep in the roar of Your waterfalls;
all Your breakers and Your billows have swept over me.(h)
8 The Lord will send His faithful love by day;(i)
His song will be with me in the night—
a prayer to the God of my life.

9 I will say to God, my rock,(j)
"Why have You forgotten me?
Why must I go about in sorrow
because of the enemy's oppression?"(k)
10 My adversaries taunt me,
as if crushing my bones,
while all day long they say to me,
"Where is your God?"(l)
11 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God.(m)

Psalm 43[a]

1 Vindicate me, God, and defend my cause
against an ungodly nation;
rescue me from the deceitful and unjust man.(a)
2 For You are the God of my refuge.
Why have You rejected me?
Why must I go about in sorrow
because of the enemy's oppression?(b)

3 Send Your light and Your truth; let them lead me.(c)
Let them bring me to Your holy mountain,
to Your dwelling place.(d)
4 Then I will come to the altar of God,
to God, my greatest joy.(e)
I will praise You with the lyre,
God, my God.(f)

5 Why am I so depressed?
Why this turmoil within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will still praise Him,
my Savior and my God.(g)

Psalm 44

Israel's Complaint

For the choir director. A Maskil of the sons of Korah.

1 God, we have heard with our ears—
our ancestors have told us—
the work You accomplished in their days,
in days long ago:(a)
2 to plant them,
You drove out the nations with Your hand;
to settle them,
You crushed the peoples.(b)
3 For they did not take the land by their sword—
their arm did not bring them victory—
but by Your right hand, Your arm,
and the light of Your face,
for You were pleased with them.(c)

4 You are my King, my God,
who ordains[a] victories for Jacob.(d)
5 Through You we drive back our foes;
through Your name we trample our enemies.(e)
6 For I do not trust in my bow,
and my sword does not bring me victory.(f)
7 But You give us victory over our foes
and let those who hate us be disgraced.(g)
8 We boast in God all day long;
we will praise Your name forever.(h) Selah

9 But You have rejected and humiliated us;
You do not march out with our armies.(i)
10 You make us retreat from the foe,
and those who hate us
have taken plunder for themselves.(j)
11 You hand us over to be eaten like sheep
and scatter us among the nations.(k)
12 You sell Your people for nothing;
You make no profit from selling them.(l)
13 You make us an object of reproach to our neighbors,
a source of mockery and ridicule to those around us.(m)
14 You make us a joke among the nations,
a laughingstock[b] among the peoples.(n)
15 My disgrace is before me all day long,
and shame has covered my face,(o)
16 because of the voice of the scorner and reviler,
because of the enemy and avenger.(p)

17 All this has happened to us,
but we have not forgotten You
or betrayed Your covenant.(q)
18 Our hearts have not turned back;
our steps have not strayed from Your path.(r)
19 But You have crushed us in a haunt of jackals
and have covered us with deepest darkness.(s)
20 If we had forgotten the name of our God
and spread out our hands to a foreign god,(t)
21 wouldn't God have found this out,
since He knows the secrets of the heart?(u)
22 Because of You we are slain all day long;
we are counted as sheep to be slaughtered.(v)

23 Wake up, Lord ! Why are You sleeping?
Get up! Don't reject us forever!(w)
24 Why do You hide Yourself
and forget our affliction and oppression?(x)
25 For we have sunk down to the dust;
our bodies cling to the ground.(y)
26 Rise up! Help us!
Redeem us because of Your faithful love.(z)

1 Corinthians 10:1-18

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Chapter 10

Warnings from Israel's Past

1 Now I want you to know, brothers, that our fathers(a) were all under the cloud,(b) all passed through the sea,(c) 2 and all were baptized(d) into Moses(e) in the cloud and in the sea. 3 They all ate the same spiritual food,(f) 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from a spiritual rock(g) that followed them, and that rock was Christ.(h) 5 But God was not pleased with most of them, for they were struck down in the wilderness.(i)

6 Now these things became examples for us, so that we will not desire(j) evil things as they did.[a](k) 7 Don't become idolaters(l) as some of them were; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and got up to play. [b](m)[c] 8 Let us not commit sexual immorality(n) as some of them did,[d] and in a single day 23,000 people fell dead.(o) 9 Let us not test Christ as some of them did[e] and were destroyed by snakes.(p) 10 Nor should we complain(q) as some of them did,[f](r) and were killed by the destroyer.[g](s) 11 Now these things happened to them as examples, and they were written as a warning to us,(t) on whom the ends of the ages(u) have come.(v) 12 So, whoever thinks he stands must be careful not to fall.(w) 13 No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to humanity. God is faithful,(x) and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation He will also provide a way of escape(y) so that you are able to bear it.

Warning against Idolatry

14 Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. 15 I am speaking as to wise people. Judge for yourselves what I say. 16 The cup(z) of blessing(aa) that we give thanks for, is it not a sharing in the blood of Christ? The bread(ab) that we break, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ? 17 Because there is one bread, we who are many are one(ac) body, for all of us share that one bread. 18 Look at the people of Israel.[h] Do not those who eat the sacrifices participate in what is offered on the altar?(ad)

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