Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

August 30 - Different Topics


Proverbs 20-21

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 20

1 Wine is a mocker,(a) beer is a brawler,
and whoever staggers because of them is not wise.

2 A king's terrible wrath is like the roaring of a lion;
anyone who provokes him endangers himself.(b)

3 It is honorable for a man to resolve a dispute,(c)
but any fool can get himself into a quarrel.(d)

4 The slacker does not plow during planting season;[a]
at harvest time he looks,[b] and there is nothing.(e)

5 Counsel in a man's heart is deep water;(f)
but a man of understanding draws it out.

6 Many a man proclaims his own loyalty,
but who can find a trustworthy man?(g)

7 The one who lives with integrity is righteous;(h)
his children[c] who come after him will be happy.(i)

8 A king sitting on a throne to judge
sifts out all evil with his eyes.(j)

9 Who can say, "I have kept my heart pure;
I am cleansed from my sin"?(k)

10 Differing weights and varying measures[d]
both are detestable to the Lord .(l)

11 Even a young man is known by his actions—
if his behavior is pure and upright.(m)

12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye—
the Lord made them both.(n)

13 Don't love sleep, or you will become poor;
open your eyes, and you'll have enough to eat.(o)

14 "It's worthless, it's worthless!" the buyer says,
but after he is on his way, he gloats.

15 There is gold and a multitude of jewels,
but knowledgeable lips are a rare treasure.(p)

16 Take his garment,[e]
for he has put up security for a stranger;
get collateral if it is for foreigners.(q)

17 Food gained by fraud is sweet to a man,(r)
but afterward his mouth is full of gravel.

18 Finalize plans with counsel,(s)
and wage war with sound guidance.(t)

19 The one who reveals secrets is a constant gossip;(u)
avoid someone with a big mouth.(v)

20 Whoever curses his father or mother(w)
his lamp will go out in deep darkness.(x)

21 An inheritance gained prematurely
will not be blessed ultimately.(y)

22 Don't say, "I will avenge this evil!"(z)
Wait on the Lord ,(aa) and He will rescue you.(ab)

23 Differing weights[f] are detestable to the Lord ,(ac)
and dishonest scales(ad) are unfair.

24 A man's steps are determined by the Lord ,(ae)
so how can anyone understand his own way?

25 It is a trap for anyone to dedicate something rashly
and later to reconsider his vows.(af)

26 A wise king separates out the wicked(ag)
and drives the threshing wheel(ah) over them.

27 The Lord 's lamp sheds light on a person's life,[g]
searching the innermost parts.[h](ai)

28 Loyalty and faithfulness deliver a king;
through loyalty he maintains his throne.

29 The glory of young men is their strength,
and the splendor of old men is gray hair.(aj)

30 Lashes and wounds purge away evil,(ak)
and beatings cleanse the innermost parts.[i]

Chapter 21

1 A king's heart is like streams of water in the Lord 's hand:
He directs it wherever He chooses.(a)

2 All a man's ways seem right to him,
but the Lord evaluates the motives.[a](b)

3 Doing what is righteous and just
is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.(c)

4 The lamp[b] that guides the wicked—
haughty eyes and an arrogant heart(d)—is sin.

5 The plans of the diligent certainly lead to profit,
but anyone who is reckless certainly becomes poor.(e)

6 Making a fortune through a lying tongue
is a vanishing mist,[c] a pursuit of death.[d][e](f)

7 The violence of the wicked sweeps them away
because they refuse to act justly.

8 A guilty man's conduct is crooked,(g)
but the behavior of the innocent is upright.(h)

9 Better to live on the corner of a roof
than to share a house with a nagging wife.(i)

10 A wicked person desires evil;
he has no consideration[f] for his neighbor.(j)

11 When a mocker is punished,
the inexperienced become wiser;
when one teaches a wise man,
he acquires knowledge.(k)

12 The Righteous One considers the house of the wicked;
He brings the wicked to ruin.

13 The one who shuts his ears to the cry of the poor
will himself also call out and not be answered.(l)

14 A secret gift soothes anger,
and a covert bribe,[g] fierce rage.(m)

15 Justice executed is a joy to the righteous
but a terror to those who practice iniquity.(n)

16 The man who strays from the way of wisdom
will come to rest
in the assembly of the departed spirits.(o)

17 The one who loves pleasure will become a poor man;
whoever loves wine and oil will not get rich.(p)

18 The wicked are a ransom for the righteous,
and the treacherous, for[h] the upright.(q)

19 Better to live in a wilderness
than with a nagging and hot-tempered wife.(r)

20 Precious treasure and oil are in the dwelling of a wise person,
but a foolish man consumes them.[i](s)

21 The one who pursues righteousness and faithful love
will find life, righteousness, and honor.(t)

22 A wise person went up against a city of warriors
and brought down its secure fortress.(u)

23 The one who guards his mouth and tongue
keeps himself out of trouble.(v)

24 The proud and arrogant person, named "Mocker,"
acts with excessive pride.(w)

25 A slacker's craving will kill him
because his hands refuse to work.(x)
26 He is filled with craving[j] all day long,
but the righteous give and don't hold back.(y)

27 The sacrifice of a wicked person is detestable—
how much more so
when he brings it with ulterior motives!(z)

28 A lying witness will perish,(aa)
but the one who listens will speak successfully.

29 A wicked man puts on a bold face,(ab)
but the upright man considers his way.

30 No wisdom, no understanding, and no counsel
will prevail against the Lord .(ac)

31 A horse is prepared for the day of battle,(ad)
but victory comes from the Lord .(ae)

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