Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

October 7 - Old & New Testament


Hosea 1,2,3,4

Resource Toolbox

1 The word of the Lord that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah,(a) Jotham,(b) Ahaz,(c) and Hezekiah,(d) kings of Judah, and of Jeroboam(e) son of Jehoash, king of Israel.

Hosea's Marriage and Children

2 When the Lord first spoke to Hosea, He said this to him:

Go and marry a promiscuous wife(f)
and have children of promiscuity,
for the land is committing blatant acts of promiscuity
by abandoning the Lord .

3 So he went and married Gomer daughter of Diblaim, and she conceived and bore him a son.(g) 4 Then the Lord said to him:

Name him Jezreel,(h) for in a little while
I will bring the bloodshed of Jezreel(i)
on the house of Jehu(j)
and put an end to the kingdom of the house of Israel.
5 On that day I will break the bow of Israel(k)
in the Valley of Jezreel.[a](l)

6 She conceived again and gave birth to a daughter, and the Lord said to him:

Name her No Compassion,[b]
for I will no longer have compassion
on the house of Israel.
I will certainly take them away.
7 But I will have compassion on the house of Judah,(m)
and I will deliver them by the Lord their God.(n)
I will not deliver them by bow, sword, or war,
or by horses and cavalry.(o)

8 After Gomer had weaned No Compassion, she conceived and gave birth to a son. 9 Then the Lord said:

Name him Not My People,[c]
for you are not My people,
and I will not be your God.[d](p)
10 [e]Yet the number of the Israelites
will be like the sand of the sea,(q)
which cannot be measured or counted.
And in the place where they were told:
You are not My people,
they will be called: Sons of the living God.(r)
11 And the Judeans and the Israelites
will be gathered together.(s)
They will appoint for themselves a single ruler(t)
and go up from[f] the land.
For the day of Jezreel(u) will be great.

1 [a]Call[b] your brothers: My People
and your sisters: Compassion.

Israel's Adultery Rebuked

2 Rebuke your mother; rebuke her.(a)
For she is not My wife and I am not her husband.(b)
Let her remove the promiscuous look from her face(c)
and her adultery from between her breasts.
3 Otherwise, I will strip her naked(d)
and expose her as she was on the day of her birth.
I will make her like a desert(e)
and like a parched land,
and I will let her die of thirst.(f)
4 I will have no compassion on her children(g)
because they are the children of promiscuity.
5 Yes, their mother is promiscuous;
she conceived them and acted shamefully.(h)
For she thought, "I will go after my lovers,(i)
the men who give me my food and water,
my wool and flax, my oil and drink."(j)
6 Therefore, this is what I will do:
I will block her[c] way(k) with thorns;(l)
I will enclose her with a wall,
so that she cannot find her paths.(m)
7 She will pursue her lovers but not catch them;(n)
she will seek them but not find them.
Then she will think,
"I will go back to my former husband,(o)
for then it was better for me than now."(p)
8 She does not recognize(q)
that it is I who gave her the grain,(r)
the new wine, and the oil.
I lavished silver and gold on her,
which they used for Baal.
9 Therefore, I will take back My grain in its time(s)
and My new wine in its season;
I will take away My wool and linen,
which were to cover her nakedness.
10 Now I will expose her shame(t)
in the sight of her lovers,
and no one will rescue her from My hands.
11 I will put an end to all her celebrations:(u)
her feasts,(v) New Moons,(w) and Sabbaths—
all her festivals.
12 I will devastate her vines and fig trees.(x)
She thinks that these are her wages
that her lovers have given her.
I will turn them into a thicket,(y)
and the wild animals will eat them.(z)
13 And I will punish her for the days of the Baals(aa)
when she burned incense to them,(ab)
put on her rings and jewelry,(ac)
and went after her lovers,
but forgot Me.(ad)
This is the Lord 's declaration.

Israel's Adultery Forgiven

14 Therefore, I am going to persuade her,
lead her to the wilderness,(ae)
and speak tenderly to her.[d]
15 There I will give her vineyards back to her(af)
and make the Valley of Achor[e](ag)
into a gateway of hope.
There she will respond as she did
in the days of her youth,(ah)
as in the day she came out of the land of Egypt.
16 In that day—
this is the Lord 's declaration—
you will call Me, "My husband,"(ai)
and no longer call Me, "My Baal."[f]
17 For I will remove the names of the Baals
from her mouth;
they will no longer be remembered by their names.
18 On that day I will make a covenant for them
with the wild animals, the birds of the sky,
and the creatures that crawl on the ground.(aj)
I will shatter bow, sword,
and weapons of war in the land[g](ak)
and will enable the people to rest securely.(al)
19 I will take you to be My wife forever.(am)
I will take you to be My wife in righteousness,
justice, love, and compassion.(an)
20 I will take you to be My wife in faithfulness,
and you will know Yahweh.(ao)
21 On that day I will respond(ap)
this is the Lord 's declaration.
I will respond to the sky,
and it will respond to the earth.
22 The earth will respond to the grain,(aq)
the new wine, and the oil,
and they will respond to Jezreel.
23 I will sow her[h] in the land for Myself,(ar)
and I will have compassion(as)
on No Compassion;
I will say(at) to Not My People:(au)
You are My people,(av)
and he will say, "You are My God."

Waiting for Restoration

1 Then the Lord said to me, "Go again; show love to a woman who is loved by another man and is an adulteress,(a) just as the Lord loves the Israelites though they turn to other gods and love raisin cakes."(b)

2 So I bought her for 15 shekels of silver and five bushels of barley.[a][b](c) 3 I said to her, "You must live with me many days. Don't be promiscuous or belong to any man, and I will act the same way toward you."

4 For the Israelites must live many days without king or prince,(d) without sacrifice(e) or sacred pillar,(f) and without ephod(g) or household idols.(h) 5 Afterward, the people of Israel will return(i) and seek the Lord their God and David their king.(j) They will come with awe to the Lord (k) and to His goodness in the last days.

God's Case against Israel

1 Hear the word of the Lord ,(a) people of Israel,
for the Lord has a case(b)
against the inhabitants of the land:
There is no truth,(c) no faithful love,(d)
and no knowledge of God(e) in the land!
2 Cursing,(f) lying,(g) murder,(h) stealing,(i)
and adultery(j) are rampant;
one act of bloodshed follows another.(k)
3 For this reason the land mourns,(l)
and everyone who lives in it languishes,
along with the wild animals(m) and the birds of the sky;
even the fish of the sea disappear.(n)
4 But let no one dispute;(o) let no one argue,
for My case is against you priests.[a][b](p)
5 You will stumble by day;(q)
the prophet will also stumble with you by night.
And I will destroy your mother.(r)
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.(s)
Because you have rejected knowledge,(t)
I will reject you(u) from serving as My priest.
Since you have forgotten the law of your God,(v)
I will also forget your sons.

7 The more they multiplied,(w)
the more they sinned against Me.
I[c] will change their honor[d] into disgrace.(x)
8 They feed on the sin[e] of My people;(y)
they have an appetite for their transgressions.(z)
9 The same judgment will happen
to both people and priests.(aa)
I will punish them for their ways(ab)
and repay them for their deeds.
10 They will eat but not be satisfied;(ac)
they will be promiscuous(ad) but not multiply.
For they have abandoned their devotion to the Lord .(ae)
11 Promiscuity,(af) wine, and new wine
take away one's understanding.(ag)

12 My people consult their wooden idols,(ah)
and their divining rods inform them.
For a spirit of promiscuity leads them astray;(ai)
they act promiscuously(aj)
in disobedience to[f] their God.
13 They sacrifice on the mountaintops,(ak)
and they burn offerings on the hills,(al)
and under oaks, poplars, and terebinths,(am)
because their shade is pleasant.
And so your daughters act promiscuously
and your daughters-in-law commit adultery.
14 I will not punish your daughters
when they act promiscuously
or your daughters-in-law
when they commit adultery,
for the men themselves go off with prostitutes(an)
and make sacrifices with cult prostitutes.(ao)
People without discernment are doomed.(ap)

Warnings for Israel and Judah

15 Israel, if you act promiscuously,
don't let Judah become guilty!
Do not go to Gilgal(aq)
or make a pilgrimage to Beth-aven,[g](ar)
and do not swear an oath: As the Lord lives!(as)
16 For Israel is as obstinate as a stubborn cow.(at)
Can the Lord now shepherd them
like a lamb in an open meadow?(au)
17 Ephraim is attached to idols;(av)
leave him alone!(aw)
18 When their drinking is over,
they turn to promiscuity.
Israel's leaders[h] fervently love disgrace.[i]
19 A wind with its wings will carry them off,[j](ax)
and they will be ashamed of their sacrifices.

Romans 14

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 14

The Law of Liberty

1 Accept(a) anyone who is weak in faith,[a](b) but don't argue about doubtful issues. 2 One person believes he may eat anything,(c) but one who is weak eats only vegetables. 3 One who eats must not look down on one who does not eat,(d) and one who does not eat must not criticize one who does,(e) because God has accepted him.(f) 4 Who are you to criticize(g) another's household slave? Before his own Lord he stands or falls. And he will stand. For the Lord is able[b] to make him stand.

5 One person considers one day to be above another day.(h) Someone else considers every day to be the same. Each one must be fully convinced in his own mind.(i) 6 Whoever observes the day, observes it for the honor of the Lord.[c] Whoever eats, eats for the Lord, since he gives thanks to God;(j) and whoever does not eat, it is for the Lord that he does not eat it, yet he thanks God. 7 For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.(k) 8 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.(l) 9 Christ died and came to life(m) for this: that He might rule over both the dead and the living.(n) 10 But you, why do you criticize your brother? Or you, why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before the tribunal of God.[d](o) 11 For it is written:

As I live, says the Lord,
every knee will bow to Me, (p)
and every tongue will give praise to God. (q)[e]

12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.(r)

The Law of Love

13 Therefore, let us no longer criticize one another.(s) Instead decide never to put a stumbling block or pitfall in your brother's way.(t) 14 (I know and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself.(u) Still, to someone who considers a thing to be unclean, to that one it is unclean.(v)) 15 For if your brother is hurt by what you eat, you are no longer walking according to love.(w) Do not destroy that one Christ died for by what you eat.(x) 16 Therefore, do not let your good be slandered,(y) 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking,(z) but righteousness, peace, and joy(aa) in the Holy Spirit. 18 Whoever serves Christ(ab) in this way is acceptable to God and approved by men.(ac)

19 So then, we must pursue what promotes peace(ad) and what builds up one another.(ae) 20 Do not tear down God's work because of food. Everything is clean, but it is wrong for a man to cause stumbling by what he eats.(af) 21 It is a noble thing not to eat meat, or drink wine, or do anything that makes your brother stumble.[f] 22 Do you have a conviction?[g] Keep it to yourself before God. The man who does not condemn himself by what he approves is blessed.(ag) 23 But whoever doubts stands condemned if he eats,(ah) because his eating is not from a conviction,[h] and everything that is not from a conviction[i] is sin.

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