Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 28th, 2024
the Week of Proper 20 / Ordinary 25
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Bible Dictionaries
Stand, Standing, Stood

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words

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A — 1: λυχνία

(Strong's #3087 — Noun Feminine — luchnia — lookh-nee'-ah )

"a lampstand," is translated "stand" in Matthew 5:15 and parallel passages (AV, "candlestick"). See LAMPSTAND.

B — 1: ἵστημι

(Strong's #2476 — Verb — histemi — his'-tay-mee )

(a) transitively, denotes "to cause to stand, to set;" in the Passive Voice, "to be made to stand," e.g., Matthew 2:9 , lit., "was made to stand;" so Luke 11:18; 19:8 ( Colossians 4:12 in some mss.); in Revelation 13:1 the RV follows the best texts, "he stood" (not as AV, "I stood"); the reference is to the Dragon. In the Middle Voice, "to take one's stand, place oneself," e.g., Revelation 18:15; (b) intransitively, in the 2nd aorist and perfect Active, "to stand, stand by, stand still," e.g., Matthew 6:5; 20:32 , "stood still;" in Luke 6:8 , "stand forth" and "stood forth;" metaphorically, "to stand firm," John 8:44 (negatively), in the truth (see No. 7); Romans 5:2 , in grace; 1 Corinthians 15:1 , in the gospel; Romans 11:20 , "by thy faith," RV; 2 Corinthians 1:24 , "by faith" (marg., "by your faith"); of steadfastness, 1 Corinthians 7:37; Ephesians 6:11,13,14; Colossians 4:12 [some mss. have the Passive, see (a)]. See APPOINT , ESTABLISH , SET.

B — 2: ἀνίστημι

(Strong's #450 — Verb — anistemi — an-is'-tay-mee )

"to raise," intransitively, "to rise," is translated "to stand up" in Matthew 12:41 , RV; Mark 14:60; Luke 4:16; 10:25; Acts 1:15; 5:34; 10:26; 11:28; 13:16; in Luke 14:10 , "stand upright." See ARISE , No. 1.

B — 3: ἐφίστημι

(Strong's #2186 — Verb — ephistemi — ef-is'-tay-mee )

(epi, "upon," and No. 1), used intransitively, denotes "to stand upon or by, be present," Luke 2:9 and Acts 12:7 , "stood by," RV (AV, "came upon"); Luke 4:39 , "stood over;" Luke 24:4; Acts 23:11 , "stood by;" Acts 10:17 , "stood;" Acts 22:13 , "standing by (me)," RV; so Acts 22:20 , AV and RV. See ASSAULT , COME , No. 27, HAND (AT), B Note (2), INSTANT, PRESENT.

B — 4: παρίστανω

(Strong's #3936 — Verb — paristemi — par-is'-tay-mee, par-is-tan'-o )

intransitively, denotes "to stand by or beside" (para, "by," and No. 1), Mark 14:47,69,70; 15:35,39 (RV, "stood by"); Luke 19:24; John 18:22; 19:26; Acts 1:10; 9:39; 23:2,4; 27:23; in Acts 27:24 , "stand before;" in Acts 4:10 , "doth ... stand here;" in Luke 1:19 , "stand;" Romans 14:10 , "we shall ... stand before" (Middle Voice); 2 Timothy 4:17 , RV, "stood by" (AV, "... with"). See COMMEND , No. 4.

B — 5: περιΐστημι

(Strong's #4026 — Verb — periistemi — per-ee-is'-tay-mee )

intransitively, "to stand around" (peri), is so used in John 11:42; Acts 25:7 . See AVOID , No. 4.

B — 6: συνίστημι

(Strong's #4921 — Verb — sunistemi — soon-is-tah'-o, soon-is-tah'-an'-o, soon-is-tah'-ay-mee )

intransitively, denotes "to stand with" (sun), Luke 9:32; for 2 Peter 3:5 , AV, "standing," see COMPACTED , No. 1: for other meanings see APPROVE , A, No. 2.

B — 7: στήκω

(Strong's #4739 — Verb — steko — stay'-ko )

a late present tense from hesteka, the perfect of histemi, is used (a) literally, Mark 3:31; 11:25; John 1:26 , in the best texts (in some texts Revelation 12:4 ); (b) figuratively, Romans 14:4 , where the context indicates the meaning "standeth upright" rather than that of acquittal; of "standing fast," 1 Corinthians 16:13 , "in the faith," i.e., by adherence to it; Galatians 5:1 , in freedom from legal bondage; Philippians 1:27 , "in one spirit;" Philippians 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 3:8 , "in the Lord," i.e., in the willing subjection to His authority; 2 Thessalonians 2:15 , in the Apostle's teaching; some mss. have it in John 8:44 , the most authentic have histemi, RV, "stood" (AV, "abode").

B — 8: μένω

(Strong's #3306 — Verb — meno — men'-o )

"to abide, remain," is rendered "might stand," in Romans 9:11 , of the purpose of God, i.e., might abide for the permanent recognition of its true character. See ABIDE , No. 1.

B — 9: κυκλόω

(Strong's #2944 — Verb — kukloo — koo-klo'-o )

"stood round about," Acts 14:20 : see COMPASS , No. 2.

Notes: (1) In Mark 3:3 , egeiro, "to raise," followed by the phrase eis to meson, "into the midst," is translated "stand forth." (2) In 2 Timothy 4:16 , AV, paraginomai (in some texts, sumparaginomai), "to come up to assist," is rendered "stood with (me)," RV, "took (my) part." (3) In Hebrews 9:8 , RV, "is ... standing" (AV, "was ... standing") represents the phrase echo, "to have," stasis, "a standing," lit., "has a standing." (4) For "stand ... in jeopardy" see DANGER.

Bibliography Information
Vines, W. E., M. A. Entry for 'Stand, Standing, Stood'. Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words. https://www.studylight.org/​dictionaries/​eng/​ved/​s/stand-standing-stood.html. 1940.
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