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Saturday, September 21st, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Menart, Quentin

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature

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a French prelate, was born at Flavigny, diocese of Autun, about the beginning of the 15th century. He was successively treasurer to the chapel of Dijon, provost of St. Omer, counsellor to the duke Philippe de Bourgogne, and his ambassador to the kings of France, England, and Germany. The letters of pope Eugenius IV, who afterwards promoted him to the metropolitan see of Besandon, bear the date of Sept. 18, 1439. He made his entrance into that city Aug. 1, 1440. There was at that time no kingdom or republic whose administration was more difficult than that of the Church of Besancon. The archbishop pretended, by virtue of ancient titles, to be temporal lord of the city; but the citizens contested these assumed rights, and reserved to themselves unqualified freedom, which they did not hesitate to defend at all times even at the point of the sword, so that between the archbishop and his people there was continual war. Quentin Menart had just taken possession of his see as his procurator had arrested a citizen whom he accused of heresy, and caused to be condemned by the ecclesiastical judge. The citizens declared that this crime of heresy was only a pretext, and came to the archbishop's palace bringing a complaint which greatly resembled a menace.

The latter was obliged to yield, blamed the conduct of his procurator, and restored liberty to the condemned heretic. Very soon other tumults arose. On the heights of Bregille the archbishop possessed a castle, which overlooked and irritated the city of Besancon. A pretext offering itself, the citizens repaired to Bregille, and entirely demolished not only the castle, but the adjacent houses also. Menart complained in his turn, but they scarcely listened to him. He then retired to his castle of Gy, with all his court, and hurled against the city a sentence of interdiction. The citizens of Besanvon, however, were not superstitious enough to fear this punishment, and submitted without a murmur to the suffering inflicted by the resentment of the archbishop, and refused to yield in order to obtain a repeal of the interdict. Menart proceeded to Rome, and invoked the authority of the pope; the pope delegated the affair to a cardinal, who even aggravated the sentence pronounced upon the rebels. But the people carried the cause before the tribunal of the emperor, and the latter sent many of his counsellors successively to Besanvon-Didier of Montreal, Hartung of Cappel-who in their turn declared Quentin Menart accused and guilty of rebellion. At last, in April, 1450, this great lawsuit was terminated, Menart coming forth victor. The castle of Bregille was reconstructed at the expense of the citizens. Then the archbishop of Besangon returned to his city and to his palace, where he (lied, Dec. 18, 1462. See Dunod, Hist. de l'Eglise de Besangon, vol. i; L'Abbe Richard, Hist. des Dioc. de Besanfon et de SaintClaude,.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Menart, Quentin'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. https://www.studylight.org/​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​m/menart-quentin.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.
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