Lectionary Calendar
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Quotations regarding 'Morals'

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The balance of private good and general welfare is at the bottom of civilized morals; but the morals of the Heroic Age are founded on individuality, and on nothing else.
Lascelles Abercrombie, British Poet (1881-1938)
The very women who object to the morals of a notoriously beautiful actress, grow big with pride when an admirer suggests their marked resemblance to this stage beauty in physique.
Minna Antrim, American Writer
Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right.
Isaac Asimov, American Scientist (1920-1992)
The novel is a penetrating study of morals and ethics.
Bille August, Danish Director (1948-  )
A group of politicians deciding to dump a President because his morals are bad is like the Mafia getting together to bump off the Godfather for not going to church on Sunday.
Russell Baker, American Journalist (1925-  )
We don't do drugs, drink or use profanity. Instead we instill morals and values in my boys by raising them with a love of God and a love and respect for themselves and all people. I believe they will have a chance.
Anita Baker, American Musician (1958-  )
When law becomes despotic, morals are relaxed, and vice versa.
Honore de Balzac, French Novelist (1799-1850)
The greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation.
Jeremy Bentham, English Philosopher (1748-1832)
I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of interest.
Aneurin Bevan, Welsh Politician (1897-1960)
One should make morals judgements for oneself.
Kathryn Bigelow, American Director (1952-  )
When the sun comes up, I have morals again.
Elayne Boosler, American Comedian (1952-  )
Morals are private. Decency is public.
Rita Mae Brown, American Writer (1944-  )
You come before me this morning with clean hands and clean collars. I want you to have clean tongues, clean manners, clean morals and clean characters.
John Burns, English Activist (1858-1943)
The person is always happy who is in the presence of something they cannot know in full. A person as advanced far in the study of morals who has mastered the difference between pride and vanity.
Nicolas de Chamfort, French Writer
People look for morals in fiction because there has always been a confusion between fiction and philosophy.
John Cheever, American Writer (1912-1982)
We are justified in enforcing good morals, for they belong to all mankind; but we are not justified in enforcing good manners, for good manners always mean our own manners.
Gilbert K. Chesterton, English Writer (1874-1936)
No nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even if it be only the faintest shadow - and if it does not do so it is bad art and false morals.
Kenneth Clark, British Author
Relativity must replace absolutism in the realm of morals as well as in the spheres of physics and biology.
Thomas Cochrane, English Politician (1775-1860)
You see a moral in them? Do we have morals?
Joel Coen, American Director (1954-  )
That I can't relate to today's music or morals doesn't make either necessarily bad. Just different. I leave the judgements to others.
Perry Como, American Musician (1912-2001)
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