Lectionary Calendar
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024
the Week of Proper 8 / Ordinary 13
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Quotations regarding 'Public'

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When public and private sectors combine intellectual and other resources, more can be achieved.
Gro Harlem Brundtland, Norwegian Politician (1939-  )
There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking.
Jean de la Bruyere, French Philosopher
They may then be willing to cast principled votes based on an educated understanding of the public interest in the face of polls suggesting that the public itself may have quite a different understanding of where its interest lies.
James L. Buckley, American Politician (1923-  )
Unfortunately, the media, which are not at all reluctant to act in their own self-interest, have succeeded in equating reform in the public mind with further restrictions on just about everyone else's freedom of political speech.
James L. Buckley, American Politician (1923-  )
I had hoped that the current presidential campaign debates might educate the public as to what is really involved in the ongoing controversy over campaign financing.
James L. Buckley, American Politician (1923-  )
I have strong views about South African politics and I still don't feel I need to make public statements.
Zola Budd, South African Athlete (1966-  )
The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we'll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on.
Warren Buffett, American Businessman (1930-  )
A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought.
Warren Buffett, American Businessman (1930-  )
France turned a deaf ear to the demands, but Ho had succeeded in attracting great publicity in progressive French circles to the situation in Indochina.
Wilfred Burchett, Australian Journalist (1911-1983)
The national will is the supreme law of the Republic, and on all subjects within the limits of his constitutional powers should be faithfully obeyed by the public servant.
Martin Van Buren, American President (1782-1862)
There is a power in public opinion in this country - and I thank God for it: for it is the most honest and best of all powers - which will not tolerate an incompetent or unworthy man to hold in his weak or wicked hands the lives and fortunes of his fellow-citizens.
Martin Van Buren, American President (1782-1862)
It seems proper, at all events, that by an early enactment similar to that of other countries the application of public money by an officer of Government to private uses should be made a felony and visited with severe and ignominious punishment.
Martin Van Buren, American President (1782-1862)
My conviction of the necessity of further legislative provisions for the safe-keeping and disbursement of the public moneys and my opinion in regard to the measures best adapted to the accomplishment of those objects have been already submitted to you.
Martin Van Buren, American President (1782-1862)
Judges rule on the basis of law, not public opinion, and they should be totally indifferent to pressures of the times.
Warren E. Burger, American Judge (1907-1995)
However, when the privilege depends solely on the broad, undifferentiated claim of public interest in the confidentiality of such conversations, a confrontation with other values arises.
Warren E. Burger, American Judge (1907-1995)
Bath twice a day to be really clean, once a day to be passably clean, once a week to avoid being a public menace.
Anthony Burgess, English Novelist (1917-1993)
An actress who has the gift of swaying the emotions of an audience, of compelling tribute of tears, or of moving the public to joyous merriment, cannot always be satisfied to set aside her whole career, in the work that she loves, simply because she is married.
Billie Burke, American Actress (1885-1970)
It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke, Irish Statesman (1729-1797)
In effect, to follow, not to force the public inclination; to give a direction, a form, a technical dress, and a specific sanction, to the general sense of the community, is the true end of legislature.
Edmund Burke, Irish Statesman (1729-1797)
Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.
Leo Burnett, American Businessman (1891-1971)
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