Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

January 21 - Old & New Testament


Job 32,33

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Elihu's Angry Response

1 So these three men quit answering Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.(a) 2 Then Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite(b) from the family of Ram became angry. He was angry at Job because he had justified(c) himself rather than God. 3 He was also angry at Job's three friends because they had failed to refute him and yet had condemned him.[a]

4 Now Elihu had waited to speak to Job because they were all older than he. 5 But when he saw that the three men could not answer Job, he became angry.

6 So Elihu son of Barachel the Buzite replied:

I am young in years,
while you are old;
therefore I was timid and afraid
to tell(d) you what I know.
7 I thought that age should speak
and maturity should teach wisdom.
8 But it is a spirit in man[b]
and the breath(e) of the Almighty
that give him understanding.
9 It is not only the old who are wise
or the elderly who understand how to judge.
10 Therefore I say, "Listen to me.
I too will declare what I know."
11 Look, I waited for your conclusions;
I listened to your insights
as you sought for words.
12 I paid close attention to you.
Yet no one proved Job wrong;
not one of you refuted his arguments.
13 So do not claim, "We have found wisdom;
let God deal with him, not man."
14 But Job has not directed his argument to me,
and I will not respond to him with your arguments.

15 Job's friends are dismayed and can no longer answer;
words have left them.
16 Should I continue to wait now that they are silent,
now that they stand there and no longer answer?
17 I too will answer;[c]
yes, I will tell what I know.
18 For I am full of words,
and my spirit[d] compels me to speak.(f)
19 My heart[e] is like unvented wine;
it is about to burst like new wineskins.(g)
20 I must speak so that I can find relief;
I must open my lips and respond.
21 I will be partial to no one,(h)
and I will not give anyone an undeserved title.
22 For I do not know how to give such titles;
otherwise, my Maker would remove me in an instant.

Elihu Confronts Job

1 But now, Job, pay attention to my speech,
and listen to all my words.
2 I am going to open my mouth;
my tongue will form words on my palate.
3 My words come from my upright(a) heart,
and my lips speak with sincerity what they know.
4 The Spirit of God has made me,
and the breath of the Almighty(b) gives me life.(c)
5 Refute me if you can.
Prepare(d) your case against me; take your stand.(e)
6 I am just like you before God;
I was also pinched off from a piece of clay.(f)
7 Fear(g) of me should not terrify you;
the pressure I exert[a] against you will be light.

8 Surely you have spoken in my hearing,
and I have heard these very[b] words:
9 "I am pure, without transgression;
I am clean and have no guilt.(h)
10 But He finds reasons to oppose me;
He regards me as His enemy.(i)
11 He puts my feet in the stocks;
He stands watch(j) over all my paths."

12 But I tell you that you are wrong in this matter,
since God is greater than man.(k)
13 Why do you take(l) Him to court
for not answering anything a person asks?[c]
14 For God speaks time and again,
but a person may not notice it.
15 In a dream, a vision(m) in the night,
when deep sleep falls on people(n)
as they slumber on their beds,
16 He uncovers their ears(o) at that time
and terrifies them[d] with warnings,
17 in order to turn a person from his actions
and suppress his pride.[e]
18 God spares his soul from the Pit,(p)
his life from crossing the river of death.[f]
19 A person may be disciplined on his bed(q) with pain
and constant distress in his bones,(r)
20 so that he detests bread,
and his soul despises his favorite food.(s)
21 His flesh wastes away to nothing,[g]
and his unseen bones stick out.
22 He draws near to the Pit,
and his life to the executioners.
23 If there is an angel(t) on his side,
one mediator out of a thousand,
to tell a person what is right for him[h]
24 and to be gracious to him and say,
"Spare him from going down to the Pit;
I have found a ransom,"(u)
25 then his flesh will be healthier[i] than in his youth,
and he will return to the days of his youthful vigor.(v)
26 He will pray to God, and God will delight in him.
That man will see His face(w) with a shout of joy,
and God will restore his righteousness to him.(x)
27 He will look at men and say,
"I have sinned and perverted what was right;
yet I did not get what I deserved.[j]
28 He redeemed my soul from going down to the Pit,
and I will continue to see the light."
29 God certainly does all these things
two or three times to a man
30 in order to turn him back from the Pit,
so he may shine with the light of life.(y)
31 Pay attention, Job, and listen to me.
Be quiet, and I will speak.
32 But if you have something to say,[k] answer me;
speak, for I would like to justify you.
33 If not, then listen to me;
be quiet, and I will teach you wisdom.

Matthew 14:1-21

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Chapter 14

John the Baptist Beheaded

1 At that time(a) Herod the tetrarch(b) heard the report about Jesus. 2 "This is John the Baptist!" he told his servants. "He has been raised from the dead, and that's why supernatural powers are at work in him."(c)

3 For Herod had arrested John, chained[a] him, and put him in prison on account of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife,(d) 4 since John had been telling him, "It's not lawful(e) for you to have her!" 5 Though he wanted to kill him, he feared the crowd, since they regarded him as a prophet.(f)

6 But when Herod's birthday celebration came, Herodias's daughter danced before them[b] and pleased Herod. 7 So he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask. 8 And prompted by her mother, she answered, "Give me John the Baptist's head here on a platter!" 9 Although the king regretted it, he commanded that it be granted because of his oaths and his guests. 10 So he sent orders and had John beheaded in the prison. 11 His head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother. 12 Then his disciples came, removed the corpse,[c] buried it, and went and reported to Jesus.

Feeding 5,000

13 When Jesus heard about it,(g) He withdrew from there by boat to a remote place to be alone. When the crowds heard this, they followed Him on foot from the towns. 14 As He stepped ashore,[d] He saw a huge crowd, felt compassion for them, and healed their sick.(h)

15 When evening came, the disciples(i) approached Him and said, "This place is a wilderness, and it is already late.[e] Send the crowds away so they can go into the villages and buy food for themselves."

16 "They don't need to go away," Jesus told them. "You give them something to eat."

17 "But we only have five loaves and two fish here," they said to Him.

18 "Bring them here to Me," He said. 19 Then He commanded the crowds to sit down[f] on the grass. He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed them. He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.(j) 20 Everyone ate and was filled. Then they picked up 12 baskets full of leftover pieces!(k) 21 Now those who ate were about 5,000 men, besides women and children.

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