Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

March 1 - Different Topics


Job 17-18

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 17

1 My spirit is broken.
My days are extinguished.
A graveyard(a) awaits me.
2 Surely mockers surround[a] me
and my eyes must gaze at their rebellion.(b)

3 Make arrangements! Put up security for me.[b](c)
Who else will be my sponsor?[c]
4 You have closed their minds to understanding,
therefore You will not honor them.
5 If a man informs on his friends for a price,
the eyes of his children will fail.

6 He has made me an object of scorn to the people;
I have become a man people spit at.[d](d)
7 My eyes have grown dim from grief,
and my whole body has become but a shadow.
8 The upright are appalled(e) at this,
and the innocent are roused against the godless.
9 Yet the righteous person will hold to his way,
and the one whose hands are clean(f) will grow stronger.
10 But come back and try again, all of you.[e]
I will not find a wise man among you.

11 My days have slipped by;
my plans have been ruined,
even the things dear to my heart.
12 They turned night into day
and made light seem near in the face of darkness.(g)
13 If I await Sheol as my home,
spread out my bed in darkness,
14 and say to corruption: You are my father,
and to the maggot: My mother or my sister,(h)
15 where then is my hope?(i)
Who can see any hope for me?
16 Will it go down to the gates of Sheol,(j)
or will we descend together to the dust?

Chapter 18

Bildad Speaks

1 Then Bildad the Shuhite(a) replied:

2 How long until you stop talking?
Show some sense, and then we can talk.
3 Why are we regarded as cattle,
as stupid in your sight?
4 You who tear yourself in anger[a]
should the earth be abandoned on your account,
or a rock be removed from its place?

5 Yes, the light(b) of the wicked(c) is extinguished;
the flame of his fire does not glow.
6 The light in his tent grows dark,(d)
and the lamp beside him is put out.
7 His powerful stride is shortened,
and his own schemes trip him up.(e)
8 For his own feet lead him into a net,
and he strays into its mesh.
9 A trap catches him by the heel;
a noose seizes him.
10 A rope lies hidden for him on the ground,
and a snare waits for him along the path.
11 Terrors frighten him on every side(f)
and harass him at every step.
12 His strength is depleted;
disaster lies ready for him to stumble.[b]
13 Parts of his skin are eaten away;
death's firstborn consumes his limbs.
14 He is ripped from the security of his tent
and marched away to the king of terrors.
15 Nothing he owned remains in his tent.
Burning sulfur(g) is scattered over his home.
16 His roots below dry up,
and his branches above wither away.(h)
17 All memory(i) of him perishes from the earth;
he has no name anywhere.[c]
18 He is driven from light to darkness
and chased from the inhabited world.
19 He has no children or descendants among his people,
no survivor where he used to live.(j)
20 Those in the west are appalled(k) at his fate,
while those in the east tremble in horror.
21 Indeed, such is the dwelling of the unjust man,
and this is the place of the one who does not know God.(l)

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