Lectionary Calendar
Monday, September 16th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Bible Reading Plan

Daily Bible Reading

December 28 - Old & New Testament


Nehemiah 10,11

Resource Toolbox

1 Those whose seals were on the document were:

Nehemiah the governor,(a) son of Hacaliah, and Zedekiah,
2 Seraiah,(b) Azariah, Jeremiah,
3 Pashhur,(c) Amariah, Malchijah,
4 Hattush, Shebaniah, Malluch,
5 Harim, Meremoth, Obadiah,
6 Daniel, Ginnethon, Baruch,
7 Meshullam, Abijah, Mijamin,
8 Maaziah, Bilgai, and Shemaiah.
These were the priests.

9 The Levites(d) were:
Jeshua son of Azaniah,
Binnui of the sons of Henadad, Kadmiel,
10 and their brothers
Shebaniah, Hodiah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan,
11 Mica, Rehob, Hashabiah,
12 Zaccur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah,
13 Hodiah, Bani, and Beninu.

14 The leaders of the people(e) were:
Parosh, Pahath-moab, Elam, Zattu, Bani,
15 Bunni, Azgad, Bebai,
16 Adonijah, Bigvai, Adin,(f)
17 Ater, Hezekiah, Azzur,
18 Hodiah, Hashum, Bezai,
19 Hariph, Anathoth, Nebai,
20 Magpiash, Meshullam, Hezir,
21 Meshezabel, Zadok, Jaddua,
22 Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah,
23 Hoshea, Hananiah,(g) Hasshub,
24 Hallohesh, Pilha, Shobek,
25 Rehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah,
26 Ahijah, Hanan, Anan,
27 Malluch, Harim, Baanah.

28 The rest of the people—the priests, Levites, gatekeepers, singers, and temple servants, along with their wives, sons, and daughters, everyone who is able to understand(h) and who has separated themselves from the surrounding peoples(i) to obey the law of God— 29 join with their noble brothers and commit themselves with a sworn oath[a](j) to follow the law of God given through God's servant Moses(k) and to carefully obey all the commands, ordinances, and statutes of Yahweh our Lord.

Details of the Vow

30 We will not give our daughters in marriage to the surrounding peoples and will not take their daughters as wives for our sons.(l)

31 When the surrounding peoples bring merchandise or any kind of grain to sell on the Sabbath day, we will not buy from them on the Sabbath or a holy day.(m) We will also leave the land uncultivated in the seventh year(n) and will cancel every debt.(o)

32 We will impose the following commands on ourselves:

To give an eighth of an ounce of silver[b] yearly for the service of the house of our God:(p) 33 the bread displayed before the Lord ,[c](q) the daily grain offering, the regular burnt offering, the Sabbath and New Moon offerings,(r) the appointed festivals, the holy things, the sin offerings to atone for Israel,(s) and for all the work of the house of our God.

34 We have cast lots(t) among the priests, Levites, and people for the donation of wood by our ancestral houses at the appointed times each year. They are to bring the wood to our God's house to burn on the altar of the Lord our God,(u) as it is written in the law.

35 We will bring the firstfruits of our land and of every fruit tree to the Lord 's house year by year.(v) 36 We will also bring the firstborn of our sons and our livestock, as prescribed by the law, and will bring the firstborn of our herds and flocks to the house of our God,(w) to the priests who serve in our God's house. 37 We will bring a loaf from our first batch of dough(x) to the priests at the storerooms of the house of our God. We will also bring the firstfruits of our grain offerings, of every fruit tree, and of the new wine and oil.(y) A tenth of our land's produce belongs to the Levites, for the Levites are to collect the one-tenth offering in all our agricultural towns.(z) 38 A priest of Aaronic descent must accompany the Levites when they collect the tenth,(aa) and the Levites must take a tenth of this offering to the storerooms of the treasury in the house of our God.(ab) 39 For the Israelites and the Levites are to bring the contributions of grain, new wine, and oil to the storerooms where the articles of the sanctuary are kept(ac) and where the priests who minister are, along with the gatekeepers and singers. We will not neglect the house of our God.(ad)

Resettling Jerusalem

1 Now the leaders of the people stayed in Jerusalem,(a) and the rest of the people cast lots(b) for one out of ten to come and live in Jerusalem, the holy city,(c) while the other nine-tenths remained in their towns.(d) 2 The people praised all the men who volunteered(e) to live in Jerusalem.

3 These are the heads of the province who stayed in Jerusalem(f) (but in the villages of Judah each lived on his own property in their towns(g)—the Israelites, priests, Levites, temple servants, and descendants of Solomon's servants(h) 4 while some of the descendants of Judah and Benjamin settled in Jerusalem):

Judah's(i) descendants:

Athaiah son of Uzziah, son of Zechariah, son of Amariah, son of Shephatiah, son of Mahalalel, of Perez's descendants; 5 and Maaseiah son of Baruch, son of Col-hozeh, son of Hazaiah, son of Adaiah, son of Joiarib, son of Zechariah, a descendant of the Shilonite. 6 The total number of Perez's descendants, who settled in Jerusalem, was 468 capable men.

7 These were Benjamin's descendants:

Sallu son of Meshullam, son of Joed, son of Pedaiah, son of Kolaiah, son of Maaseiah, son of Ithiel, son of Jeshaiah, 8 and after him Gabbai and Sallai: 928. 9 Joel son of Zichri was the officer over them, and Judah son of Hassenuah was second in command over the city.

10 The priests:

Jedaiah son of Joiarib, Jachin, and 11 Seraiah son of Hilkiah, son of Meshullam, son of Zadok, son of Meraioth, son of Ahitub, the chief official of God's temple, 12 and their relatives who did the work at the temple: 822. Adaiah son of Jeroham, son of Pelaliah, son of Amzi, son of Zechariah, son of Pashhur, son of Malchijah 13 and his relatives, the leaders of families: 242. Amashsai son of Azarel, son of Ahzai, son of Meshillemoth, son of Immer, 14 and their relatives, capable men: 128. Zabdiel son of Haggedolim, was their chief.

15 The Levites:

Shemaiah son of Hasshub, son of Azrikam, son of Hashabiah, son of Bunni; 16 and Shabbethai and Jozabad, from the leaders of the Levites, who supervised the work outside the house of God; 17 Mattaniah son of Mica, son of Zabdi, son of Asaph, the leader who began the thanksgiving in prayer;(j) Bakbukiah, second among his relatives; and Abda son of Shammua, son of Galal, son of Jeduthun.(k) 18 All the Levites in the holy city:(l) 284.

19 The gatekeepers:

Akkub, Talmon, and their relatives, who guarded the gates: 172.

20 The rest of Israel, the priests, and the Levites were in all the villages of Judah, each on his own inherited property.(m) 21 The temple servants lived on Ophel;[a](n) Ziha and Gishpa supervised the temple servants.

The Levites and Priests

22 The leader of the Levites in Jerusalem was Uzzi son of Bani, son of Hashabiah, son of Mattaniah, son of Mica, of the descendants of Asaph, who were singers for the service of God's house. 23 There was, in fact, a command of the king regarding them, and an ordinance regulating[b] the singers'(o) daily tasks. 24 Pethahiah son of Meshezabel, of the descendants of Zerah(p) son of Judah, was the king's(q) agent[c] in every matter concerning the people.

25 As for the farming settlements with their fields:

Some of Judah's descendants lived in Kiriath-arba(r) and its villages,
Dibon(s) and its villages, and Jekabzeel and its villages;
26 in Jeshua, Moladah,(t) Beth-pelet,
27 Hazar-shual, and Beer-sheba(u) and its villages;
28 in Ziklag(v) and Meconah and its villages;
29 in En-rimmon, Zorah,(w) Jarmuth,(x) and
30 Zanoah(y) and Adullam with their villages;
in Lachish(z) with its fields and Azekah(aa) and its villages.
So they settled from Beer-sheba(ab) to the Valley of Hinnom.(ac)

31 Benjamin's descendants:
from Geba,[d](ad) Michmash,(ae) Aija,
and Bethel(af)—and its villages,
32 Anathoth,(ag) Nob,(ah) Ananiah,
33 Hazor,(ai) Ramah,(aj) Gittaim,(ak)
34 Hadid, Zeboim,(al) Neballat,
35 Lod, and Ono,(am) the Valley of Craftsmen.
36 Some of the Judean divisions of Levites were in Benjamin.

Revelation 19

Resource Toolbox

Chapter 19

Celebration in Heaven

1 After this I heard something like the loud voice of a vast multitude in heaven, saying:

Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God,
2 because His judgments are true[a] and righteous,(b)
because He has judged the notorious prostitute
who corrupted the earth with her sexual immorality;
and He has avenged the blood of His slaves
that was on her hands.(c)

3 A second time they said:

Her smoke ascends forever and ever!(d)

4 Then the 24 elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God,(e) who is seated on the throne, saying:

Amen! Hallelujah!(f)

5 A voice came from the throne, saying:

Praise our God,
all His slaves, who fear Him,
both small and great!(g)

Marriage of the Lamb Announced

6 Then I heard something like the voice of a vast multitude, like the sound of cascading waters,(h) and like the rumbling of loud thunder, saying:

Hallelujah, because our Lord God, the Almighty,
has begun to reign!
7 Let us be glad, rejoice, and give Him glory,(i)
because the marriage of the Lamb has come,
and His wife has prepared herself.
8 She was given fine linen to wear, bright and pure.(j)

For the fine linen represents the righteous acts of the saints.(k)

9 Then he[b] said to me,(l) "Write: Those invited to the marriage feast(m) of the Lamb are fortunate!" He also said to me, "These words of God are true." 10 Then I fell at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, "Don't do that! I am a fellow slave with you and your brothers who have the testimony about[c] Jesus.(n) Worship God, because the testimony about Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."[d]

The Rider on a White Horse

11 Then I saw heaven opened,(o) and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True,(p) and He judges and makes war in righteousness.(q) 12 His eyes were like a fiery flame, and many crowns[e] were on His head. He had a name written that no one knows except Himself.(r) 13 He wore a robe stained with blood,[f](s) and His name is the Word of God.(t) 14 The armies that were in heaven followed Him on white horses, wearing pure white linen. 15 A sharp[g] sword(u) came from His mouth, so that He might strike the nations with it.(v) He will shepherd[h] them with an iron scepter.(w) He will also trample the winepress of the fierce anger of God,(x) the Almighty. 16 And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh:



The Beast and His Armies Defeated

17 Then I saw an angel standing on[i] the sun, and he cried out in a loud voice, saying to all the birds flying high overhead, "Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of commanders, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of their riders, and the flesh of everyone, both free and slave, small and great."(z)

19 Then I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies(aa) gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and against His army. 20 But the beast was taken prisoner, and along with him the false prophet, who had performed the signs in his presence. He deceived those who accepted the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image with these signs.(ab) Both of them were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.(ac) 21 The rest were killed with the sword that came from the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh.

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