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Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Passage Lookup: Matthew 14-16

Christian Standard Bible ®CSB
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Matthew 14:1
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At that time(a) Herod the tetrarch(b) heard the report about Jesus.
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:2
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"This is John the Baptist!" he told his servants. "He has been raised from the dead, and that's why supernatural powers are at work in him."(c)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:3
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For Herod had arrested John, chained[a] him, and put him in prison on account of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife,(d)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:4
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since John had been telling him, "It's not lawful(e) for you to have her!"
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:5
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Though he wanted to kill him, he feared the crowd, since they regarded him as a prophet.(f)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:6
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But when Herod's birthday celebration came, Herodias's daughter danced before them[b] and pleased Herod.
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:7
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So he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask.
Matthew 14:8
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And prompted by her mother, she answered, "Give me John the Baptist's head here on a platter!"
Matthew 14:9
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Although the king regretted it, he commanded that it be granted because of his oaths and his guests.
Matthew 14:10
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So he sent orders and had John beheaded in the prison.
Matthew 14:11
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His head was brought on a platter and given to the girl, who carried it to her mother.
Matthew 14:12
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Then his disciples came, removed the corpse,[c] buried it, and went and reported to Jesus.
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:13
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When Jesus heard about it,(g) He withdrew from there by boat to a remote place to be alone. When the crowds heard this, they followed Him on foot from the towns.
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:14
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As He stepped ashore,[d] He saw a huge crowd, felt compassion for them, and healed their sick.(h)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:15
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When evening came, the disciples(i) approached Him and said, "This place is a wilderness, and it is already late.[e] Send the crowds away so they can go into the villages and buy food for themselves."
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:16
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"They don't need to go away," Jesus told them. "You give them something to eat."
Matthew 14:17
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"But we only have five loaves and two fish here," they said to Him.
Matthew 14:18
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"Bring them here to Me," He said.
Matthew 14:19
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Then He commanded the crowds to sit down[f] on the grass. He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed them. He broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.(j)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:20
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Everyone ate and was filled. Then they picked up 12 baskets full of leftover pieces!(k)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:21
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Now those who ate were about 5,000 men, besides women and children.
Matthew 14:22
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Immediately(l) He[g] made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side, while He dismissed the crowds.
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:23
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After dismissing the crowds, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone.(m)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:24
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But the boat was already over a mile[h] from land,[i] battered by the waves, because the wind was against them.
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:25
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Around three in the morning,[j] He came toward them walking on the sea.(n)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:26
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When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified. "It's a ghost!" they said, and cried out in fear.
Matthew 14:27
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Immediately Jesus spoke to them. "Have courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." (o)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:28
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"Lord, if it's You," Peter answered Him, "command me to come to You on the water."
Matthew 14:29
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"Come!" He said. And climbing out of the boat, Peter started walking on the water and came toward Jesus.
Matthew 14:30
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But when he saw the strength of the wind,[k] he was afraid. And beginning to sink he cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:31
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Immediately Jesus reached out His hand, caught hold of him, and said to him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" (p)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:32
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When they got into the boat, the wind ceased.
Matthew 14:33
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Then those in the boat worshiped Him and said, "Truly You are the Son of God!"(q)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:34
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Once they crossed over,(r) they came to land at Gennesaret.(s)
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:35
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When the men of that place recognized Him, they alerted[l] the whole vicinity and brought to Him all who were sick.
Cross References:  
Matthew 14:36
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They were begging Him that they might only touch the tassel on His robe. And as many as touched it were made perfectly well.(t)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:1
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Then(a) Pharisees and scribes came from Jerusalem to Jesus and asked,(b)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:2
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"Why do Your disciples(c) break the tradition of the elders? For they don't wash their hands when they eat!"[a](d)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:3
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He answered them, "And why do you break God's commandment because of your tradition?
Matthew 15:4
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For God said: [b] Honor your father and your mother; (e)[c] and, The one who speaks evil of father or mother must be put to death. (f)[d]
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:5
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But you say, ‘Whoever tells his father or mother, "Whatever benefit you might have received from me is a gift committed to the temple"—
Matthew 15:6
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he does not have to honor his father.'[e] In this way, you have revoked God's word[f] because of your tradition.
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:7
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Hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you when he said:
Matthew 15:8
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These people [g] honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:9
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They worship Me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commands of men. " (g)[h]
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:10
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Summoning the crowd, He told them, "Listen and understand:
Matthew 15:11
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It's not what goes into the mouth that defiles(h) a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." (i)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:12
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Then the disciples came up and told Him, "Do You know that the Pharisees took offense when they heard this statement?"
Matthew 15:13
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He replied, "Every plant that My heavenly Father didn't plant will be uprooted.(j)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:14
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Leave them alone! They are blind guides.[i] And if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit." (k)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:15
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Then Peter replied to Him, "Explain this parable to us."(l)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:16
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"Are even you still lacking in understanding?" He[j] asked.
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:17
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"Don't you realize[k] that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach and is eliminated?[l]
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:18
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But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a man.(m)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:19
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For from the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual immoralities, thefts, false testimonies,(n) blasphemies.(o)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:20
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These are the things that defile a man, but eating with unwashed hands does not defile a man." (p)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:21
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When Jesus left there,(q) He withdrew to the area of Tyre and Sidon.(r)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:22
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Just then a Canaanite woman from that region came and kept crying out,[m] "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is cruelly tormented by a demon."(s)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:23
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Yet He did not say a word to her. So His disciples(t) approached Him and urged Him, "Send her away because she cries out after us."[n]
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:24
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He replied, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (u)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:25
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But she came, knelt before Him, and said, "Lord, help me!"
Matthew 15:26
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He answered, "It isn't right to take the children's bread and throw it to their dogs." (v)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:27
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"Yes, Lord," she said, "yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table!"
Matthew 15:28
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Then Jesus replied to her, "Woman, your faith is great. Let it be done for you as you want." And from that moment[o] her daughter was cured.(w)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:29
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Moving on from there,(x) Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee.(y) He went up on a mountain and sat there,
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:30
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and large crowds came to Him, having with them the lame, the blind, the deformed, those unable to speak, and many others. They put them at His feet, and He healed them.
Matthew 15:31
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So the crowd was amazed when they saw those unable to speak talking, the deformed restored, the lame walking, and the blind seeing.(z) And they gave glory to the God of Israel.
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:32
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Now Jesus summoned His disciples and said,(aa) "I have compassion on the crowd, because they've already stayed with Me three days and have nothing to eat. I don't want to send them away hungry; otherwise they might collapse on the way."
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:33
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The disciples said to Him, "Where could we get enough bread in this desolate place(ab) to fill such a crowd?"
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:34
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"How many loaves do you have?" Jesus asked them. "Seven," they said, "and a few small fish."
Matthew 15:35
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After commanding the crowd to sit down on the ground,
Matthew 15:36
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He took the seven loaves and the fish, and He gave thanks, broke them, and kept on giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.(ac)
Cross References:  
Matthew 15:37
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They all ate and were filled. Then they collected the leftover pieces—seven large baskets full.
Matthew 15:38
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Now those who ate were 4,000 men, besides women and children.
Matthew 15:39
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After dismissing the crowds, He got into the boat and went to the region of Magadan.[p](ad)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:1
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The Pharisees and Sadducees approached,(a) and as a test, asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.(b)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:2
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He answered them: "When evening comes you say, ‘It will be good weather because the sky is red.'
Matthew 16:3
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And in the morning, ‘Today will be stormy because the sky is red and threatening.' You[a] know how to read the appearance of the sky, but you can't read the signs of the times.[b]
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:4
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An evil and adulterous generation demands a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of[c] Jonah." (c) Then He left them and went away.
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:5
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The disciples reached the other shore,[d] and they had forgotten to take bread.
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:6
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Then Jesus told them, "Watch out and beware of the yeast[e] of the Pharisees and Sadducees." (d)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:7
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And they discussed among themselves, "We didn't bring any bread."
Matthew 16:8
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Aware of this, Jesus said, "You of little faith!(e) Why are you discussing among yourselves that you do not have bread?
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:9
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Don't you understand yet? Don't you remember the five loaves for the 5,000 and how many baskets you collected?
Matthew 16:10
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Or the seven loaves for the 4,000 and how many large baskets you collected?(f)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:11
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Why is it you don't understand that when I told you, ‘Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,' it wasn't about bread?"(g)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:12
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Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the yeast in bread, but of the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.(h)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:13
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When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi,[f](i) He asked His disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" [g]
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:14
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And they said, "Some say John the Baptist; others, Elijah; still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."(j)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:15
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"But you," He asked them, "who do you say that I am?"
Matthew 16:16
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Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!"(k)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:17
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And Jesus responded, "Simon son of Jonah, [h](l) you are blessed because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father in heaven.(m)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:18
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And I also say to you that you are Peter,[i] and on this rock[j] I will build My church,(n) and the forces[k] of Hades will not overpower it.
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:19
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I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,(o) and whatever you bind on earth is already bound[l] in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is already loosed[m] in heaven."
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:20
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And He gave the disciples orders to tell no one that He was[n] the Messiah.(p)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:21
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From(q) then on Jesus began to point out to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders, chief priests, and scribes, be killed, and be raised the third day.(r)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:22
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Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, "Oh no,[o] Lord! This will never happen to You!"
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:23
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But He turned and told Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me because you're not thinking about God's concerns,[p] but man's." (s)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:24
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Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me.(t)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:25
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For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it.(u)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:26
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What will it benefit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his life? Or what will a man give in exchange for his life? (v)
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:27
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For the Son of Man is going to come with His angels in the glory of His Father,(w) and then He will reward each according to what he has done.
Cross References:  
Matthew 16:28
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I assure you: There are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom." (x)
Cross References:  
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