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Saturday, September 21st, 2024
the Week of Proper 19 / Ordinary 24
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Dickinson, Richard William, D.D.
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Dickson David
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the family name of several Scotch clergymen:

1. DAVID (1), A.M., was regent in Glasgow University; admitted assistant minister at Irvine, March 31, 1618; proposed for Edinburgh in October 1620; deprived by the High Court of Commission, January 10, 1622, and confined in Turriff for opposing the Articles of Perth, but permitted to return in July 1623. In the discharge of his official duties he secured the esteem of the gentry, nobles, and parishioners. For employing two of his countrymen in 1637, who were under Irish Episcopal ban, he was again tried by the High Commission. The same year he refused to accept the service-book attempted to be obtruded. He was a member of the assembly in 1638, appointed chaplain to the Ayrshire regiment in 1639, and the same year was elected moderator of the General Assembly He was translated to the professorship of divinity in Glasgow University, January 30, 1640; admitted to the Cathedral Church, Glasgow, May 18, 1640, but. attended only one meeting of session, and a commissioner was appointed, March 29, 1649, to appear against his translation to Edinburgh. He was appointed to the second charge at Edinburgh, April 12, 1650, and held the professorship of divinity in conjunction.

He was elected, a second time, moderator of the General Assembly, July 21, 1652; deprived in October, and died in December 1662, aged seventy-eight years. As a preacher, he was the most popular and powerful of his day, and his services at Irvine were crowned with wonderful success. He took a foremost part at the Glasgow Assembly in 1638, in the overthrow of episcopacy. When the Church divided into Resolutioners and Protesters, he took part with the former. He published, A Treatise on the Promises (Dublin, 1630): Explanation of the Epistle to the Hebrews (Aberdeen, 1635): Expositio Analytica Omnium Apostolicarumn Epistolarum (Glasgow, 1645): True Christian Love, in verse (1649): Exposition of the Gospel of Matthew (Lond. 1651): Explanation of the Psalms (ibid. 1653-55, 3 vols.): Therapeutica Sacra (Edinb. 1656; transl. ibid. 1664): A Commentary on the Epistles (Lond. 1659): Praelectiones in Confessionem Fidei (fol. transl.): Truth's Victory over Error (Lond. 1658): several pamphlets in the disputes with the doctors of Aberdeen (4to), and some in defence of the public resolutions. The Directory for Public Worship was drawn up by him, with the assistance of Alexander Henderson and David Calderwood, and The Sum of Saving Knowledge, by him, in conjunction with James Durham. He also published some minor poems: The Christian Sacrifice, and O Mother Dear, Jerusalem, See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, 1:27; 2:8, 153.

2. DAVID (2), D.D., a native of Kilbucho, graduated at Edinburgh University, May 22, 1734; was licensed to preach, August 16, 1744; presented to the living at Newlands in June, 1755, and ordained March 31, 1756; deposed March 2, 1763, but restored in June; suspended from the ministry, and finally deposed, April 22, 1767, contested his claim for stipend, and obtained decisior in his favor in February 1768. He died April 9, 1780, aged seventy years. He published A Letter to the Reverend; Mr. Kinloch (Edinburgh, 1750): A Letter to the Reverend John Adams (ibid. eod.). See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, 1:253.

3. DAVID (3), third son of the preceding was educated at the parish school of West Linton, the grammar-school at Peebles, and the universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. He was licensed to preach in August, 1775; appointed assistant and successor at Liberton, and ordained May 1, 1777; transferred to Bothkennar, April 23, 1783; was brought forward as a candidate for St. Cuthbert's in 1785; accepted a call to Canongate Chapel of Ease, October 1, 1795, as the first minister there; was transferred to Trinity College, Edinburgh, February 27, 1799; promoted November 30, 1801, to New North Church, and died August 3, 1820, aged sixty-six years. He published four single Sermons (Edinburgh, 1779-1819): Sermons Preached on Different Occasions (ibid. 1818): Gospel Tidings: An Account of Bothkennar. See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, 1:33, 69, 91, 226; 2:695.

4. DAVID (4), D.D., eldest son of the foregoing, was educated at the parish school of Bothkennar, and at Edinburgh University; was licensed to preach in December 1801; called in January, and ordained March 10, 1802, minister of the second charge, Kilmarnock; presented to St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, March 29, 1803, and died July 28, 1842, aged sixty-two years. He. was indefatigable and zealous in promoting benevolent and missionary societies, and was secretary of the Scottish Missionary Society for many years. He published five single Sermons (Edinburgh, 1806-31): Discourses Doctrinal and Practical (1837): edited Memoir of Miss Fanny Woodbury (1826): Sermons by the Reverend W.F. Ireland, D.D. (1829): Lectures and Sermons by the Reverend George B. Brand (1841), and communicated several articles to the Edinburgh Cyclopaedia, Christian Instructor, and other periodical works. See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, 1:127; 2:177.

5. ROBERT, D.D., was licensed to preach December 4, 1782; presented by the magistrates and kirk session to the living of the second charge, South Leith, in January, and ordained July 17, 1787; translated to the first charge, September 29, 1790, and died January 25, 1824, aged sixty-five years. His discourses were marked by Scriptural research, a vigorous understanding, a chaste, nervous style, and an energetic expression. See Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, 1:102, 103, 108.

Bibliography Information
McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Dickson'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. https://www.studylight.org/​encyclopedias/​eng/​tce/​d/dickson.html. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.
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